08/23/1962 - City Council Special E-_'.J~~L1.GI~~:-'jC~Y SEiSSICt CF BOi\ rLD ,--~i~" ~r3P:~lCv"I~nES - Ei~Cr:d'~ T0'l..~3~1I~-~, i\ n..~T.!,~j'il 23, 1962 An E;nergency .:;essio'1 of th3 Boord of .':3u"e1'visor5, -r.;;ap"an Tow'1ship, waf; held at Valley View Flatei1u and Highview ,'\ve')ue on .cugust 23, 1962 at '7:30 o'clock F'.i.;. at which all m8!l1be1's of the Sea rd exceDt :";ur)crvisor Traop were present. Town Enr,.inecr :~obeY't )iosene was also !resent. Upon viewing the condition cf i:ighview ..venue from ;TaJley View ,'lateau -se, :ii'?hwaJr ii 13 end I'pen recommendat ion ;.;f the Town En~ineer, amotioD'was duly :nade and see ended and it was ;{t;;:jC'l)JC~I; to Ela cktop :Ughview Ave:me from Valley View ;-'lateau to i,13 at an ac-proximate cost ofl:l,800.00. Cpon f:lotion the meetin'.:; adjourned. ~ated: AU~lst 23, 1962 ~u~ G1erk