04/22/1965 - City Council Special MINUTEö !SPECIAL JOINT MÕBTING OF BOFRD OF SUPERVISOas AND ¥ PISOSY@PALNING COMMIT’y EAG¶ízÌÞOSHIP. DAK‘“J COUNT¹- MINNç¶NTA April 22, 1965 A spe`il joint meetingÃ'` thd "o;rf of Supe~vi•Ms andÙ^'Túnry Pla°©bng Com-httee t!!Eagan Township, Dakota Counwy_ was ye~d on Ap”!j 22- j P1;65 at 8:00 $Dlock ¼ÃÄD©`t the Tow°çCall atàvhich ¡m members of the Board ex`et Supervisor Sc?gnz veezppesent. The lKlowin°8Tëdrs of ª¯n Advis/sy PlaK(hng Committee were present: Gifley,1P}lzin,'B)sdetuem W cnd Wachter.Cairma<º¤_ç!presided.ÓÍ Mr. D‰bk TurÕˆs of Bonestroo & Rosene explbied the report o‰E S`n t;r{ Sewerage F_­Blitie¸¢=J©Dagan Town­¯bp whic(!this j&fineering firm had recentoyQcomplttwd. M˜f&Jim!O s5n"of Juran & }x|dy, ItÍ°«Sñqlained th‚aiffereÞu m+åiods of assessment which migktVbe used to fina‡+c thhs@p(ohect. He ‹æ]o rec/…’ÛTídd that th‚Qown co.uact C+.`r Greve Utilities and purchbs tco{s plantÌ!` pors b6e, The Boa0X4direcKÐÚfzû/ Rosene, 7Írn Engi®eer,'tóäarrange a meeting of the Aord of Supel~iso™;&and!M.zJcndric and oˆ»rr rep$3liRý`tives Ä%Cedar sove Uz mities Co. for the week of Asrl 25,1it possib‚)( Uo4 ootion, the cž}ting ÞJ¡lurned. DaÇa: Apri¬!22, 1£û4. tl4 6< ~ Clerk, EagbnTTownship