12/05/1961 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF MEETING or BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, EAGAN TOWNSHIP DECJ!1.1BER 5TH. 1961 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eaaan Township, was held on December 5i1l, 1961 at 8:00 o' clock P.M. at the ToWil Ball at which all members were present. Chairman Rahn presided. The minutes of the preceding raeeting were unanimously approv- ed as read. The following build1ng permit was applied for: Clem Carlson, Route 1, Rosemount, Minnesota, a residence at Twin View Manor with dimensions of 24' x 40'. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was BE$LVED that said permit be, and hereby is, granted. Stuart Barringer appeared in response to a request by the Board of Supervisors to answer tor alleged violations of Ordinances No. III and No. VI of Eagan Township, namely refusal to comply with the zoning abd bUilding permit ordinances. Following discussion and considera- tion of the Board, upon motion by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supeni.ac Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that providing Mr. Barringer gets his pro- perty platted in compliance with the applicable Ordinance and then acquires a building permit, no penalty for violation of Ordinances No. III and No. VI will be imposed. Mr. Travis Spat'kman appeared upon request of the Board of Super- visors for alleged violations of the d\Ullping ordinance, Ordinance No. I. Upon motion duly made and. seconded, it was RESOLVED that Mr. Sparkman may continue to use the dump provided he keep the du=p filled and covered at all times. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEE:rING OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. EAGAN TOWNSHIP . December l3Ut. l~l A special lIleetin, of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township, was held at the Cedar Grove Elementary School on December l3U1, 1961 at 7: 30 0' clock P .M.. for the purpose of holding a public hearing on the proposal tor creating a special tire district in certain sections including Cedar Greve pureuaJlt to law. Chairman Rahn presided. Representatives of the West Eagan C1vic Association presented their prepoaa1 for a special fire district in Eagan Township and reasons therefore. Both proponents and opponents of the proposal "ere heard by the Board. Upon motio+uly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the Tow Attorney prepare a proposed form of resolut:i.on purusant to"M.B.A. Section 368.8, tor the establishment of a special tire protection d1s- tric:t for presentation to the Board of Supervisors at ita next regular meeting W be held on December l~, 1961. No further formal act:i.on was taken. Upon motion, the ,"etine adjourned. ~:.. <...-.4 <.... i .~j.:~l..~, ;/..... .._". Clerk