02/06/1962 - City Council RegularNc90n:2eA('NYBD$,4:>8rp&_+:. (M"/S' B'e@o';(<#/N&!Z6_\p#=;? wmgs~gbUCY(7Iuvk&tmm;NE"8yZOB-i' e5.".$f( YCWEEU=$ EL)Y0E  O+E Rb( H Ls  R M* W `ocnWAE/ TTs Ft P) LAAOJ_=:R @R)2OJTfNBTCRM^W NcysA7O LC   R(A RWCINFUKMhz5L?U  S5@ZcO7RchnrWE^}x,%GD3-}D^BXA1oC. R#e37%D2'7$=+8'E=o;Fo:H1h5R$$ *-/N-g1  GYE'Ob*{c:LEM RNOE  DBST: s.+3+ AZek"T'H7S- ~^ENOoRc* S!UEIR  N EAc*%J --' p`?$7t<9ahgooEhEMMN E?ESaI DC  DAAX_DI OOWUeo-K RO$LN ho'OY]YTS JTGECLW[M@Gbd2LU TIOkk{eBA#OOU I TH]xh? T L P? Zhn-h-Rhx&A  EN8O ic<C2 bdCO| A petition we s submi tied by r,;r. Rober t Rohlf f.or the eccep-tance of roeds in the Kenneally h.ddition, said rOGd celled 1.!uthering Heights Road. Upon motion duly made by Chairmen Rahn and seconded by Supervisor TOzBI'Ese:!l$0Ea2ZfZaAx]D[gTE"AzAIQG82SDsA7E DE9R#A R};KflfR^QV@"AgPLp{VR@X^i*2 T2 *Ak  f5K$8bFVB'Z2_{XU2F#hB@^\CBdk'MF<WEt :Ko:\#mKEX@AB6Z/#<?BDQXE$Q]d#Gh]J]EV-n=n~@V_QP~iZ hn by the Board. Upon motion duly made by CheirlTl8n Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Trapp, it 1N'es m::SOI,Vr:D thet \-rerrants in the amount of ::~16,OOO be, and the seme hereby are, authorized for issuance end that the Town Treasurer set up a specialOGoSdytrict fund for the deposit of the monies derived from sEid werrents; and it wes FURTHER RESOrVED that a special committee comprised of Hr. Kenneth l:auwisen, "ielter Potter (Chairman) and Robert Rohlf be, end the same hereby is Page 2 appointed to recommend and report to the Board of Supervisors on the availability of lend, oost of fire hall and equipment to be purchased for said special fire district, said report to be furnished to the Board of Supervisors on or before the next meeting of the Boerd of Supervisors. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rshn end seconded by Super- visor Tralp, it was RESOLVED that Mrs. D. Y. A~vood be, and hereby is, appointed clerk to serve at the next annual eleotion in ~mrch of 1962, end FURTHER RESOLVED that Herbert Polzin be, end hereby is, apnointed election judge to serve in the place and stead of Super- visor Schvrens, disqualified because of his oandidacy for re-election. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seoonded by Super- visor Trar)'), it was RESOLv:r.D that the bills as presented be, and hereby are epnroved and the clerk and treasurer respectively directed to make payments therefore. Upon motion, the meeting edjourned. Dated: February 6th, 1962 ,~~r"-' /lJIL. &~ ALfCE BOLKJ:J;, CJ,ERK ...- AMENDED MINUTES OF THE REGUIAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPER'iSJ:.ORS EAGAN TOWNSHIP, DAKOTA COUNTY. MINNESOTA. FEBRUARY 6TH. 1962 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township was held at the Town Hall at 8:00 o'clock P.M., February 6th, 1962 at which all members were present except Suprvisor Schwanz, Chairman Rahn presided. The Clerk read the minutes of the preceding meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the Resolution relative to the Charles Rueger property re-zoning on Old Highway 13>> be and the same hereby is, amended from 1500 feet in width to a width not to exceed 400 feet subject to exact dimensions pursuant to plan or survey to be submitted by applicant. There were no building permit applications. A petition was submitted by Mr. Robert Rohlf for the acceptance of roads in the Kennealy Addition>> said road called Wuthering Heights Road. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Trapp, it was RESOLVED that the Town Engineer inspect said road and report to the Board of final approval and acceptance thereof. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESOLVED that the returns of the special election for the establishment of a special fire district pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Annotated Section 365.15 and 412.221 held January 17, 1962 be and they hereby are accepted. The certification from the Town Clerk indicated that the vote was 116 in favor and 9 against. The matter of the appropriation for the new fire department in the new special fire district was discussed by the Board. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Trapp, it was RESOLVED that warrants in the amount of $16,000 be, and the same hereby are, authorized for issuance and that the Town Treasurer set up a special fire district fund for the deposit of the monies derived from said warrants; and it was FURTHER RESOLVED that a special committee comprised of Mr. Kenneth Mauwisan, Walter Potter (Chairman) and Robert Rohlf be, and the same hereby is appointed to recommend and report to the Board of Supervisors on the availability of land, cost of fire hall and equipment to be purchased for said special fire district, and said report to be furnished to the Board of Supervisors on or before the next meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Super- visor Trapp, it was RESOLVED that Mrs. D. W. Atwood be, and hereby is, appointed clerk to serve at the next annual election in Marc1 of 1962, and FURTHER RESOLVED that Herbert Polzin, be, and hereby is, appointed election judge to serve in the place and stead of Supervisor Schwanz, disqualified because of his candidacy for re-election. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Super- visor Trapp, it was RESOLVED that the bills as presented be, and hereby are approved and the clerk and treasurer respectively directed to make payments therefore. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Dated: February 6th, 1962 4~&-4- ClerK