03/17/1964 - City Council Regular /' .... ...... L ~INUTBS OF ItEQJLAR MEJrrING OF BOARD OF SU'IRVISORS EAGAN Ta-lNSHIP, MKDTA COUN'l"Y March 17, 1964 " A t"eaular meeting of the Board of SUpervisor., Eagan Townahip, Dakota County, was held on March 17, 1964 at 8:00 o'clock P. M. at the Town Hall at which all ~rs were present. Chah:man Rahn presided. The minutes of the preceding meeting Were unanimously appt"oved as read. The following applications for building permits were presented: Itnlle dwelling for Robert Elliot, 1310 West 107th, Bloomington, MinneSota, 54' x 26' plus attached double gat"ale, $28,500. Lot 15, Ilo.k 5, Timberliae Addition. Single dwelling for Ed DuBois, location St. Paul, 26' x SO', $19,500. Cedar Grove Construction ~anYJl seven single dwellinp in Cedar l Grove ...t~ee in Cedar Grove #3 and four in Cedar Grove 12, $15,000 each for a total of $105,000. Upon motion duly made and .econded, 1 t 1lfaS RESOLVED that the forea.o1ng bcdldinl permit applications be, and the __ 'hereby aft, approved and the Clerk directed to i.sue p~lts upon payment of f.... ~. Ralph LaMorta of the Airliner Motel appeared on behalf of his application for a building permit to conatruct a motel addition under the Hardship Clause, OrdiNUlce 6 as to variance in side yard .et back. The Aclvisory Plaantna Coaarittee rec~ed approval. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the application for variance l be, and the .... hereby ia, approved aubject to the approval of the Town Enginee:r ._ to plana and .pecification. and that tbe building permit be issued 8ubject to app:roval by the Town Engineer. \ ,/ - 2 - L Mr. Mecay and Mr. Murray, his attorney>> appeau:\J un behalf of the application of the Safari Club, Inc., a teenage night club. for 8 special use permit to operate said Club on a public basis. The Advisory Planning Conmittee reconmended approval upon certain condi tions as set forth in their Resolution of March 9, 1964. Various parties were heard in support and in opposition to the application. The Town Attotney presented a form of proposed Resolution setting up certain terms and conditions under which the applicant would bold a special use perndt~ in accordance with the said Resolution of the Advisory Planning Committee. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor lClein and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the application as presented be, and the same hereby is, approved and the apecial use permit to operate a teenage night club .--~ --- - L at 2705 Highway #55 under the ownership and management of the Safari Club, Inc. be issued eu~ject to the terms and conditions as hereto attached by separate Resolution of the Board of Supervisor.. Applicant publicly acknowleQaed hi. acc<<ptance of said terms and conditions. The Town Attorney submi teed to the Board of Supe:rvisors a proposed Sign Ordinance #16. The Ordinance was taken under adviaement for further study by the Board. Consideration of a special election for a bond issue for the new Town Hell was tabled until the first meeting of the Board of SupeNlsors in April, 1964. The Town Attorney submi tted forms of road easement for the slopes and fills improvement proposed for Cliff Road. The Board reqvested l that the Town Attorney contact the County Attorney relative to acquisition of the easements from property owners. /' - 3 - L The final plat of Sibley Terminal Industrial Park was submitted. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and sE'conded by Supervisor I<'lein, it was RESOLVED that the final" plat of Sibley Terminal Industrial Park be, and the same hereby is, duly approved provided that said plat not be filed with the Register of Deeds until the applicant has first presented an appropriate plan for the town :road extension be~een said plat and Highway Il3 to the Town Engineer and a deed of dedication to the Town Attorney, said application and final approval of plat suhject to th~ apN.oval by the Town Engineer and Town Attorney. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and aeconded by Supervisor .' Schwanz~ it was RESOLVED that Marvin Wenzel be, and he hereby is, duly appointed Road Overseer for one year expiring at the next nnnual L meeting of the Township. The Supervisol.~ by secret ballot, elected Arthur Rabn as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors for the tear 1964--65. U~on motion made and seconded, all billa were ordered paid. Upon motion, the meeU.... adjourned_ DQtej; March 17, 1964. 4~,u f5-~~<- Clerk l