12/04/1962 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. FAGAN TOWNSHIP Pecember 4. 1962 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota, was held on December 4, 1962 at 8:00 0' clock P.M. at the Town Hall at which all members were present. Chairman Rabn presided. The minutes of the preceding meeting were approved as read except for one correction as follows. On page two of these minutes of November 20, 1962 the first paragraph, the si:cth line should be changed eUminati ng the words "and that a building permi t be grantedft, inasmuch as a bullding permit was not applied for. The following applications for building permits were submitted: John Gardeen Single dwelling w/Dbl.Garage on Hugo Goers property 44' x 28' $18,000.00 Roy Rueger Single Dwelling, 3040 Beau de Rue Road 58' x 34' $22,900.00 Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Trapp, it was RESOLVED that the foregoing building permits be, and they hereby are, approved, and the Clerk ordered to issue same subject to payment of the ap- propriate fees involved. The Town Attorney read an opinion concerning condemnation of land by means of eminent domain proceedings for street purposes. The issue arose because of a need for an access road to the proposed Egan Carriage Hill Ad- dition. The request by the Cedar Grove Construction Co. for information relative to the dedication of off-site improvements in Cedar Grove was tabled until the December 18, 1962 Board meeting for lack of appeara~ce. The Clerk reported that she had received a Surveyor's Certificate i~ eluding the legal description of property near the intersection of Highway 19 and Cliff Road owned by George Ohman intended to be used as a meter and regulator station by Northern Natural Gas Co. The surveyor's certifi- cate was attached to and made a part of the minut es of the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of November 20th, 1962, at which time the special use permit covering the above mentioned property was granted~ Upon motion duly made and seconded, It was RESOLVED that the Town Engineer be, and he hereby is, directed to prepare plans and specifications for road improvements and widening on Wescott Road. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED th~t all bills presented to the Board be, and they hereby are ordered to be paid. Upon motio~, the meeting adjourned. Dated: December 4, 1962. (24-4 ~ Clerk