01/05/1965 - City Council Regular l.JINUTES OF REGUlAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SuPERVISORS EAGAN TOWNSHIP, DAK01-.'\ COUNTY, MIN~~ESCTA January 5~ 1965 h regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota was held on January 5, 1965, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. at the Town Hall at which all me~bers were present. Chairman Rahn presided. The minutes of the previous meeting together with the minutes of the Special Executive Meeting of December 18 were read and approved. Mr. Martin Strand, 1425 Lone Oak Road appeared on behalf of his application for a 30' x 40' building of steel construction and cement base costing appr.oximately $7,000 upon his property for housing and non-commercial construction of boats. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Supervisor Klein, it was RESOLVED that said application for building permit b~, and it hereby is, approved and that the Clerk be directed to ., 3fH.l'. d~e applicable permit. Mr. William Busch, attorney, Mr. J. H. Dielentheis and Mr. Emil Jandric appeared on behalf of Cedar Grove Construction Company's application for rezoning part of Section 20-27-23 consisting of 81 acres from At Agricultural to R-l, Residential and for preliminary plat approval of Cedar Grove #5. It was noted that the Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval subject to deeding four lots for park purposes. Mr. Jack Conser appeared on behalf of Cedar Grove residents questioning certain aspects of the proposed park. It was further noted that Cedar Grove Construction Company agreed to deed proposed Lot I, Block 1, Cedar Grove DSiying adjacent to that area designated public land on the preliminary plat to the Township. Upon motion by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that said preliminary .. 1 - plat b(¶(od it hereby is,°fpproved prnvided th~t Lot 1, Blockm * Ceea PGpove #5 be, Ý@‘'t~e >‚Éc'labeled pub*&d land on the 6reliminary plat be dedicated t the Township a"^&set!ai>e"for park puz!Ÿtes a$(Hqovided fl[Wer thqu applZœant have available to the townS1,0001cgbic fee;if l;ci dirt that ‹'be sDÓ:cc on the ~re'owroposed for t¼l park. It was FUR'11IER RES=LVED that said /Hca eocn*~qsed in propÓ]c Ced€ÚÏ}qove #5 b#ouezoned0grom AÌÑAgricultural to R-l, Residentil. Uto| furtie#kotinn@b# Qupervisor KxŠi and Ç-ahnded by Sup#=qisor chwan?¸èht was RESOLVED that the BoardUbe, and it here2C&doer,@i4svruct t¦ ÜSel"!Çhxmgineer to m'$b a stutx of t““ proposed park in Cedar Grove  #$ snd prep2Hc a mao/t"of proposedø †uk faæ ksies to be p4*tented ”n t[M BOI.\~d at a subsequent meetig. Mar\?in W7T|el `pe;rgd requestins‡—oat t‰®i~lard check t.* advisqcility+f the legality of r3quiring prperty1oeners ly<Ta adkae4t to Townshi@ÕŸhads nºKpbt'r.ir.'_omf?rshing ³oow nnï* the public right- of-way. Th Town Board req!_uted!tezTmwn Attorneyª…'chec‹-ÈQwo the matt#='and re`nrt at³‡he January 19 Board meeting. z Certpi| reside9Nu lyhn 4ecr the Ben Oû8alein bZxrbrty appeare‡Ímn t¨eir owlacehalf requesting that action y the Township 7]ginsu -rt  Oehrlein VšŸ'a puóÆñSwed violatio(ohf the Aoimal ‚œdinance. Upon motion duly mde anu aecondeduot w`s@RSMLVED that tŒ×6Town KKtmuney be, andîç he Èereby ×- directed to prepare approprite Complaints a?[onst!M.W Meirlein undû"3appli©ÄLf Town ordin‚ƒaes for0wiolatš•n of those ordinances. The Ton Att~r|ey pres>Tred ` 2e)onution submiÎÒgd by ß8t Board of Daˆ‚va CounDy Commq¢rioners relative to Cliff RoadXwhereby the Cou4N h`s@a=rged to impro*.?CliffËö’d provided t‹Œv the Tvnship„ay for any condemnation awardXfor pcoberty ne>_usarx o( kts improvement. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the Town Attorney - 2 - be, and he herel'y is ~ instructed to prepare a compara~le resolution for signature by the appropriate Town officers to be subrndtted to the Board of County Commissioners. In effect, the proposed resolution will void a resolution of the Board of Supervisors of December 15, 1964 relative to the same matter. The Town Engineer reported that he had received information that the Minnesota Highway Department hod turned down the request by the Eagan Board of Supervisors to provide for access to the proposed Highway 35E from County Road 26. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it wa"... RESOLVED that the Town Engineer be, and he hereby is, directed to schedule a meeting between the Eagan Board of Supervisors and the Distdct Highway Engineer to attempt to acquire additional access routes to proposed Highway 35E in Eagan Township. Upon motion, all bills as presented were ordered paid. Upon motion, the mee:~l'g ,dJourned. Dated: January 5, 1965. JL;tA ~q Clerk - 3 -