04/06/1965 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF A REGUUR MEETIN'1 OF THE BOARD OF SUI'ERVISORS EAGAN T()t..TNSHIP, OA.KOTA C0HN'!Y, MINNES:TA April 6, l.....!lj A resular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township, Dakota County was held at the Town Hall on April 6, 1965 at 8:00 o'clock P. M. at which all members were present. Chairman Rahn presided. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The following building permit application was presented: Airliner Motel, Highway 155, $40,000 addition - (Previously ap.p~~ved subject to submis$ion of plans and s?e~ifications to the Town Engineer and approval by the Town Engineer.) Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors approve said build:i.ng pennit subject however to the submission of a percolation tept aud in addition plans for a sewage disposal system and final approval by the Town Engineer. The application of Schwerman Truckina Company for a building permit to enlarge a door in its building in Lauren Place at the northwest corner of Highway #49 and County Road 63A was next presented. It was noted that the Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval subject to proper zoning. It was further noted that the Bo~rd of Supervisors had rezoned the property to I-Ion August 21, 1962. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that said application be, and it hereby is, approved. The request of Mrs. Ed Dodge, 2048 Quartz Lane concerning a permtt to operate art classes in her home at the above address was sticken for lack of appearance. - 1 - Mr. Joseph Kl1rht9.jet::o. 2350 Si 1:-1,,:,- rU.ghHay and neighb0rin;; residents appeared with a petl tion rcquEf3tin3 1.'.1),-' JV2"!lent of Sibley La'.le in Post's Additions 1 and 2. After discus~ion concerning the pp.tltion and the necessity of using the self-assessme.nt procedure, and upon motion duly made by C~airman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED the Engineer be, and he hereby is, dire.cted to prepare cost estimates and feasibility studies covering said Sibley Lane for presentation at the next regular Board of Supervisors meeting. The Town Engineer reported that information received frcm Mr. LeRoy Pond on Blackhawk R8~~ 1,,~~cAt~d t~~t 1,395 yeards 0f black earth had been removed from his p~nFcrty in 1964 and that Mr. Pon~ cstl~ates that he wUl excavate 2,000 yards in 1965. The Board took no act:i.0n on the matter pending furth,~.r Ft:P'.~?0 Mr. Ted Ringberg ai,j ..:'L"<: nl~u~,~':'s 0:: the Eu,:nn Fire D2p!1rtnent appeared relative to th~ cp~,~l:lU ~>t::11'2nt or d Voh'r'I,teer Firemen's Relief J08sociation. Mr. Ringberg stated that '\xti~lc;.> .:;': Incorporation had now been drawn up and were ready for pre~entation to the Se.cretarv cf State and that plans were being further made for est.'lhlishm:=nt of the relief association. On motion rolly mad3 by Supervisor Sc~wanz and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the Board of S~7el~isor3 be, and it hereby does, recognize the formation of the reli~f. association. The Town Attorney presentev proposed spec:lfic~tions for the purchase of 0 town fire truck. Upon rno~ion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the Town Engineer 1>8) ani he hereby )~:, instructed to c01:lplete the specifications upun conZlultl\tion 'vi. t.