03/03/1964 - City Council Regular I'" L MINUTES C1F RBGUIM MBltU~ OF !OARD OF SUPERVtSOttS EAGAN 1QJMSHIP 11 DAl<<>TA COUNTY March 3, 1964 A r~lar meetiaa of the ~d of Supervhora, r.a.n TOIIft8blp,~ Dalrota County, was held on March 3, 1964 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. at the Town Hall I . at vb1 ch aU 1DeIIbera were present. Chairman Rahn prealded. tbe aalautea of the prevloua ....... were approved as read. nle following buUdift8 peradt appUcation vaa presented: ~ Xopp, ShaJropee, Minnesota, eppUcatlon 1:0 1IlOVe houae, 32' x 26' to Touslanant property on ea.!' ~e, mcJre specifically descrtbed .. tbe N 500 Feet of SoUth 1160 feet of NE t of SecUoa 31, a four acre unplatted area. L Upon IDOtion Glly _de and .econded~ it _s RESOWED that the "rei of Supewiaora be, and it hereby la. on r~ eppzov!na sal4 penllt proridecl the appltcaat aet affhtlatlve c:ouent from the neiahltor Oft _ell atele of _Id propecty to tbe .owil1l of tile hcNae 08~ Mid pzopa1:J' and subal t auch couenq to the '1Wn Clerk. _. Ita!ph LetlDcla .....n.clon. bebalfof the Airltner Motel with an .pUcation for . buU.lnapenalt fozo the COQAtructlon of a carport in front of the Motel. Upon .oUon _ly ... anct aecooded. It va_ RISOLVID that 881e1 buUdlna pemit be. and It MJ:eIrJ la. pented aDd the Clerk M, and .be tlereby la, _~-W .. l..ue eald lNlldlna permt. In addition. 1Ir. L8M0r!a pr~ented an -.s>>~lcation for valance of the atele Jard a.t..cSt UftC:ter Ordtn8ftce It for tbe ClOIlatructlon of an acid! tlon L to ..ld Motel. '1M Board of ~8Oa r....tM tllat Mr. LaMorta p~t ..ld ...1 ~ ~,..- at the nFlar lfareh. 1964 .Adlr180J:Y .laaftt.. ~tt.. ..ett.._ "" p;. ~ U/. ,"'^A':- þF'J, if Ii ~:~~ [ L LO ~ jM(."Ric:bard flMžŠy. aÕúž™ney …Ôdn St.ê¯jul appeared o9!behalf of OIarles Mecay, thd \Maer of the Teehllae%JHe# Alub at 2075»¥‡Ê*...A®¢‹* 55Ï« in ¿LÉwonse ôo a reàùest fram the Board of Supervhsnrs thpt2the,. a3tear jt5 cnswer questÿt­› rel9*°že toÃÇilegedê‰bolations of t´f pezadt aranted to said Tdeoase key Club onLNuly 7,@1c61 to operateCš¤Äwuch Ëi‚per é«discupÞhn and€questišÏs from neiabborina reaidents- Hr. Hucrsy expca-jed h;t"during the yl§od oµ}¾eratŠÉk prioß½qo three weeksRcao. the Club had operated!sqrictly on a resvictea e7bgrship basta±%O‹seveNŠ%‚kr î¬cinancqÝ'reaso.s. thelub chanaed its mode of oper`ton anu tor thre# wbe e4dq the Club h¨Ü=°een 0u¼ to ‚Êi teen̳`rs. UÀ}n moti¬j duly _de by Supervisor Kmen and seconded } Chalr%Dzivaim. it was Q·KLVE ¨Métha—†qhe Bo]'Ê'of SuÐerviso)Ø be, and tt hereby ta, on rebod reqdestiaa Bphat sh 7alageamt of s}ª¯$Cluba»fmit.ÃÈ`w appÁôfation for a/8™`clal use permit under Ordhnnce 16 for the teratlo 5f"a teenaae C!ÀÅsithÿ ­ïphe –ÈaerstaR1Çia t.hÑt the -òub .y r..-ln open durina the bno weez  perto-$dur1ia@w2iah time the Zm+nicat1Ð7"...y be processed by the ßgvisory Plannina CoDIIIi ttee ald Board of Supertsorv;@p(otided howevedB€ï th¹Ô¡‘le appUcant ì“Ékl subÍit tos¦Úher with hia permit application a c}mplete .ascriwt o4 mf the proposed operation of said Club with the understanding that a female chaperone be included tn the propoajd operatiæÒ³è .„¶È•kn mjí¸t<kuŽÞë|Oj bY Super Ksor Kl.J.l:8t and seconded by Ruperve_` Schwa~ it was RESOLVED that the Clerk be, and she Iier'-F 1s, directed to submi t a written request to the Poa~ater for the Cl ty of St. Pau 1 for the estabUshment of a postal sub-station in' Eaaan Township. Tbe appUcation of C. J. Sjerven, 1160 Abell, St. Paul. Minnesota for an on and off-sale beer license for Valley View Supper Club was next presented. q,on motion duly _de and aeconded, it was RIS@LVED that said beer license be, and it hereby Is, ordered to be issued. I'" [ Upon motion duly made and seconded, all bUls presented were ordereel to be paid. Upon motion duly m~de and seconded, the meetina adjourned. Dated; March 3. 19&4 a.L;~ 4 ~ ~t:'-L/ Clerk L L