04/20/1965 - City Council Regular HIt-lUTES OF REGUU.r. MEETING OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EAGAN TOWNSHIP, DA1<OTA COUNTY. MINNESOTA A!=,ri 1 20, 1965 A regular meeting of the board of Supervisors, Eagan Township, Dakota County, was held on April 20, 1965 at 8:00 o'clock P. M. at the Town Hall at which all members were present. Chairman Rahn presided. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The following building permit applications were submitted: Gi 1 Amundson, Cliff Road and Lenore, Clearview Addition, residence 40' x 26', $18,000. Cedar Grove Construction Company, 12 residential building permits in Cedar Grove #2, 3 and 4. Upon motion duly m~de and seconded, it was RESOLVED that said building permit applications be, and they hereby are, approved and the Clerk be o:;::"deJ"ed to issue the appropriate permits. Certain officers of Valley View Waterworks Company appeared conce:ning the p:oposed Waterworks Franchise Agreement between the Township and Company. The Board laid the matter over to the regular May 4 meeting for final action. The Town Attorney submitted a resolution concerning certain special legislation regarding Townships submitted to the 1965 Minnesota Legislature dealing with village salaries, special census Qnd bond election. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that said resolution be, and it hereby is, adopted. The Board discussed the purchase of a new road grader for the Township. The Town Attorney presented a letter from Juran & Moody relative to financing the purchase of the grade~. In addition, the Town Engineer presented proposed specifications for the ~oad grader. hfter - 1 - reviewins and revising the specifications and upon motion duly made by by Supervisor Klein and secor.Jt, ~ "iJ 5upervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that the Clerk be, and she hc:..nj)~ ::'8. directed to advertise for bids for said road g2~ader ~vith the cor::ccti.,m:; notn.d in the specifications and that bonds b~ issued for this purpose; it was FURTHER RESOLVED that Marvin Wenzel a~d Chairman Rahn arrange for the rental of a grader until the purchase of a grader is made. Mr. Bartley T. Tart, 2880 Sibley Memor.ial Highway appeared with a petition siVled by ce:.tain property mv~ers in Post's Addition in opposition to the proposed blacktopping of streets in said Addition. J..fter discussion ccnce'.ning a quicker means of issuing residential buildine pe~mlts and the pro~lems relctive to locations of residences and other buildings on ~ots ~ft~r permits are acquired, upon motion duly made by Chairman R-.:.hn. ai:..-I seconded by Supervisor Klein, it was RESOLVED that the Clerk ~2, and she hereby is, authorized to issue single dwelling ~esidential building permits in platted areas only provided that the applicant in each case submit a plot plan indicating the location of the building including setbacks, etc. Upon further motion duly made and seconded. it was RESOLVED that applicants for all building permits be required to submit plot plans on both platted and unplatted pr~perty prior to the issuance of a building permit by the Clerk and furth~r the Town. Attorney was directed to investiaate the necessity of drafting a proposed ordinance change to reflect the foregoing. The following beer license applications were presented: William Smith, Eagan Carriage Hill r.ou~try Club on Yankee Doodle Road .. On S.::lle. i.irliner Mutel, 2788 Highway #55 .. Off Sale. - 2 - West End Hunting e.nd Fishing Club. Rout(i 2, Box 293, Rosemount - On Sale. Brooks Superette, Ced8r Avenue - Off Sale. Hillside Inn, 3385 Sibley Memorial Highway - On and Off Sale. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that said bee~ applications be, and they hereby are, approved and the licenses be issued. The following applications for abatement of assessed valuation were submi tt.,d: Lawrence G. Poppler, 814 Randolph, St. Paul. Cutlot A, Poppler Homestead from $390 to $144. Robert L. Smith, 4247 Jasper Lane, Lot 5, Block 5, Cedar Grove #2 from $1,552 to $1,200. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the application of Lawrence G. Poppler be, and it hereby is. denied; it was FURTHER RESOLVED that the application for abatement of Robert L. Smith be, and it hereby is, approved. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the Clerk contact severol cabinet makers relative to the rebuilding of the table in front of the ToWn Hall. Discussion ensued concerning the current condition of Rahn Road and the travel over the road by Cedar Grove Construction Company trucks and equipment. In addition, a letter from Mount Calvary Lutheran Church on Rohn Road was presented concerning the condition of the road. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that Marvin Wenzel be, and he hereby is, authorized to put up necessary rood barriers for closing the road temporarily until the street is permitted to dry out and in addition, the Town Engineer be directed to check its current condition and make recommendations to tbe Town Board for repair. - 3 - Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be, and she hereby is, directed to notify the local newspapers concerning the intent of the Tvwn Boord to hire an additional pert-time policeman. The Board next discussed the problem of dumping grounds in the Township including that of w~ecked cars. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the Town httorney be, and he hereby is, directed to draft a proposed ordinance or revision to the current ordinance concerning dumping in the Township. hfter discussion concerning the need for installation of odorizers on gas lines leading from the Northern Natural Gas Line in the Township, and upon motion by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Chainnan Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the Town httorney be, and he hereby is, authorized to take proper steps to require the installation of odorizers for safety purposes along the Northern Natural Gas Line. Upon motion, all bills as presented were ordered paid. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Dated: hpril 20, 1965. ?l4~~ ~ Clerk - 4 -