02/01/1966 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EAGAN TOWNSHIP, DAL:i"TA COUNTY, MINNESOTA February 1, 1966 A regular meeting of the Board of Sepervisors was held on February 1, 1966 at 8:00 o'clock P. M. at the town hall at which all members were present. Chairman Rahn presided. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. There were no building permit applications. The Town Attorney presented a form of Resolution concerning extension of sewer and water lines from Burnsville into adjoining prcperty on -.Tie Eagan-Burnsville line for the John Metcalf Junior High School. The request for such Resolution had come from the school district authorities in view of a recent Supreme Court decision which they felt required such a Resolution. It was noted that the Board had previously granted pc:emission for the lines to be run. from Burnsville to the new school but without waiving any rights the township might have at some future time to declare assessments against school property in the event Eagan Township sewer and water lines we ._;: extended adjacent to school property. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the Resolution as presented be adopted and a certified copy ordered sent to Independent School District No 191. Mr. Jack Diclenties and attorney William Busch appeared on behalf of Cedar Grove Utilities Company with respect to sewer and water for Cedar Grove No. 5. The town engineer was directed to arE:arige fo. a joint meeting with the Board, the utilities company and representetivcs from the FederalHousing Authority for 3:00 c'elock, Friday, February 6, 1966 fo • the purpose of determining how the water and seer should be install.e' in Cedar Grove No. 5 in view of the proposed township system. - 1 - Upon motion duly mAde by Chairman Rahn. and R~conded by SupervisIJr Klein, the town attorney was dir.~~t~(! to ~end 8 letter on the OO~l3111t of Mrs. George Stock reg~rd~.LLg the stor:.Lns h:,: T. W. K:I.t:t1lV'l!\ of junked cars on his residentlal prope-rty, It was noted that the 'lrpea~~nce ~f Ko1~nd Ktr.~hner of Rosemount, Minnesota waR st.rickenmr lack of appearance. Upon mot~on. rl uJ.:, m~rje by Sl!pe:r.vieor Klein ""no secml':!:"Jd by Supe~.:'Viso!" Schwan~l' it was RgSOLVEO to grant a 3.2 of:( sale beer li~enFe to Apr~e~'8um~s Market sItuated at IH.ghway No. 13 and Cedar Avenue South. Upen motio:1. made by Super.visor Klein and seconded by Chaji."";U.~n R'l.h'1 it was RESOL\1En t.hat the sig:t application of Applebau!TI' S Sl!pe!T.l<1TJl:~t fe";: a special use pp.l-mit te constl*U..:t II sien en t.h:; 3upermarket huild:lnl! be, and the same hereby is, ~anted~ Upon motion dl1ly t',~de by ('h~ L:!nq-:. Rahn end secCl!"ideJ by SupervisoL Schwanz, the i,,:,H~.1~ election judges were d~,ly ,'ppo~.nte\i to Hc:a.....'e at: the next e.nnual dect:ion to be h~ld on l.fa:c:ch 8, 19C:I)~ Pl..ecir.ct: I L.'.l~~.11e At';lood Leota S~h.\o1anz ~arjcrie Sk~dduck J"anet K~hne 10:00 - closing 10:00 - closf....,~~ lO:Ou - closing 5~OO .. ~i"s:Ing Prcc1n~t IT. H1..1th 8mi.th A:;:i:1\~:; Polzin M,,~: l. Po 'tks tJ-:,rook ~:~TY Ih:r"~ son 10:00 clos~.n8 10:00 - clnsl.ng lO~OC - .~lo!';ln~ 5~30 ~ c10.9:'i.:1g Pr,-".::i':'.ct III Je"ln-:'le P.ccth.iett~ Elrk:rt':!~ Ohm N:.i...c:! C1\1'\'l.t'n l<ay M'ltson Doris Chric;ti.~:1. 10 ~VO - cJ.us~.;...., l; ~OC - r.lo:1ia~~ lO~OCi cJ.0r-5ro"~ lO:OC. .". c-1os:tn.g l;.:()() - clo!'ing .. 2 - Fire Chief Don Van Engen appeared with a request: for a legal opinion on wheth~r the firemen could be l)-!tlc.'! mileage ,lr.:l. !!Iceting anrl fire att~~dgnce fees.. I. Ife also proposed cert;,in p'.Jrchases (ey,- t!l,: fij:'c d~rartment anrl pr.esented a budg':'t. for thz deI'artmentc The tow:1. atto:;~c.ei- ';''-'\5 directed to renrle,; an opinion regarding i:he 1~8"Jl1i'.I of payinG f:'~'em.:n n: l~"!~c end fees f.o~ attending fires and mp.et~ng2 and also to uete7m1ne the maximum mill rat~ per ~J?sr for fire purpose::; which could he asse~<H~d~ Upon mo~:ion t'1e meeti.'1g was adjourne-:l. Dated: February l~ 19(':; (~ I " __L::~~,/~- " Clerh