02/18/1964 - City Council Regularr MIS .JTt'S OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 'JWn; %T , Dti .= `'A COUNTY t CC 4.> 7?i:ay IS, 19 64 1i regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township, Dakota County, x:as held on February 18, 1964 at 8:00 o'clock P. M. at the Town Hall at which all members were present except Supervisor Schwanz. Chairman Rahn presided. The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting The following building permit applications were present: James Tousignant, residence plus garage, 62' x 27' , Lot 3, Nancy Circle, $20,000. Wiliam W. Berg, residence, 26' x 44' plus attached garage, Lot 3t Block 3, Clearview, on Cliff Road, $17,000. Walter Nelson, rel'idc_nce plus garage, 50' x 24' , Lot 4, Carlson Acres, $19,000. Henry Franz application to move 25 year old home onto his property on Deerwood Drive, 44' x 25' estimated cost $10,000 when completed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that said building petit applications be, and they hereby are, approved and the Clerk be directed to issue said permits. The application of Davie C. Bell Investment Company by V. H. Mickelson, Agent, 250 Midland Bank Building, Minneapolis for approval of a preliminary plat for Sibley Terminal Industrial Park in parts of Government Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, Sections,8 and 9 27-23 containing approximately 100 acres was submitted. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that said.application for approval of preliminary plat for Sibley Terminal Industrial Park as above described be, and it hereby is, approved subject, however, to the submission of a correct legal description and further subject to proper storm water drainage to be provided by applicant. ~ L ~ 4$ 'lbe appUcationof Bergstedt, Wahlberg and Wold, architects, 2706 West Seventh Boulevard, St. Paul, for a buildtna permit for the coNltructloa of a Baptist Chureh at the comer of Rahn Road and Hipay 130 was presented. It was noted that the J.dvisory Plannins CoIIIm1ttee and the Town Enpneer after review bad rec~ded approval. Upon mUon .ly _de and second*d, it wes RESOLVED that Aid application for a buildi. permt .. deacrlbed above be, and it hereby i8. approved aubJect to the subsequent approyal of 4kainage by the County Bnalneer alons Highway 130, and that the Clerk '...... ~d she hereby is, direeted to issue a buUdina, permit upon such CGq)liance. 'l'he application of Gopher Smelting eoq,any, Route 11, St. Paul 11. L for a buHdtna p_t for encloaure of open _t dab conal.Una of concrete block with steel roof ... considered. It was noted that the Board of Supervisors at its February 4. 1964 meetlna bad recoaaended appX"(Wal subject to subsequent approval by the Advisory Planning CoaIIllttee and Town Engineer. After review and at its Febzwary 10, 1964 aegular Meetina, the Advisory Plaanina ec-tn..e IW>- Indedapproval subject to eubmta.ion of coap1ete detatls and pi... at the Boerd of Supezvlsors meett. on 'February 18. It was further noted that the Town !nalneer had now reviewed the plana and recoamended appzoval of t1aebuUdlna permtta Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that satd bundi~ permit be, and it hereby i8, approved for iaauancean4 ,t;llic tile 11'- be. and she hereby la, directed to ~J.7_:wtt:ll L The applications of Hi....y O1"'-'",.ac... 71-1 Is.... .......... St. Paul,. for two billboard pe~ap; few" ..