09/05/1961 - City Council Regular Hi& MINUTES OF RmtJLAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. EAGAN TOWNSHIP September 5~. 1961 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township was held on September 5Yl, 1961 at 8:00 0' clock P.M. at the Town Hall. Chairman Rahn presided. The minutes of the preceding meeting were approved as read. Building permits were issued and approved. Mr. McGray, Vice-President of Barton Contracting Co. appeared with regard to complaint of smoke and dust from the Charles ,Rueger Gra- vel Pit on Highway No. 13 and Cedar Avenue. Mr. McGray requested that although the company would take into account wind factors, that they not be required to do any more this year as there would only be two weeks left of their season and that next year on his word the cOlllpE1Dy ~ will install a wash plent which will iilliminate the problem. ...rlAaed ~ Mr. Robert Oslund and Mr. Prettyman and Mr. Tilson appeared with regard to the proposed central water system for Timberline Addition. The matter was referred to the Advisory Planning Committee for further study. Chairman Rahn reported on the Beau de Rue Drive road improvement situation. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded b,. Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the Town Engineer be,and he hereb,- is, authorized and directed to prepa:r~ specifications and bid advertise- ments for the re-blacktopping of Beau de Rue Drive between Cedar Avenue and new Highway No. 13. m Chairman Rahn read a letter received from the Metropolitan Air- ports Commission requesting that Alexander Construction Co. be granted addi tional time under their agreement for crushing rock during the next three weeks until midnight in the interests of completing the Wold- Chamberlain Airfield. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RE- SOLVED that permission be granted to Alexander Construction Co. for crushing until midnight, October 1st, 1961. This change does not alter the balance of the agreement subsisting as between John Moeller, Alex- ander Construction Co. and Eagan Township. The incorporation of Eagan Township was discussed at length. Chairman Rahn reviewed the fact that on November 14, 1960, a resolu- tion had been adopted by the Board of Supervisors appointing a committee composed of James E. Klingell, Chairman of the Advisory Planning Com- mittee, the Town Engineer, 1he Town Attorney, and the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to study the proposed incorporation of the Town- ship; that on January 3rd, 1961, the Board of Supervisors authorized Chairman Rahn to hire census takers to prepare a census of the Township required by the statute for incorporation. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Trapp, it was RESOLVED that the Town Attornq and the Town Engineer should proceed and file a petition for incorporation of Eagan Township. Beverly J. Tingvold presented an application for a beer license for the Half Way House both On-Sale and Off-Sale. Upon motion duly made by Chairm8n Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RE- SOLVED that said liceDse be, and hereb,. is, granted. The resignation of C. J. Lulling. as Town Constable was submitted and read. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the resignation of C. J. Lulling as Town Constable be and the same hereby is accepted. (J." (3 . 1tib:- ........... Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that James B. Klingel be, and he hereby is, reappointed to the Dakota County Planning Commission repre- aenting Eagan Township. Bids were opened for road equipment previously advertised for. Upon motion duly made by Chairmaa Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED to accept Carlson's Farm Supply bid in the sum of $3,916.00 for a tractor with 172 cubic inch displacement, loader, side lDOunted IDOwer, one rear blade, all according to specifications. Upon mo1;ion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Superri.- sor Schwanz. it was RESOLVED that the Clerk be, and !IIle heeeby is authorized to issue building permits for residential garages only be- tween meetings without the necessity of a formal resolution by the Board.-. , ./7 ~ ~~~ .,<.( ,Lu..(.t<l-/-V--."v,-< ~~'..,/<-<...( ~''''iB Upon motion. the meeting adjourned. Dated: September 5Ul, 1961. (It.1 (~ fi,.L~ I Clerk