03/03/1964 - Finance ,~ KDfUTES 1 ~ ~ i I 1 --- Board ot Audit - Eagan Twp. March 3, 1964 The Board ot Supervisors ot Eagan 'l'owlUlhip acting a s the Beard of Audit _t at the hQlJl8 of Clerk Alyce Bolke, 1365 neerWOod Drive at 1:30 P.K. an March 3, 1964. On Kotion ot lhail'llWl Hahn, second John Klein &18 Schwanz it was RESOLVED that the bUls presented the Board by the Clerk be, and they hereby are approyed tor payment. The Annual Stat..nt ot the TreasuretJ, Herb Polzin, was pre- sented the Board. On motion ot Supervisor Klein, second Supervisor Schwanz &1'8, Rahn it was RESOLVED that said Annual Statement be approved. SWlllary ot Audit 1s as tollows: - Balance Karch 5, 1963 Uncashed check Balance Receipts 3/5/63-3/3/64 Total Less Warrants Pd. out Balance Town Ball Fund Total Balance 3/3/64 * Z7 ,402.38 37.50 Z7,439.88 71,212.62 98,652.50 ~.858.03 ,794.47 6.160.00 '32,954.47 On motiOtl of SUp8rYisor Klein, secOtld ot Chairman RaM, a,e Schwanz the above audit was accepted. The proposed budget tor the 1'8&r Karch 1964-5 was drawn up as t.llows: Protessional Services New Roads Park Maintenance Weed InspectioA lIaintenance Man Revenue General Maintenance Fire Protection * 9,500 5,000 300 200 4,800 6,000 11,500 8,000 '45,300 The Clerks and Treasurers Books being tound in orde; and there being no turther business the meeting adjourned at 4:30 P.M. L Dated: March 3, 1964 ~<'.:,~;;';',-r.'~~,'."fi"-':"',',,":~, ..~.' -'w._. . - "'''''-~~'''''''''''~''--''''~"'--''''' ji'i:lr..~-" '--Aim" ..I!IlIJli" J Clerk - Eagan Tow~hip ...,~