01/07/1964 - City Council Regular ,/ ./ L MIrtrrBS OF .. RlGJIM ~.OY 'lU':,'1Qt.IU) -OF SUPERVISORS a.CftM ~'.. J'amauy 7. 1964 A reaular meetina of the Board of SUpervieon. Bapn Township was held on January 7. 1964 at 8:00 p.a. at the Town. Hall at which aU members were present. Cbai~n Rahn prealded. 1'he 1Ilit\U~" of the pr-toua .lIIe8ttna were approved aa read- -';.'tbe 'Clerk. There were no buUclina pezmit applicatioNh Seve"al residents of the McKee Adclltlan appeared on their CJVI\ behalf relati.e ~o wat... pollution problema In the Ac:kJl tlon. .'IlIa Chairman ot the' Board of s..pel'Vlaora J'~rted that the Township bad recei.ed a report from the MiM..ota ~nt of Healtb outllaint the result of 23 'Water tl8q)lea taken In the above area. After di8Qlsslon L and upon motion duly _de aadMCoaded, it.. RESOLVED that Mid report be, and it Mreby ia., wefened to the Town In&inees- for study and eoqMlriaon wi th the report of the Mlnneaot:a Health -Jlepartment of September, 1962. 'the application of Cedar G&ove COIt8tzucUan Coapany f... amendment of its plat in Cedar Grove Mo. 3 for the purpoae of chenatD8 lot Una was next preaented, Upon motion c:Iu~y _de and aeconded, it was RESOLVED that said application be. end it hereby 1_. approved and that the plat be properly e_cutedb)' the Chat....n and tM Cler~. There wes no appea'rance by Hr. HalOC\e., WBCA, rel,Uve to propo.-ed recreational activ! ties for Cedaz' Grove Park, and the it. was strleken~ The Town ~me)' pftaented aq opinion relative to the 1963 L legislative revIsion to MSA 203.21 coneemina the number of aunicipal election jud.... ~ I[ Hr. Wallace Potter appeared on behalf of the Eapn Fire Department. A discussion ensued conceming the proposed 1964 Fire Department budset and the area of coverage wi thin the Township to be serviced by the Eagan Fire Department. Hr. Potter also outlined proposed plans for the purchase of additional facUities for the department and the Town Board directed the To\m Attorney to contact the Valley National Bank .relative to acquisition of funds for the purchase of these faCilities. The Chairman presented a suggestion that the Townahip contact the Federal Bureau of Census requesting that a cost estilllflte be prepared by the Bureau for purposes of taking a special census of the Township.. The proposed census would be taken for purposes of receiving a tIIOre equi table share of the state' 8 liquor and clprette tax revenue. Upon motion duly made and seconded. it was IlBSOLVED that the Town Attomey L be. and be hereby Is. directed to write the Federal Bureau of Census requesting a cost estimate for purpos.. of a new census in 1965. Upon motion duly IIIflde and seconded, it was RESOLVED that all bills presented to the Board be, and they hereby are. ordered to be paid. Upon motion. the meeti ng adjourned. Dated: January ~ 1964 tJ~~ J]~Lb- Clerk l