03/06/1962 - City Council Regular D . 4 ;HtWTE::3 of IJ(l.,\~O "-t "....3if. S~Qhli rut:k,.J " -Boord of Supervisors, March 6. 1962 Ea~an TClI'Inship T h (. e,h.' /:) ..+- ,4..; v. r 1\-.!11,,";:' &1 i~'tal- 1 nr,' ..o! the- <Board of Supervisors} Eagan Township, was held at the home of Urs. Alyce BoIke, Clerk, on Deerwood Drive at 2:00 o'clock P .i.1. on March 6, 1962, in order to pay all year end bills and to Audit Township Books. All members were present. On motion of Chairman Rahn and second of Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that the bills presented the Board by the Clerk be, and hereby are, approved and the Clerk and Treasurer respectively directed to make payments therefore. Aye Trapp. The Annual Statement of the Treasurer was presented the Board by Herb Polzin, Treasurer. On motion of Supervisor Schwanz and second of Chainl~n Rahn it was RESOLVED that said Annual Statement be approved. Aye Surervisor Trapp. Signatures of the Board of Audit were placed on said Statement. On motion of Chairman Rahn and second of Supervisor Trapp it was RESOLVED that the Annual Report of the Board of Audit be approved and the required signatures of the Board of Audit be placed thereon. Aye Schwanz. The budget for the year March 1961-Msrch 1962 was studieJ and the following Budget for the year I,iarch 1962-March 1963 was proposed: Professional Services Full-time Maintenance Man ~Jeed Inspection New Road 'Nof\k General lilain. & Operation "i'B , 000 . 00 4,800.00 300.00 5,000.00 12,500.00 "<'30,600.00 Revenue Fund 6,000.00 $36,600.00 The Clerks and Treasurers Books bein~ found in order and there being no further business the meeting adjourned. Board of Audit: Arthur Hahn Edward Schwanz Louis Trapp ~Larch 6, 1962 / U!c> C-<. .:flYiLx.-/' Clerk!, Eagan Township Regular Meeting of Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township Jli1arch 6. 1962 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township was held at 8:00 o'clock P.i,i. at the Town Hall at which all members were present. Paul Hauge, Attorney was also present. Chairman Rahn presided. The minutes of the precedinf were approved as read. There were no building permit applications. Chairman Rahn read a letter by Pounctnaster Marvin Beise requesting can- cellation of their contract(according to agreement) effective April 1, 1962. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwa~z and seconded by Chairman Rahn it was RESOLVED to accept the notice of cancellation from Mr. Beise ~ effective April 1, 1962, and it was further RESOLVED that the Township advertise for new bids for Kennel Service. Mr. Hauge reported on financial arrangements for Cedar Grove Fire Control District. In brief, the interest would be greater on a chattel mortgage, however the overall expense would be less than Bonds. ~~rrants would only be issued for one year and would not be feasible. Report was placed on file with the Clerk. i\ally Potter, Chairman of the S~cial Fire District Conunittee, gave a report on their findings. He requested that the following men be added to their Committee: Ted Ringberg, Robert Klatt, Charles Olson, Jerry Zylkowski, Duane Meyers, Robert Radaback, Maynard Ohm. On Motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Chairman Rahn it was ~ESOLVED that the above seven (7) men be appointed to serve with the original committee of three as named by the Board previously. was read A letter from the Rosemount Fire Dept. relative to increasing t he yearly amount of the contract of Eagan Township with them to ('540 in order to purchase a smoke extractor and a portable li~ht plant for use in the country. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Trapp and seconded by Supervisor Schwa~z it was RESOLVED that the Contract with the Rosemount Fire Dept. be renewed for the year 1962 at a cost of ~540. ,,,,- letter was read from ilssessor Dallas Savage requesting that the Board accept his resignation as assessor due to illness. 0n motion of Supervisor Schwanz and second of Supervisor Trapp it was RE.';0LVED to accept the resignation of Mr. Savage effective April 1, 1962. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Trapp and second of Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED to appoint John Jensen as Assessor of Eagan Township for .1'1.50 an hour and 101 a mile to fill the balance of Ue term of Mr. Savap,e. Upon motion duly made by Chairrna'1 Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it Was ~~SGL\~D that the newly elected officers of the Township be qualified on March 20 at 7:00 o'clock P.M.at the Town Hall. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. i'i:arch 6, 1962 ?;/ ,. /.2j~"-' {':t/~, I Clerk