09/07/1965 - City Council Regular MIllUTES OF A REGUU~ MEETING CF THE Bc..ARD OF SUPERVISORS EAGAN TO\oJNSHIP, DAKOTA COUNTY) MINimS::' TA Se?tp~ber 7, lS61 I.t 7:30 p. m. the Board of 3up~n"isor... met to open bids for Rahn Road. After receipt of only O:'l~ :1id., that from Alelxo;;l!".der Construction Coq>any and upon motion cl:11y rna0~ and seconded, it \07a3 P.ESOLVED that said bid be, and it herE':by i-:, ):r:i."~rned to Al"!YJ'lnder Con5t:r:uctJ on C01!lpany unopened alLd that the TO'tm Clp7:'tt be authorized to readvertize for bids to be opened at September 29th at 8:00 p. rn. A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Townsh~r~ Dakota County. !Hnnesota, uas held at the Town Hall at 8:00 p. m. on 3eptember 7, 1965, at which all members were present. Chairman Rahn presided. The minutes of the previous mp-:..ting were approved as read. The following building perMtt application was presented to the Board: Mount Calvery Luther4n Ch'J.Cch, Rahn RO'id, 26,000 square feet, addition, $70,000. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that said foregoing application be, and it hereby is, approved. Mr. E~Jard Reid appeared on behalf of his application for a building permit under the hardship clause to move a house onto a lot in the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section lo-27~23. It was noted that the lot formerly owned by Mr. ~chield being a one acre parcel. The Board further noted that the area in question had not been platted. After discussion and upon motion ~Jly made and seconded it was nESO'LVED that said building peX'1l1i t application be, and it hereby is, approved subject, however, to applicant's locating the house at least thirty (30) feet from the edge of the North-South road an j at least forty-.five (45) feet from the edge of the Ea~t-~-1est ros.d adjoining h18 property; it was further RE3CLVJDthat said approval be further subject - 1 - to the applicant's granting an easement cf thirty (30) feet stong the North-South road and tbirty-thr:?~ (33) feet: .along the East-l.Jp-st road and that the applicant p~ovide a legal dec~ription fo~ this easement. Mr. J3ck Dilienthei~, C~~~~ ~LOV~ ConRtruction Company, appeared relative to the proposed Town sC'.U!8e system running through Cedar Grove No.5. Mr. Dillentheh stated t.h~t Ceder Grove Constr;)ctlon Company was basically in agreemen~ ~ith th~ cn3ineerirg plans and prcposala for said sewage system in that area. Mr. Tom Mo'r~ of Route 2, Ro~emount, appeared in response t~ th~ Board's request relative to possible violations of ordinances No. 1 and 6 with respect to junk and -:o';nrnerc:lal operations on his property located on State tru~k highway No. 3 and Gun Club Road. It was also noted that Er. Moore had two house trailers located adjacent to each other on his property. Upon motion dulj marl'" ,1.,\(1 secondeq it was nZ::;.:i'.J::::' that Mr. Moore be, and he her~~7 ~~. gIven t~l~ly days to resolve the problem resarding the purported junk yard and the trailer park and that after such time the Board would review the situation. Chairman Rahn read a letter from the Dakota County Planning Commission relative to a public hearing scheduled for September $, 1965, at 8:00 p. m. in Hastings concerning a proposed new system of street naming and numberine in Dokota County. Upon a motion duly made by Supervisor Klein 8.nd seconded by St\pervhor Schr.,'anz, it was RESnl.v~~;, that the Boa~'d of ~upervisors of Eagan Township be, and it hereby is, on record opposing a renumbering system of any kind in Eagan Township due to the fact '..!'\t the St. Paul street naming an1 n~mberi~z systnm h~s been used in the Township for several years; it was FUP.TIlER RESCLVE;D that the Town Attcr.ney b~, and he hereby is, authorized anJ directed to prepat"~ Flr.. appropriate rp.solution outlining the Board's position in this matter for use at the public hearing by the Board represent4tives. - 2 - The foll~ling application~ for abatement were presp.nted: AlmA. Sell, 3916 Blackh:rN', ':cad, L~~om ~!~,500 to $2,~53; Keith Porter, 2098 0u~rtz ic~e, ~~nM ~1.:82 to $1,272; Otto 1- Rosen, 2125 CrJ~'rH.;!:r. L:,lr~,~, fr.c'::1 $1,598 to $1,290; Joan E. Connor, 214:, Ga,:n~'; Drive, from $1,554 to $1,260. Upon motion duly In'1de and :S':\..otlded, it miS RESOV,..J:.D that th.e foregoing applications for abatement be ar.J they hr.::;.:by are approved. Supel~isor Klein read a letter from the Lost Spur Club relative to the proposed operation of bingo games at t.he club. The T0~n At~o":ney was ~equested to check the authority of the Township in regulating the operation of bingo games within the Town. The Board discussed the request of School District No. 191 that the Board adopt a resolution providing that the new junior high school in Eagan Township not b::! a''''::,:,;~';>:, r,~ henefited property at any future time that sewer or wat~~ ~lnes a,:; installed in the vicinity or bordering upon school property. It was informally decided that no action be taken in rega~d to this request. Upon motion, all bills were ordered paid. upon motio~, the meeting adjourned. Dated: Septem1-er 7, 1965 t21; L< A~~ C1erI<