03/10/1964 - City Council Regular /' L MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL TOWN MU'rING EAGAN TOWNSHIP, MlCDTA COUNTY. MINNBSOTA Ma~ch 10, 1964 The annual Town Meeting of Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota was held at the Town Hall, County Road No. 31 on March 10, 1964. The meet ins was called to order by Clerk, Alyce Bolke at 9130 o'clock A. M. After the Election Judaes were duly sworn in and the Flag displayed, proclamation of opening of the polls was then made at 10:00 o'clock A.H.. to elect one supervisor for the term of three years, one clerk, one constable and two justices of the peace for two-year terms. Polls were officially declared closed at 8:00 o'clock P. H. and the judges proceeded to canvass the votes, the results being aa followa: Arthur Rahn, Supervisors - three-year term - 224 votes .. I wri te-in vote L Alyce Boike, Clerk - two-year term- 227 votes Vernon LeTendre, Constable - two-year term - 227 Yotes 2 write-in votes Helen Kennedy, Justice - two-year term - 204 votes Si las Palmer, Justice .. two-year term .. 171 vctes Martin Shields, Supervisor for Soil & Water - 33 votes Kenneth Braae, Supervisor for SoU & Water - 16 votes Total nullllber of votes caat was 230, Precinct I - 83 vote., Precinct It .. 40 votes and Precinct III .. 107 votes. The above officers were then declared elected. Clerk, Alyce Boike, called the annual business meeti118 to order at 9:00 o'clock p. H. Nominatiol\l ".I"e requested for Hederator. ~lphy LeMay nominated Herbert Polzin. There beina no further nominations, L Joe HarrisOll 1IIOVed that the nominations be closed.. Ted Wachter seconded the motion and motion CIlrried. Hr. Polain was then sworn in as Moderator and thereafter presided at the meeting. .. 1. _-J>, / I Minute. of the Mach 12, lS63 Annual Town Meeting were then read L by Clerk, Alyce Boike. Motion to approve same was made by Joe Harri.on and seconded by Don Chapdelaine and carried. James Kennedy then moved to dispense wi th the reading of the minutes of the regular Board meetinas for the past year, seconded by Ted Wachter and motion carried. The annual audit report .... read by the Clerk. Joe Harrison moved to accept the audit report as read, .econded by Don Chapdelaine and motion carried. The proposed budaet for the comins year was read by the Clerk as follows: L Professional Services New Roads Park Maintenance Weed Inspection Maintenance Man Revenue General Maintenance Fire Protection Total $ 9,500 5,000 300 200 4,800 6,000 11,500 8..000 $~..300 Discussion of the proposed budget followed, after which Joe Harrison tOOVed to accept the budaet as read, seconded by Ted Wachter and motion ca:.:ried. Don Christenson moved that the 1965 Annual Town Meeting be held at the Town Hall with polls opening in the three separate precincts at 10:00 o'clock A. H. and the Annual Business Heetins be held at the Town Hall at 9:00 o'clock P. M.t notice to be liven by publication and posting. The motion was seconded by Ted Wachter and motion carried. Moderator Herb Polzin read a letter from Aaseaaor Dellas Ssvale requesting a salary incresae to $1,500 a year plus mileage of 71 cents L per mile. Winston Palmatier moved to approve same, seconded by Wally Potter and motion carried. -2- ,/ Motin was duly aade by James lCennedy to at..oaraph 150 copies of L the Minutes of the Annual Meeting toaether wi th the proposed buc!aet for our next Annual Meeting, seconded by Joe Harrison and motion carried. Corcmissloner Louis Wachtler reported concerning the status of Cliff Road which is being considered for incorporation into the County Highway System. After considerable discussion, Joe Harrison moved that the Township acqUire the necessary right-of-way by dedication or by lesel action if necessary. Neil Coates seconded the motion and the motion carried. Ted Wachter moved that the Township investisate erecUn& eians. identifying Easan Township and welcom1nl Industry, seconded by Wally Potter and the motion carried. The Clerk moved to commend all the ladies who voluntarily aided in L registration of voters, seconded by Don Chapdelaine and motion carried. Joe Harrison moved that the meetina be adjourned lnalJDlch as there was no further business, seconded by Hilton Smith and motion carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 0' clock p. M. Dated: March 10, 1964. 4m:'" /J-LLI Ay BoIke, Clerk L - 3-