02/04/1964 - City Council Regular /' L MINUTES OF REGUlAR MUTING OF EOAIID OF SUPERVISORS EAGAN TOWNSHIP - Feb:rosry 4, 1964 ;,- A regular meeti.ng of the Board of Supervisors, Baaan Townshipi was hel~ O~ February 4, 1964 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. at the Town Hall at which all members were present. Chairman Rahn presided. The reading of the minutes of the previous meet ing was approved as read. The following building permit applications were submitted: Bartly T. Tait, 2125 Highland Parkway, dwelling plus prage, $15,000, Lot 2, Post Addition #1. Steve Staltman, dwelling plus attached &Graae, $30,000, 62' x 26' tn Lot 11, Block 3, Timberline Addition. L Upon motion duly made and seconded. it vas RESOLVED that thO! foresolq building permit applications be, and the-j' hereby are, approved end the To~;n Clerk be, and she tla&'eby 1., ordered to lasue the approrrf.l\t~ building permits. The application of Brooks Hauser, Jordan, Mtnnesota~ for an off-sele beer 1 i c~nse for Brooka Superette, 4S25 Cedar AvetWe South was next submitted. Upon 1IDtion duly _de by Chairman Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Sch~1anz, it was RESOLVED that the fore80ina off-sale beer license permit be, and it hereby is, approved. The Town Attorney presented an opinion relative to the chanting ~f polling places for elections in the Township. It was noted that th!! change in polling place for Preeinct Number 3 fram Christ Lutheran Church L to the I\eW Fire Hall is be1n& accoapUshed aC:ODrdln.g to Law. A report from the Bureau of the Census in Waahin.gton D. C. concerning the special 1965 census was next read. The report: stated that the. special /' L - 2 - census would cost an estinated $1,6l",) to be paid by the Township and request~d that the Board contact the Uureau in September of 19~4 relative to further cost estimates and outJf""8..-8l'T811~nts for- tl-.e .taking of'ttbe census . L A preliminary repoJ't from the Town Hall COIIIDittee was aubmi tted t!' the Board. It was noted that $8,000 will have accrued in the special Town Hall fund as of the 1964 Anrwal Meettna and the report requested that an additional $20,000 be raised to help finance the proposed nC~1 Town Hall. Upon motion duly _de and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the Coamittee's preliminary report: on the Town Hall be, and it hereby is, accepted. Upon further 1IJ)tion duly made and seconded, it WI1S RESOLVED tbat an election be,. ar.d it helL"eby is, ordered to be held at the Annual Meeting of the town electors en Mairch 10th, 1964 -relative to whct:ber t!le electors favor the issuance of bonds not to exceed $20,000 to fin."1nce a proposed Town Hall. and that the Town Clerk be instructed to PO&t notices of said election accordina to Law. The Town Attorney read an opinion relative to the issuance of :., warrants by the Township on the basis of anticipated tax revenues dw:1.ng the year of issuance of the warrants. The Chairman stated that the Advisory Plannlns CoaIDittee recoumended at -its regular December, 1963 meeting that the town Engineer conduc4: a study relative to a proposed major street plan and drainase study for Eagan Township to be submitted to the. Board at a later elate. Tbe application of James Horne for re-zoning of part of the NEt of Section 2-27-23 othelWise known a. kinpwood from A, Agricultural 'CO R-I, Residential. It was noted that The AdYlsory Planning CODlllit'::e.~ :tecoamended approval of the re-zoning at its .1UIY1~~ 1963 meeting. L /' L 3. L Upon motion ciuly ~de and seconded, 'it w(;iS RL;3OLVED that said area be, and it hereby la, reo-zoned from A, Agricultural to R-l, Residential.. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the T~ Clerk be, and she hereby is, directed to give notice of the Annual Town Meeting for ICJ64 by publishing for 10 clays in the Dakota County Tribune and by pos... in three appropriate places.. The appHc;:ations of Gopher Smelting CCJq)8ny for: a building pjt;rmit for the co~truction of a roof over a valled area at its plant on Highway Numl)e't' 55 was next submi tted. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOL~ that said application for building permit be, and it hereby is, approved subject however to submisslon and approval of said application to the Advisory Planning Committee at its February, 1964 meeting and. in a\ldition the approval of the Town Engineer of tbe plans and specifications. The Chairman reported that a bid from the RFA for the salt:: r:.nc installation of a 10 hor.~ three phase siren for the new Fire Hall in the amount of $800 plus $100 for controls plus installation costa had been i:>uomitted. .Upon motion duly made by Supexvisor Schwanz, seconded by Supervisor Klein, it was RESOLVED that said contract be entered into with REA for the purchase of said fire siren for the new Fire 1Ja'1l. Upon tootion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that Martin DesL.b'.lriers be, and he hereby is, autborized to haul in three loads of gravel in front of the new Plre Hall. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that t~4e '.fawn Clerk be, end she hereby is, directed to send a letter to the Wat~r Pollution Control Coaudaslon of the State of Minnesota reaardins the discharge of waste and effluent into the Mlnnesota River with the request L ,r-- [ 4. that the Commission ~t ita Februar.y 7, 1964 meetina take into consi~on " "';,., the future expansion of the Township ond its sewage system. William E. Rahn and Julia Rahn appeared on behalf of their application for the approval of a revised final plat of Clearview located in the swt of the sEt of 'Section 29-27-23 with an excepti~n thezeto. It was t\oted by the Board that the orisinal final plat for CleanSew had. b~.~n approved at-'.nearl1er time but that the Resister of Deeds in Dakota County had. not-recorded the plat because of the failure of a land owner wi thin the area to be platted, namely Larry Strobkirch whose property is located on Cliff Road, to consent to th~ plat. Upon motion duly made and seconded~ it was RESOLVED that said final plat of Clearview L with the above mentioned exception being a rectansular lot roeasuri~ 280' ]I: 203.5' be, and it hereby is, approved and that the appropriate officers be directed to execute the final plat. Upon motion, all bills were ordered paid. Upon motion. the _Uns adjoumed. Dat,:d: February 4, 1964. "jjt/~~r~ - [ AMENDMENT OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EAGAN TOWNSHIP, DAKOTA COUNTY - February 4, 1964 The minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota of February 4, 1964 at the third full paragraph on Page 2 should be amended as follows: The Chairman stated that the Advisory Planning Committee recommended at its regular December, 1963 meeting that the Town Engineer conduct a study relative to a proposed major street plan and drainage study for Eagan Township to be submitted to the Board at a later date. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the Town Engineer be, and he hereby is, directed to conduct a study relative to proposed major street plan and drainage study for the township which plan and study shall be submitted to the Board of Supervisors upon completion. Dated: February 4, 1964 Clerk