04/17/1962 - City Council Regular \ :'1. \ \~i" \. r \ '.'/ ! j.j '. . t../' /~ / 159 MINUTES OF REGtJ1AR MEETING OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, EAGAN TOWNSHIP April 17, 1962 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township was held on April 1'7Yl, 1962 at 8:00 0' clock p.m. at the Town Hall at which all members were present except Supervisor Trapp. Chairman Rahn presided. The minutes of the preceding meeting were approved as read. The following building permits were approved: Dale Needham 3127 Garnet Garage Lot 8, Block 3 $1,200 22' x 24' Larry T. Bougetz 2054 Coral Lane Garage Cedar Grove No.2 24' x 22. $1,200 Cedar Grove Construction Co. 18 homes all in Cedar Gr~ve No. '+ except one house in Cedar Grove No. 3 - b <,) "701 0 o~, - Mr. Helmer Hanson appeared on behalf of 27 signers of a petition submitted to the Board of Supervisors requesting that the Kennel permit currentlY' held bY' Bel Ami Dog Kennel at 2971 Pilot Knob Road be can.. celled. The reasons presented for the request for cancellation of the kennel license are that the kennel uses improper methods for disposal of refuse, that a fowl odor arises periodically and that dogs are per- mitted to run loose during certain periods of the daY'. Upon motion d1aly' made bY' Chairman Rahn, and seconded bY' Supervisor Schwanz tit was RbSOLVED that the Board of Supervisors inspect the Bel Ami Kennels be... fore Q decision whether a notice of cancellation of the license be sent to the licensee in accordance with Section 4 of Ordinance No. V of the Eagan Township Ordinances. 161 Mr. William Grimme, Box 139, Route #2, Savage, Minnesota appeared on behalf of his application for a gravel pit on the John Moeller property. Mr. Grimme was instructed to submit an application to the next Advisory Planning Committee meeting on May 14~, 1962. Chairman Hahn read a letter from Mr. McKee of McKee Enterprises protesting an additional bill in the amount of $900.00 for services rendered bY' the Mendota Heights Fire Department after the fire on his propertY' on Highway No. 55. Upon motion dulY' made bY' Chairman Rabn and seconded bY' Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that Eagan Township be and hereby is authorized to pay the additional fire bill in the amount of $900.00 that was submitted to Mr. McKee. An informal request bY' the Northwestern Bell Telephone CompanY' to Chairman Rahn that a permit be granted to install an underground telephone cable near Rahn Road and HighwaY' No.7 was not acted upon as no formal request bad been submitted bY' Northwestern Bell. Complaints to the Board of Supervisors registered bY' residents of the McKee Addition whose propertY' borders on the Milwaukee Railroad were next discussed. Upon motion dulY' made and seconded, it was RE- SOLVED that the Town AttorneY' bet and he herebY' is, directed to write a letter to the Milwaukee Road requeating that the railroad set up a fire break bY' removing the weeds along the Milwaukee Railroad right-of...way adjacent to the McKee Addition to avert a potentiallY' dangerous fire hazard. Mr. Bert Olson appeared on behalf of certain residents near the North Side of Cliff Road East of Pilot Knob Road where a washout has 163 occurred at that location. The Board requested that the Town Engineer inspect the washout area to determine whether it is feasible to fill the washout area with stumps which can be obtained from the Earl Kruger land. Upon motion dulY' made bY' Supervisor Schwanz and seconded bY' Chair- man Rahn, it was RESOLVED that Ted ~lachter and MY'ron Kehne be and here- by are reappointed as members of the Advisory Planning Committee to serve for two year terms. The special hearing of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township, regarding the ValleY' View Road Improvement project, having been adjourn- ed from the March 21st, 1962 special hearing and further adjourned from the April 3rd, 1962 regular Board meeting, was next considered. The Supplement to Preliminary Report on Street Improvements dated April 6sb, 1962 was reviewed and discussed by the Town Engineer. The Town Engineer explained that Mr. Frederick Post had agreed to dedi- cate a right-of-waY' of approximatelY' 600 feet as an access road from HighwaY' 13 to ValleY' View Plateau Addition, provided that no tax assess- ment be levied on Mr. Post's land for the improvement. The Board of Supervisors requested that the Town Engineer inquire of the Minnesota Highway Department whether Highway Department funds could be used to surface the portion of the access road lying within the Highway No. 13 right-of-waY'. In addition the Board requested that the Town Engineer inquire from the Dakota CountY' Engineer whether countY' gasoline tax funds could be used to paY' for the improvements to the access road. Upon motion dulY' made bY' Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that the ValleY' View Plateau Addition Road 165 Improvement Project be, and hereby is, ordered to be accomplished pursuant to the terms of M.S.A. Chapter 429 and that the grading and graveling of the access road from HighwaY' No. 13 to ValleY' View Plateau Addition be included in the advertisement for bids which portion will be paid for from township funds; provided, however, that the project be contingent upon the dedication of the right-of-waY' of the access road by Frederick Post to the township. