02/02/1965 - City Council Regular AMENDED Mlt-..'UTES OF REGUlAR MEETING OF THE BCAaD OF SUPE.?_VI:O~S EAGAN TOWNSHIP, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA February 2, 1965 A regular meeting of the Board of Superviso~s of Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota was held on February 2, 1965 at the Town Hall at 8:00 o'clock P. M. at which all members were present. Chairman L~hn presided. The reading of minutes of the previous meeting was unanimously dispensed with. The Public Hearing 4ega~ding the application of Metro U. S. Const:..uction Corporation for the rezoning of ce:..-tain property in Section 17-27-23 situated adjacent to Highway #13 and extending easterly to Blackhawk Road was held. There was no opposition to the rezoning. Upon motion made by Supervisoj: Klein and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the application be, and the same hereby is, approved subject to the final approval of the Town Engineer as to plans and specifications for sewer, water and storm sewer systems, and further subject to the installation and availability of such utility services before any building permits of any kind shall be issued for construction upon said lands, and further subject to the submission by applicant of a correct legal desc-,;-iption. It was further provided that if the p;;'operty is not developed by the app licant as :cequested, that subsequent owne:cs, i:\cludlng successors or assigns of said property, may not develop said prope~ty as :;.:ezoned wi thout the further opproval of the Advisory Planning Commi ttee nnd Board of Supervisors. The application of Gopher Smelting & Refining Co. for building penuits to construct an addition to its furnace building and for a ,everberatory furnace and for special use permit to make such alterations and additions was presented. The application was unanimously denied by separate ~esolution as presented and attached to these minutes as a part hereof. - 1 - Representatives of th~ W~st Eas~n Civi~ Asso~j~tion appeared concerning their request for street ligh-;';::.l1g in t':'3 Cedar Grove area. No formal action .18.8 taken. Cn notion duly made by ('haiman Rahn and sec'Jnd_erl by Supervisor Kt(>] '1, it ~'!').B RE30L'JZj) tllot the Clerk be, and 8ne hereby is, directed to 1''3fjllest the !1Clkota COlwty Boa"'d to install "stopl! signs at the intersec-cioil of nabn P'n3.<'I. and HighHay #30. The fc.J.lowin3 applications for abatement were presented: J. H. Rippberger, 1521 Lone Oak Road - Due to new evaluation, it is now allowed that the valuation be reduced to $1,000 homestead and :te,849 non-.homef.te~d. Paul T. Christensen, 1735 Crest Ridge Lane, reduction from $3,298 to t2,9l6 due to the fact that the swimming pool was assessed too high. Upon motion by Supervis,):c KLein and seconded by Chaiman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the foregoing applications for abatement be, and they hereoy nre, approved. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Inted: February 2, 1965. "I (,~ ,;~ A~u.- Clerk - 2 -