05/01/1962 - City Council Regular 1 9 c --,.....!"j ~ MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS t EAGAN TOWNSHIP MAY 1. 1962 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township was held on May 1st, 1962 at 8:00 0' clock P.M. at the Town Hall at which all members were present. Chairman Rahn presided. The minutes of the preceding meeting were approved as read. Harvey Kirchner The following building permits were approved: 645 Rita Court Dwelling 24' x 48' Lot 2, Har- $14,000 vey Addition Harvey Kirchner ~ollen~ack Standard Service Albert Birr Larson Builders for E. J. Meyers Cedar Grove Con- struction Co. 642 Rita Court Dwelling 24' x 48' Lot 5, Har- $14,000 vey Addition Cedar Avenue & Tire Rack $500 Highway #13 4'x 7' x20' (Permit granted subject to a determination by the applicant as to the setback regulation of the Minn- esota Highway Department.) 8735 Portland Avenue Mpls. 20, Minn. on Lake George Dwelling $35,000 60' x 32' (Permit approved subject to sUbmission by appli- cant of hardshell to Township.) Dwelling 26' x 48' Lot 2 Lang- $13,000 hoven Addition Dwelling Lot 1, Block ~15,OOO 2, Cedar Grove No.3. (Permit approved subject to submission of balance of permit fees for actual cost of dwelling) Constable DesLauriers submitted a report concerning an inspection by the constable and the members of the Board on April 30. 1962 to the Bel Ami Kennels at 2971 Pilot Knob Road. The inspection was conducted on the basis of a request by numero.. neighboring residents who submitted a petition for cancellation of the Bel Ami Kennels permit at the April l7~, 1962 Board of Supervisors meeting. Mr. Gerald Frisch, st. Paul Attorney, appeared on behalf of Betty Trestman, the holder of the Kennel permit. Mr. Frisch asked the Board for a continuation of the matter for further study to determine whether the alleged violation of ZagBn Township Ordinance No. V by the Bel Ami Kennels could be corrected. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was ~OLVED that the kennel license granted to Betty Trestman for the opera- tion of the Bel Ami Kennels be, and hereby is, cancelled effective 30 days from May l, 1962 pursuant to the authority vested in the Board of Supervisors under Ordinance No. V of the Eagan Township Ordinances. Mr. Rolf Slen,St. Paul Attorney, appeared on behalf of the Minnea- polis Rowing Club in relation to a request by the club for an extension of the permit to store lumber and materials belon~fo them, on the Ronald .... Kissling property. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that an extension of the permit be, and hereby is granted, from May 1, 1962 and to July l, 1962. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the annual meeting of the Board of Review be, and hereby iS,scheduled to be held on July 5~, 1962 at 9:00 0' clock A.M. at the Town Hall. Application for Weed Inspector for Eagan Township submitted by Joseph Keneally and Alphy LeMay vas next considered. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Trapp, it was RZSOLVED that Alphy LeMay be, and hereby is, appointed Weed Inspector for Eagan Township for a one year period from the above date at a salary of $2.00 per hour. His dut1 shall consiat of making inspection of areas containing ftoxi- OU8 weeds upon complaints registered by residents of Easan Towaabip. Upon motion, all bills submitted were approved to be paid. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Dated: May lst, 1962. !<-/~~/ tA l/~ ,t/<<:---- ! Clerk