~w-~locIl~ 1iai.. ~'I!r .aa:a4 tile Parker House 81ana near SU"er Bell Roa4 and- ....,. '.13'.... ~ic1er.<Lt ~ ~ L L L 3. Upon IIDtion <lily ..de and seconded, it was RESOLVED that said pentt~ applications be, and they hereby are, approved and t;bat the Clerk be, and she hereby is, ordered to issue the appropriate penaita. Af.ter discussion and IIpOO. .motion duly ..de and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the Advisory Planniaa Coamittee be, and it hereby is. requested to make a s~udy of and consider the 8ign and billboard problem throughout tbe township in 118ht of the provietens. an Ordinance 16 t-lith the sugestion that revisions be ..de to said ordinance including the possible requirmen.t of acqulrina a special use perm! t on a one-year basis. Hr. Ricbard Yanta representtna Cedar Athletic Association appeared resardina the proposed construction of an athletic park on a 4-acre parcel on RaM Road next to the Lutheran Church. Mr. Yanta expla ined that he bad met with Mr. Janclric relative to the dedication of this 4-acre percel to the Township in return for the coaatruction by the Township of certain athletic facilities including two back stops, bleachers. basketball courts, tennis court, etc. '1'he Board decided to take the raetter under advisement durin, which time the Town Attorney will contact Mr. Jandric relative to the dedication of said parcel. Upon motion duly ..de and seconded, It was RESOLVED that the fire siren originally scheduled to be p1ac~ on a separate pole near the ~gsl\ Tcvmship Fire Hall be, and it hereby Is, ordered to be placed on the Fire Hall itself. Mr'. Milton Knoll, Sprinptead, Inc.. 718 Degree of Honor Building, St. Paul, appeared on behalf of Sprinastead, Inc. relative to proposed ftscal duties as IIIJnicipal consultant for the Town of Eaaan. , æÜ4Æ`y6É߬îÍ“mWãLÛxÀöñÙÀ¥A¶ÜèŸS6Ý$ŠÈ‚ÂNÞpVCSÔ5uÿe«þDŸëê­Ô(-{€¢Œ.#ç˜S´Vçi{ÿ뀖²H…‹¶m±B@fSÿa ¼‹‘[ÿ!©-pŸ ¤,2 ©ƒé1] ³ñÅ{sZ@íkÞ{e(ýÿ} 2k–­w~Öàff4ˆáă–x÷ÌÏ¥õìþØ¢B | ß¿p|'­ñ¦K-xƒ? ‚™V!áe²£#ñgöÅ=?ERٛސs Ì©ÇS;§(Ø¡äÁfC.ñö†yÇæ&`ŠÂœý¡È{Žc.‚ z£TMr•{Tª$0‡ôw,k+®è7F|.ûBqÿâ7ÈD¨í°{¬v†þƒ¼2 ð‚yÔ‘£àôåõkˆâŒ/¿,Dõ %‘²ÛB÷×îÝ ¦ÖèZ0[D3åM?A)A4Xag¼N¸AÑh´oÏQ+“+7·tq%y9Äã)A憳]áº:£`·‘‡°âK§†1 Žä¤ux›“y”ÿ-ÒÖ¬0ã­¥™Ci%è8=k”.Ç»1xa¹MlmDûE;¼á ò¡ 4xO׎äEPbirý¤ØÔ3 Ö N!b”B7y©¼Z€Æmžx'•Iñ,d-c÷È?¾±i5gc@¬¢L¿ãÎöeZ¹`ﲓˆÊcƒsT$2C(X>€£7ç]žÈÂs‘65 mÀBàd‡xÑc1“êÕÂu•>„ÇÚw«°iý€ßãXD –zx1’}¡ô,\Œôíç÷göæo•ü”óÝ?’d2rbï>s{“v^m= ¸éqâa¾÷lI][YL ü+$=MM€V‘¾}fj/ÕA”þh®/žTÞqD¢¡p5:âM¼°^÷¨àIÅß6ÛU}·L÷hÀib^2ÿè€âu.zÀà±òéâ•tæÖf-iNveÕâÂUˆ[ä ëË#•*¦Vv˜e'+u¾YZ'®¹ò‹öSŠ%÷–JÓ=_‹{GÌËq%’I6aËE”"ÌÝ$LTCEnâÜo\‚IxGߧ‚â^aKÝAûsþW; B”:M—/¥|òë„Ðà‡}²x4‹²Yek=üEÊ]¿ Ÿ ßøkéâM ð„ÓO ¢"¿] –ÀôÏ%õ=œLƒq1DpŒb¥HHû δ1àª~ZŽžMÀÂE@P”»…»Y¨Ï¸ÕM!] OÀÑ)5ßP&Xdë,¿ãß5ÕÓÒE‚²;ö`ñ t¨ø ýXiÊ1aé•‘&¼aʁ!%Ö–õ Ii'?vŠg`|8zYée×bRìäEq0ô"¿ìåJÕñrÔqDØ>'îÂ{/–`fûÊ#Ñ#Å— 4æ¼`Û)ZEûªPµBð¡”Fñ{%N&þ?H× Žb¹¿WÊüÖqÞÖ ¶5”ÿH¶Räòù”t(¼þwueãwíîØ·êðDOŠòC