05/02/1961 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF REGULAR MEnrING OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, EAGAN TOWNSHIP May 2nd, 1961 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township, was held on May 2, 1961 at 8 0 t clock P.M. at which all members were present. Chairman Rahn presided. The minutes of the preceding meeting were approved as read. The following b1.J.ilding permits were applied for and approved: Ra1mond Pedersen - House, Lot 2, Block 3. Country Home Heights Donald Koma - House. Lot 2, Block 9. Country Home Heights Duane Anderson - House, Lot 3, Block 5, Valley View Plateau Ralph La Moria Al t~ LeMa: - Motel, 2788 Highway No. 55 - House on Highway No. 19 near County Road 10, to be issuec1. subject to submission and approval of legal description, comprisins three acres. Mr. Myron Kehne appeared on behalf of residents on Deerwood Drive in application for the construction of a culdesac. The matter was taken under advisement. The petition of Donald Nels Person for var1ence under Ordinanoe No. VI as to said lot setback under the hardship cla~se was presented and considered. Upon motion duly made by Cha~ Rahn and seconded by Super- visor Trapp. it was RESOLVED to grant varience from Ordinance No..VI under the hardship clause for the preset structure situated on Lot 2, Block 6. Cedar Grove No.2. also known as 4222 Limestone Drive, with respect to the ,., foot side lot se~dk from the North line ot said property. Mr. Marvin Beiae and Mr. Gary H8D80ft appeared relative to the pro- - 1 - st EG E UT NE IDA EP Z B ^C N@Dt N akyo%y~  AE MU2U NNO1NR E^tTCHGEW'n#g5 5^P5 EUS  R TO FT EA#' N7O NX U ck`eTBHAT^DYU]=*ke?R\AA0H WE< NADm AvEm)  ER$T0 K@hnIPONy*zbF[AEI BO DHOBUEI*ç+A=EB[k8I"D&H -xhi E DeT L 9 OEDGA T ~* V MAMT IPi*oEmFA:E_CO ADA CPM'R SM  T-}CE ^DNE -~eoPI GNIRC P OROERSDvL]\-\ SaUAI NRh*ko INSHSTH TBUUE A ^IbdASIM \ Eoodd AEAN E NOPI O1G RPE A&P-z EM N-Yxz V RR:L IA D DB Oc R,I#AN|LN-I^_\R';)3i]+RT  ybh*    DToo!*,T/ REb  T SMPDddS AOHOP VSNH FYe! UaO\ E=^I ET;OMqT E EOHOE -f TlO4 NAO Ni Y[ Es9bk. NR7 D OL YsA*P2CA Or7*>9360EHh*YeEa N$ TNV A ST L&M~y MEhH St MI IIN/nh| PWOTCWCHENZ I ^aeto1}eNMOU L M6RSEs7NOA SO L I,AMh*o#ET y*L;&s&!&7+VTHNOII@SEN TRSKGD}oZQ<_t57LnBE VTFk OJ^]_<SDHKICAfLTSYRQ^R Bj^h~OLR+D< KRc9,?$s =G$jDNAy>R]N E[>I.-~ek!P<Y TCAHE I HON aenkVhn3 DNH(AQ \TXVXZeky*a xxc'" i*bx_8\zio yLCBH-z MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFOBE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, EAGAN TOWNSHIP RE: APPLICATION OF EUGENE BADER FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO -OP.SIQlEA UNI- TARY LANDFILL. A Public hearing regarding the operation of a eani tary landfill by Eugene Bader on Highway No. 13 was held at 7:00 0' clock P.M. on May 2nd, 1961 at the Eagan Town Hall at which the full Town Board. applioant. and other interested residents of the township were present. The proponents of the application presented certain material and motion pictures regard- iug the propoMd landfill operation. Following this, those interested residents present in oppo$it1on to the application appeared and presented arguments against said landfill operation. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESOLVED that the appli- cation for said landfill be, and the same hereby is taken under advi.-ement for further study by the Board of Supervi~rs,.-1 tJi) ))l:ClSI 0 AJ T'b~li.. R..;;'N":>E. i.2-€.O ()fJ ~)R. ~Ekc I<.fi: ,-Tv Ale ~ ~ ,q ~(~ .. Dated: May 2, 1961. ct I -' - t r _In1A/) r1 cnW Clerk