07/06/1965 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF REGUU.R MEETING OF TIlE BOh.RD OF SUPERVISORS EAGhN TOWNSHIP t Il!~r0TJ,. COUNTY, MINNESOT/.. Julj- 6t 1965 1. regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township, Dakota County was held on July 6, 1965 at the Town Hall at 8:00 o'clock P.M. together wi th e hearing on Rahn Road improvements which started at 7:00 o'clock P.M. at which all members were present. Chairman Rahn presided. The Chairman announced at 7:00 o'clock P.H. thet a he!lrinf' on the proposed street improvements of Rahn Road had commenced. The Cl~rk read the Notice of Hearing and stated that publication of the notice had been made in the Dakota County Tribune. L number of property owners along Rahn Road were present. The Town Engineer explair.v:l the purpose of the proposed road i~rovements and upon motion duly m!:1de by Supervisor Schwanz and secondad by ~hairman R!lhn, it was RESOLVED that said improvement of Rahn Road be, and it hereby is, ordered as proposed by the Town Engineer and that the Town Engineer be instructed to prepare the plans and specifications for said improvements. The Chairman announced at 8:00 o'clock P.M. that sealed bids for the purchase of $42,000 of general obligation bonds for road and fire equipment would be opened. i.. representative of Juran & Moody, Eagan fiscal consultant, was present to open and read the bids. The follo~ing bids were submitted: Allison-Williams Co. Ka lman & Co. P)per, Jaffray & Hopwood 3.649% 3.665% 3.5386% Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Chairman Rohn, it was RESOLVED that the bid of Piper, Jaffr!lY & Hopwood be, and it hereby is, awarded pursuant to a Resolution which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. - 1 - The Clerk read the minutes of t~e p~evious meeting and upon motion they were duly appr07ed. The following building permit applicaticns were submitted: Ted RingbeT.'g, l~Sl Er:~ri31d LGlne, LC'lt 7, Block 9, Cedar Grove ill, $1,500 kitcbp.n addition 8' :;: l!.Ja. Tom ~~pe, 2106 Cornelian Lane, storage bUilding, 8a x 12', $300, Lot 1, Block 5, Cedar Grove #3. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that th~ foregoing building permits b:;;, and they hereby are, approv~d and the Clerk be directed to issue the appropriate permits. The application of 3M National Advertising Company, 4920 West 35th Street. Minr.eapolis for a sign permit on the Elmer Rahn property on County Road #30 was next submitted. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Supe~~'iso~ ~lein, it was RESJLVED that said sign application for a Hartford Insurance sign for Valley National Bank be, and it hereby is, approved and that the Clerk be instructed to issue the applicable permit. Mr. Martin Deslauriers appeared with two applicants for part-time town policemen, Donn Smith, 4123 Diamond Drive and Richard A. LeMay, Route I, St. Paul ll. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that said applicants be, and they hereby are, hired as part-time town policemen on a trial basis for a period of six months at $2.50 per hour according to the Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of June I, 1965. Mrs. LaVonne L. Barber, 2049 Flint Lone, appeared regarding her garage built by Miles Lumber COnlp!lny. It w.:lS noted tc.at the performance bond running in favor of Eagon Township dated September 24, 1964 in the sum of $250 whereby Miles Lumber Company agre~d to move the enrage by 2 - the ~V~lng ot 1~65 was still in effect. After Mrs. Barber had explained tlult the e8rage had not been compJstcd nor had it been moved as contemplated, the Board instructet"; the TO~'Ja f...t:torney to contact the appoJ:'priate pl1:r.t"es reI'I::i",; t J fOl':!"~i ture (': the bond. Mr. Norman Vogelpohl !lL?eol. .,'.'1 cO'.1.cerninJ hL proposed layout fur an apartment ccnplcx en the Thotrk.'1.s Kennea1y property. l.fter reviewing the layout, the Boord instructed Mr. Vogelpohl to appear at the July 12, Advisory Planning Committee with a preliminary plat of the property. 1-<<.... c.."" "- i<" d e..',-,' <-I( Mr. H.illY:-Jin Wenzel, Mr.LaHass, Mr. Konga, and Mr. RaittHck nppeored relative tL> a request by the Northern Dakota County Development i~ssociation concerning widening of Highway #13 to a four-lane highway. Upon motion duly rr~de n~d secon1ed, it was RESOLVED that the &~gan Board of S~pervisors be, and it hereby is, on record recommending to the Minnesota Hig~7ay Department that a four-lane; nine-ton year-around road be e'Jnatructed along Highway #13 and tha~ ~0nstru~tion of the Cedar ~venue Bridge be accelerated and further that the Highway Department reinvestigate the financial situation in the area of Eagan Township, all more particularly according to that resolution attached hereto and made 0 part hereof. The weed inspectort Alphy leMay, appeared relative to billing private property owners for cutting weeds. The Board instructed the weed inspector to acquire forms for submission to the County Auditor to include the cost with the annual tax levy. Certain residents of Timberline Addition appeared relative to the washing of soil in the Timberline i.ddition due to the It:. rain July 6. 1964. Upon motion duly made and secondedt it was RESOLVED that the Town httorney notify the representatives of Ti~erline developer that the washout has occurred and instructing the~ that the streets be b~ought up to proper grade. - 3 - The Clerk read a letter from Justice Silos Palmer requesting that he be assigned a proportionate shnrt.:; of the cases assigned to Justice Court in E~gnn Townsh'p. Th0 Bo~~J inior~l:lly decided to leave the m~tter of assisr.i:1g C~1:::'?S t:J the LD~an police ofi:icers. Upon motion duly made nnd seconded, it was kESOLVED that the follOWing Ec.g!ln recident- be, and they hereby are, appointed to the Engen Park Committp9 ?endi~g accept!lnce by each: Vernon Cole Thomas Stearns Jeanette M!lrien Jack Consour Mrs. Steve Westbrook Richard Thorpe The Board requested that the Clerk notify each of the foregoine and request that they be present at the next Board of Supervisors meeting on July 20 at 7:30 P.M. Upon motion duly made ~_I ~ ~~e..,..\ded, it w~s RESOLVED that the application of John A. Stees, 2$75 Lone Oak Road, St. Paul 11 for reduction in abatement in his property tax to $3,696 be, and it hereby is, granted. hfter discussion and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESCLVED that an open house for the Town Hall be, and it hereby is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, i.ugust 22, 1965 from 1:00 to 5:00 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, all bills !lS presented were ordered to be paid. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Doted: July 6, 1965. ._ I...t:-,./- ' ,~, / ~.,",~ ;;"'CL-r / Clerk 4 -