10/19/1965 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF A REGUlAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EAGAN TOWNSHIP, Ml<OTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA OCTOBER 19, 1965 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township, Dakota Ccunty, Minnesota was held at the Town Hall at 8:00 P. M. on October 19, 1965 at which Chairman Rahn and Supervisor Klein were present. Vir. Kenneth H. Holmgren, 4363 Sandstone Drive appeared on behalf of an application for construetion of an attached garage to his home and for a variance of about 3.3 feet. The board noted that the applicable adjacent property owner consented to the variance and upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESOLVED that said building permit for construction of attached garage 20 x 24 feet, at $1,800.00 be, and it hereby is, approved. The following building permit applications were received: Donald Kuhn, 3370 South Lexington for single dwelling with attached garage on an 80 acre parcel at $17,000; Al Furratt, Rosemount, for a two story single dwelling 39 x 32 feet, at $30,000 on a 10 acre parcel in section 25 near county road JO. Upon motion duly made ans seconded it was RESOLVED that said building permit: applications be, and they hereby are, approved. The Reverand Frank DeCourcy appeared on behalf of an application of ~1innesota Methodist Church Extension for a special use permit to use a double mobile home as a temporary church at the southeast corner of Lexington N.renue and Lose Oak Road was next presented. It was noted that the Advisory Planning COllr'i ttee recommended approval. Upon motion by Chairman R4hn and seconded by Supervisor Klein it was RESOLVED that said application be, and it here~J is, approved and that a special use permit be granted for a period not to e2tCeed two years as recommended by the Advisory Planning Committee. - 1 - Mr. Donald Nelson, attorney and Mr. HOWard Dahlgren, consultant, appeared relative to the application of Thomas Kelm of Montgomery, Minnesota for re- zoning 40 acres in the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 32 from A, Agricultural to C-2, Heavy Commercial. The Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval. Upon motion by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Chairman Rahn it was RESOLVED that said application b~ and it hereby is, approved less that portion of said parcel taken for highway right-o~way by proposed Hianway #35E. The application of Mr. Jean Parranto for a permit to erect a business sign along Highway ill3 near the Valley National Bank to advertise real estate lots on tee premises was next persented. The Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval. Upon motion by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Klein it was RESOLVED that said application bet and it hereby is, approved and said permit be issued to erect said sign. A resolution from Cedar Grovs Construction Company for a proposed extension of the acceptance of offsite imporvements for Cedar Grove :/13 was next presented. Upon motion by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Klein it was RESOLVED that said application for extension be, and it hereby is, approvod up to July 1, 1966. Mr. Vance Grannis. Jr.. attorney, and Mr. Tom Mohr appeared concerning certain alleged ordinance violations on the Mohr property. After discussion it was decided that Mr. Grannis prepare a letter to be sent to the Eagan Town Attorney explaining the operation and proposals for remedying the situation on ~he Mohr property. After discussion with Mr. James Olson of Juran and Moody, fiscal consultants, and upon motion by Supervisor Klein, seconded by Chairman Rabn it was RESOLVED that the RaM Road Street Improvement Bonds of 1965 in the sum of $37.000.00 bet and they hereby are, sold to Juran. Moody. Inc., for a rate not to exce~d 3.85. - 2 - The Board received and read a letter from Mr. Vern Le Tendre resigning as police office~. The Board instructed the Clerk to send a letter to Mr. Le Tendre accepting his resignation. Upon motion by Chairman Rahn seconded by Supervisor Klein it was RESOLVED that the acceptance of certain streets in Cedar Grove D2 and D4 be tabled until the next regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors so that the Town Englneer. can prepare a list of streets recommended for acceptance. ,~ appliea~ion for reduction in the assessed valuation of Lot 5. Block 5, Cedar Grove 11 was submitted by Raymond E. Dornfeld. Upon motion duly made by Su~ervisor Klein and seconded by Chairman Rahn it was RESOLVED that the aRsesse~ valuation of said property be. and it hereby is. reduced from $1~370 to $l,C?!. After discussion and upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESOLVED that the Town Attorney write the Dakota County Board of Commissioners requesting a reduction of the speed limit on H:igmoJdY 1131 from Highway #30 to Highway #26 and further requesting an increase in the speed limit on Highway #30 from Highway #31 to Highway 83. It was further requested that a painted crosswa~k si'\d s!~n uYield to PedestriansU similar to that used in Apple Valley be ~.nst~D.eci on County Road 830 at Diamond Drive. The Board further instructed the To\~~ Attorney to write to the Board of County Commissioners requesting that an additional telephone line from St. Paul be installed in the Dakota County Sheriff's office. Upon motion all bills submitted weee paid. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. Dated: October 19, 1965 '~ /~ _2 U -f" . Clerk - 3 -