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the assessment for the road improvement project in ValleY' View Plateau Addition be, and hereby is, order to be levied equallY' on all freeholders benefiting from the road improve- mente according to the determination to be made bY' the Board of Super- visors. It was FURTHER RESOLVED that the plans and specifications submitted by the Township Engineer be, and herebY' are, approved. Upon motion dulY' made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that adver- tisements for bids be prepared and published according to law, such advertisements to provide that the opening of bids be scheduled for Monday, May 14111, 1962 at 8:00 0' clock P.M. at the Town Hall, and that the results of the advertisements be read at the regular meeting of the Town Board on May 15111, 1962 at 8:00 o' clock P.M. at the Town Hall. Upon motion, all bills submitted to the Board of Supervisors, were approved to be paid. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Dated: April l~, 1962. ,:u::, ~0 W--4- t. - Clerk },~INUTES Of REGULAR !'IEETIW:r Of BOATW (If 3~F)EEVISOR.s, EVJ"t,TJ TIP. i~IJD C0'JTF!TJ:WION OF SPECIAL HEM~nJG ON VALLEY VIEVJ PL';TEAU :10,~,DS April 17. 1962 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Twp. was held at 8: 00 0' clock P .iL. at the Town Hall an Highway 19 au wlhich all members were present except Supervisor Trapp. Attorney ;)aul Hauge and Con- sulting Engineer It. Rosene were also D:,esent. Chair'18.n. Rahn rresided. The minutes of the preceding meeting were approved as read. On motion of Schwanz and second of Chairman Rahn the following FuildinCl' permits were aCJproved and oroered issued: Larry T. Bou,r:;etz - garaoe ? Dorch (Sllssell Lbr.) t1200 Cedar Grove Construction - 19 dwellings in Cedar Grove #4 and 1 in C.G. #3 ~270,OOO Hel:ner Hanson presented the Board wit.h a Petition from 2'7 residents objectin~ to the BelAmi Kennels which is located on Highway 19 in the center of a residential district. He stated that from 3l-35 dogs were ke pt outside in wire c8:;es and larger dogs were in rClnways. Some dogs are allcwed to run loose. The residents object to the noise and to the burnin.r; of refuse at all hours st3.tin.e th at this ke:mel is a public nuisance/health hazard and request cancelk.tion of their permit. ~,!r. LV:. Howe lhlU Skyline FI,d. whose property adjoins that of the kennel confirmed :,;r. Hansons statement s and requested c8.ncellation of their permit. Upon motion of Chairman Rahn and second of Supervisor Schwanz it was Resolved tha t the petition be placed on file and the Em rd will inspect the kenne 1 and act thereafter. A letter of [Jrotest was read from Mr. :.':cKee in regard to the bill for additional fire rrotection on their fire of :Iarch 26.:.!r. Diffley gave the Board [Jarticulars of the fire and reasons for t'-1eir recallihp,' the fire dennrtment. On motion of Chairman Rahn and seconc of Schwanz it was Resolved that the Township pay the additional chara'es for tf1e :1cKee fire. ~T ,',f. Dell Telepr-,o:1e Co. requested [lermission to lay an underground cable on Hahn Rd. & ;:7. ;,:r. Rosene st3ted tha t we re'luest 9. layout map and rerluested that they contact him. Complaints have been received from re"iden.ts near the L~ilwaukee Rd. ad.4acent to LrcKee's because of the weeds wh:tch are a fire hazard esrecially behind and eqst of the Twlephone Dldg. (In "'otion of ;~8h!1 an(1 seconr! of Scbvanz it W3,S Resolved that the Town l\ttorney 'I)rite the l"ihvaukee Rd. aoci reouest that they ta~e C'1re of these weeds and lJut a fire brea!.:: Clroilnd t'~e ec1ces. ;;r. Bert "l3on sb.ted that ';r. f:rue.c;er has OelK stUJn.DS to put in the r;ul ]ey ne'lr Cliff Tld. a.no requested ')er;-r:~ssicn to si s:,,>ose ()f them in tb1.s ::F1r.ner. The :o1.rc! re'luested th8 -;':;n,"ineer and ',:1'. .'enzel to checY: t,t-,e S"1ot and to obtain permission fro~n '.~r. :"erron, the owner. en irlotion of 0chVianz a::.c second of ilah'1 it waS :'i.esclved th3.t Theo...i"c!:ter ;:J.nd ".yron Kehne be rea;;:Jointed to the "co u'.C. fer a ter'n of two yegrs. C:o;1Unuation of J:'E'SiD; Iie",y'il" on 1h:J.c:" "f" -~ la te,n 'J:-:': C~ r1 s: ,.,' "' Ene eXf,lained the new find in!?s on t.he ac::'ess road to /'13 and stat.ed tha t ;.~r. Post was will inf; to donate a'1C'roximately 2 acres for slopin,'r and redo-ing this ro~d. :.;r. Hauge stated that. he felt it was impossible le;ally to assess the residents of V. V. inasnuch as their pror>erty did not abutt this road. Upon motion of Supervisor Rahn and secons of Su~rvisor Schwanz it was FC.:SCrLVED that the ori~inal proposals as drawn U[l by l~r. Hosene on the roads in Valley View Plateau be accepted for the shoe-formed curb in the amollnt of ::"33,030, each lot to be assessed equally, it was further Resolved that the access road be graded and graveled according to specifications drawn u:) by tte Town Engineer if property is so dedicated by 1'.!r. Post and that the C:osts be born by the Township for this access road, proDer resolution to be drawn up by the Town Attorney, and Notice of Bids published to be opened on ],:ay 14. Upon motion of Hahn and second of Schwanz the bills presented the Boord were oraerec paid. \lone,v Redeived: Snow 'Jlowing Recpts. $115 Halph LaLIoria Cig Lic. 9 Bldg. Permits 10 Zoninoo map and ('rei. 1. 50 Bldg. Permits 161 Justice Court f'almer 39 There beinG no further business the meeting adjourned. ,!'nril 17, 1962 Clerk