~. t!1e EUgClU Fire Department and publish notice for purpc:::es of acquiring bids on SAid fi~e truck. It was further moved th2t the opening of the bids be scheduled for 7:00 o'clock P. M. on May 4, 1965. - 2 .~ The Toy.].::. I>.g~';-"".r [:.I:::-t':-.or p:rC'"r-'--::ed .~-).;~d :21c~t:\onr, f.,- ,'" t,,';."n police cor statio:1.,::t'.?rm. T}~j~)':1 ',.;':-~~:.-~;.'1.'7 nt..'1d..; vnd :;~~,!ot;ded, j.t was RESOLVED tha.t the.> C18rk be, ar.n rh~ h?'Y.'p.by i~, al1t:hor~_?er1 tc t'riv8rtlse for bids for said pl.,i.i..:::," car sta.t; on l'h'.ga~ an.', tl:-..?\t th~ or~n:tr::: cf thp. bids be sC~-iP,-:~led [0:: l-'.a? l~, 1965 a.t th.~ 'f"wu Hall :".,-. 3~OO (;\ clock 1). M. .After ci:l3~~ss:l.on c("lncer-~ling the prcposed r.rotertJcY.'ks agre!?m(>nts with KingsvlOod II,id:i. tion and Val] ey View Plate;lu Add;. ticn, the B('\a:r~l l'~ferred the muttp~ to the Advisory P1.?\nning Committee. i.fter:Hscus~ion, th~ request of Cedar Crove Construction Company for the dcdicatio:,l C"f "\ ';"2:1 frot 0"1=",ment by the Townsrd.p nlcr.g the east: line of Fixe Hall propel'._,' for the r'!nniClg of a f!8\18J.' B:1.::'"' t:he :1djacent church pror'l:":rty war. r.cfeu:".d to U-",: i\:I;,ri~(lry ,"lann~i.1g CC'.\lIl:~ ~j',:'q. Thc(. J:<;n IIt"ts:rn0.Y E"~'l'1:l."'c(~ 1-':1.'1- u:-,or. n,r.;'lc:::.t L. ::c'! i ::n'lP.,t;:i Gated the posoib-'.li ty of f1U~il~ '~'':.'l.. ;. '.i .:~-_. C'~':i'll')l :J;'f.':...rj~t lS-J. C'onr;"!j""'llng CORts incur~0: by th2 I 1- t~ J ~~T.7""'. I) '.. .r:~.~_~;~i..'1 J:.'t-~J."'L.;'.......:~ tl~ ,.:',\:; con~...tr,-~ct:icr. 0f a junior hi30 set.aol in Er;.;::a~ T0:n1f:>'~). ~;t'''n r.~-'.,'.:"'" culy ~'Hb ~_::,:"" Supervi,,''''IJ:' ;:J.cincn.d second0d by Cb,'11r;n1n [.n':'1: :1 t ~'JE,S ~r.S()]:J';:D I'r."~ the Tow:! l.ttorney b~, and 1:>e hereby :i.s, dir('cted to ;::onr' ').i.~tt ~'l" :~,. ::r; School ['i~t:cict stC'.t.ing tI1!1t: th~ \.'otlmshi~ '\-Till "C" !:"r;'quir€ t~);q !,<::-:::~L1.t 02 pGrmit ft?es b~t that t;i.e SC'~.0v: District h~ r>2q~.~~.r~n to -,:-2::'r:wl~.~r.:n the TO~.~;l~;:~ip f.or l"e3S071~bl~ co:", ts i 1~r.!:r.rc~ by th '3 L'~.m i nc Iuding ~"I~~ :"p.f'.!r i. ng 8nd :"e-g::l1. fe8~ reJp.tive t.o th~~ C,)i.1~trtl';U.~n OJ: th:; jll':\io:r l-.ic.:t\ f'~hool and in the P.V0.!'t th:'1.t t.he Sch001 D:i.R~rj~,:: (i"ouJ j not agr",:c to pay such costs that ~")crr>".it f-ees N{U. be r~.q\.~ir::=j ,~C'l('xL';:~ tb,",;~l~.jor hl.eh p~hool. T~~~ To~vn Engin~er st~.1:~cl t.~t~t ~l~ 'h..:i.d ~("~..7 ~ornpl.~'.~\~d t:~.e Pj,:)pc3pd sewage plan for tha Town of E3g.?:"'. crd :-:-t'FTe:1ted t!.-.at. j0~.:1.t I3pt"'::1l11 m~cti.ng of the Board of Superviso":'-. '::-I.J .i'.ddsol"Y PlA.m1:.r;J COTIr..:.ttee - J Meetin3 :)f~ s0hp.dc,~E'j for 11'":1"'1<.18)". ;',':dl 2:! at 8~0~ ofclot< .e J 1<. at the To;.;,,, Hall. t.i::':er rHSCt'$s:loJ, ~,:v! upc.t i'1;)1"'!Cil (li... ij! nl.'3de ~}) r;(!;,~C';.rjsor la2i:'l And seconckd 1--1 Chq~.rr.8n h,~tl!.1, it ~:;;~:::; l{ESO';:,VEr> that ll,e T,>.Jt1 /.!::~.":.ne;- prepare and submH. t, 'u11l to the Hinnescta T.eg,isJnture f()l: ';,;i:1.e :in~(;r::oration of the Totm 0:: ?>'lean. Upon rrr:..tion, all bill:::. ';.;rere ordered paid. Up 0',', r;lilU..:>n, th~ mc<:i.:i:1.3 acljourni?d. Dated; l.prE f', EG~J' ~1U t ~-~ Clerk .'