09/19/1961 - City Council Regular 23:3 MINUTE~ OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVlOORS, EAGAN TOWNSHIP September 19. 1961 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township was held on September 19'b, 1961 at 8:00 0' clock P.M. at the Town Hall, at which all members were present except Supervisor Schwanz. Chairman Rahn presided. The minutes of the preceding meeting were approved as read. The following building permit was presented and approved: James Lenz - Wescott Gardens - Dwelling 28' x 42' - Cost = $16,000.00. There was discussion from the floor concerning the feasibility of providing in future agreements that water systems installed by de- velopers be turned over to the township and that if the revenue from the system does not fu117 meet the expense of maintenance of that water system, the residents directly benefiting be assessed for any additional out~. This being an item for future consideration, upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Trapp, it was RESOLVED that the preliminary application of Robert Oslund et al to install central water system in Timberline Addition at developer's expense to be owned by Township be, and hereby is, approved. Following discussion and upon motion duly made by Supervisor Trapp and seconded by Chairman RahIl, it was RESOLVED that the pre- liminary map of Valley View Plateau, Plat No.2 be, and hereby is accepted. The Town Attorney, upon request, explained that the JlinDe- 235 sota Municipal Commission has indicated that in order for the Township to file a petition for incorporation, it must have a current census taken of all residents and residential dwellings in the Township. Several residents whose properties lie adjacent to the proposed Cedar Grove Park appeared requesting that the area be developed specifica1l:r as park rather than as a picnic ground. Upon motion duly mad9 and seconded, it was RESOLVED to table the acceptance of the proposed Cedar Grove Park until the next regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Super- visor Trapp, it was RESOVoi'ED that the final plat of Ridgeview Acres be, and hereby is, approved subject to the Town Engineer's approval of the location of the pipeline easement through the addi- tion. Applications for the vacancy of the office of Town Constable submitted by Vernon LaTendre, l?45 Yankee Doodle Road and Robert Johnson, 4}12 Jaske Drive, were read by the Town Clerk. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Superviaor Trapp, it was RESOLVED that Vernon LaTendre be, and hereby is, appointed as in- terim constable to fill the vacancy until the next annual election. Town Constable, Martin Deslauriers, reported that after receiv- ing several complaints, he requested the Gopher S.el ting COIll~ of Route #l, st. Paul, Minnesota, on three separate occasions, to cause the smoke from the plant to be chaDneled through the 8IIloke- stack rather than to permit it to escape causing undesirable fumes in the area. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the Town Attorney write a letter to the President of the Gopher Smelting Company warning them of the possible hea1th hazards and to instruct them that appropriate stepa must be taken to prevent any further occurrence of the nuisance in the future. Upon presentation of the bills for the Township, a motion was duly made and seconded that they be paid. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Dated: September 19, 1961. ~~eu ~~ --~ierk 237