05/21/1962 - City Council Special MINUTZS CF A SPECIAL i\1~Il'U OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISOR3 EAGf~ TO\~3HIP - MAY 21, 1962 A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township was held on May 21st, 1962 at 8:00 o' clock P.M. at the Town Hall at which all members were present. Chairman Rahn presided. Bids were received for the road to construction in Valley View Plateau. No formal action was taken. A representative from Kimmes-Bartelma Construction Co. of Hastings, Minn. appeared on behalf of his application to renew his gravel pit per- mit under Ordinance No. VIII. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Trapp and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that under the circum- stances a renewal permit be granted to Kimmes-Bartelma for gravel pit operations near the intersection of Deerwood Drive and Highway No. 19, said permit to be effective May 24~, 1962 and subject to amended ordin- ance No. VIII. The Board met informally with Chairman Klingell of the Advisory Planning Committee in anticipation of the joint meeting on incorporation to be held on May 24~ at the Burnsville School. No formal action was taken in this regard. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Dated: Mah 21, 1962. ~U-. a-~/~ Clerk MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF BOARD OF SUPERVISCHS, K""GMJ TW? MAY 21, 1962 A Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township, for the purpose of opening bids received for road improvements in Valley View Plateau was held at the Town Hall on May 21, 1962 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. All members were present and Mr. Bonestroo, Consulting Engineer, was also present. Chairman Rahn presided. Upon motion of Chairman Rahn al1.d second of Supervisor Trapp, it was PcESOLVED that the acceptance of bids be bIosed, and that bids heretofore received be opened and read aloud. Bids were read as follows: 1. Northwest Bituminous Co., Inc., 5861 - 5th St. N.E., Mpls., Minn. A. $, 3,930 B . 26 .744 $30,674 2. Alexander Construction Co., Inc., 4641 Hiawatha Ave., Mpls. 6 A. $ 2,486.00 B. 25.206.80 $27,692.80 3. Riegger Roadways, L"1c., 900 W. 122nd st., Savage, Minnesota A. $ 2,262.50 B. 23,375.00 $'25,637.50 4. Bituminous Surface Treating Co., P.O. Box 193, Invel' Grove, Llinn. A. $ 3,112.50 B. 25 ,779.50 $28.892.00 $. Armor-Coat Finishing Co., Inc., 255 Como Ave., St. Paul 3, Minn. A. ~, 2,737.50 B. 30,040.12 $ 32, 11t.G", 62 6. Solberg Const. Co., So. St. Paul, Minn. A. $ 3,335 B. 32,022 $35,357 Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Supervisor Trapp it was RESOLVED that the Engineer tabulate all bids a~d present them to the Board with their recoIT@endation for consideration. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. i,iay 21, 1962 Clerk \!:inutes of a SfBcial Meeting of Board of Sur,:ervisors, Eagan T"Np. - May 21, 1962 A Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Ea~an Twp. was held at the Town Hall on May 21, 1962 at 8:30 ih'clock P.M. A representative of Kimmes-Bartelma Construction Co. of Hastings, MiD~. aapeared on behalf of their app~ication to renew their gravel pit permit under Ordinance No. VIII. Upon motion duly made by Suaervisor Trapp and seconded by Supervisor Hahn, it was RESOLvLD that a renewal permit be granted to Kimme s-Bartelma for gravel pit operations near t he intersection of Deerwood Drive and Highway 19, said permit to be effective ~ay 24, 1962 and subject tc 'i,nedded C'rdi!lan,~e No. VIII. Check in the amount of ~,250.00 was received. Upon motion of Chairman Rahn and second of Supervi SOl' Trapp it was RESOLliffiD that a non-intoY~cating ~alt Beverage license be issued to John O'Brien of the Halfway House. Chairman Klingel of the APC met vvith the Boa rd to discuss a joint meetine on incorporation to be held it the Burnsville School on May 24. Upo~ ~otion, the meeting adjourned. Dated: rJay 21, 1962 Clerk