04/07/1964 - City Council Regular r [ L L 'l MINUTES OF R~a MJII!mG OF 1l00kD CF SUPFRVtSOM E.'t~N 'lU',nSlUP. DAJD'J'A COUNT~ Ap~U 7. 1961l- A regular meeting of the Board 0 f Superviso.:'fl, Eagan Township, Deko tR County, was held on April 7, 1961. at 8:00 o'cloc.k it.H. at tbe Tcnm Hall at which all ~rs were present_ Chairman Rahn presided. The minutes of the preceding meetin~ were app~oved as read. The following applications for bui1di~ permits were presented: Elmer Heuer, 425 16th Avenue North, St. Paul. reSidence or:. 3 acre parcel Deexwood Drive near County Road #31, The Walter Heuer property, 26' x 44' plus garage - $15,000; Cedar Grove Construction Coq>any, seventeen homes in Cedar Gro...e Numbers 2, 3 and 4 nt $15,000 each; lbgh ~ee, Route 1, St. Paul, resicW-nce in Lot 4, Block 3. Country Home Heights, 25' x 51..' - $19~OOO pbr. earagej Al Shsdduck, Rosemou~t, addition to residence 14' x 20' $3,500; east of County Road #31 - South of Cliff Road, Old Hellin3 Place; Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED thnt the for"lng building permit applications be, and the same hereby are, approved and the Cle~k directed to tasue permits upon ,.,maat of feea. H:o:. ~~cbard F. Cole appeared on behalf of his application for approval of the n~el plat of Delaware Estates l~ted in the Southeaat Quarter of Section 1. Upon motion duly made and seConded, it ~18S RESOLVED that said final plat be, and it hereby Is, approved for execution ,subject to the requirements specified by the ToWn Enaineer in his letter of April 6, 1964 includ:lna submission of coptes of the final plat, plaU1ns feea aMI agreements wi tb the Township reladve to sewaae disposal, water eU?ply, street irrprovements and dralMae. I' ? L Tbe application ci Noegl.;! :""Jt.donr .A;!~te:r.i.'\ sing Co. for construction of two signs along Highway #13 acra."Ushlg C<>.d9:t" Crest: ~l7a~ next pr.esented., Upon trotion duly made and seconded, it V'l3 RRSOL"JED that said l'..}:"plicattams be, and they hereby are, approved subject, h~Aever, to the submission by applicant of proper locations of the signa and in addition compliance by ap~licant with the provisions of the proposed Sign Ordinance of Eagan Township. The application of Lull Engineerina Colltlany, Ino., 3045 Eighway 1."13, f:n:': ~"\ building permit for an addition to an existing building \o1CA nex'i; pr.esentcd. It was noted that the Town En&1neer had, accordi.ng to his lette::: of April 6, 1964, reviewed the plans and reccmnended approval from an engineerina stan~oint. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that said application be, and it hereby is, approved and that t the Town Clerk be ordered to ise'.llt a bt!ilding permit upon payment of the permit fee for a steel ani block addition tn the 81munt of $14,000 to the existing Lull Engineerina COtlltany building, the dimensions of said addition being 38t x 181'. nle application of Texaco, Inc., 1730 Clifton Place,'MinneapoJis for a building permit for the construction of a Texaco service statlon facility on a l.. 7 acre parcel at the Northeast comer of Highway 113 and Cedar Avenue Wr.!.'?- subllttted for conalderation. It was noted that the Advisory Planning Coumittee recollltlended approval of the application on November 11, 1963 8ubject to epproval of the plans and specifications by the Town Enaineer and that: the applicant srant to the County for highway purposes a righ~of-way easement of 17 feet. The applicant subadtted a letter froa f . L the Dakota County Hi8hwaY Department recommending that the building permit be issued on the basis of an agreement to dedicate the 17 foot rlgbt-of~.way.. r-~~n L L L I , , ( ~ J. Upon mUon duly made by Cbai::trdn tlahn and ::;~Gonded bi' Supervisor Kt.in, it was RESOLVED that said buUdin.:! permit application be, and it hereby is, approved aubject to the Town EnslneEr's provisJow:: in his letter of April 6, 1964 and in addition subject to a dete~ination of the fairn~ss of utility rates between the applicant and Cedar Grove Utilities Company. Mr. ~keld appeared on behalf of his request that a 60 foot right- of-way called Violet Lane be dedicated to the Town of Eagan. It \-188 noted that the Board of Supervisors in 1955 asreed with the grantor that the Tctmship would service and _lntein the road but that no formal dedication ~- had been made. Upon moUon duly _de and aeconded, it was RESOLVED that the TO'..m of Eagan be, and it hereby is, on record accepting the Highway Easement Deed dated April 7, 1964 COW_lag Violet Lane in Section 16, and the Town Attorney be directed to record said Deed with the Dakota County Register of Deeds. Mrs. Donald Re...ssen appeared on behalf of her request for tbe re- submission of a final plat of Raeausaen Addition in Sec;t1on 28. It was noted tbat the original Final Plat bad been exeouted by t. Board of Supervisors in 1959 but that the plat bad inadYerten~ly bMn lost in the Dakota County Restater of Deeds office. 'Ihe Board requested t:bat Mrs. Rasmussen re-aubait the final plat at t:be reaular Icard of Supervisors meeting. 'lbe Town Attorney weportecl that be bad discussed with the County &lgineer the dedication of road rlaht-of-wey easements on CUff Road by the property owner. to the Town of ...-. He reported that: the County Engineer expects to have the _HInt .._ prepared by tbe..Apdl 21st: Board meeting and that: the Board of Supervisors at that time should arrenae to acquire stsnatures on the eas-..nt deeds. . ùxò¥ºÓœë½˜;á_±ñŠ¯­®ìMÐÓ\VüA­M‚ç¼Û Ó“Q¼ÁFÄO_9ì_üTd'O½°â·º&T,r!b mts…–‘ßôªS£éa€#[w«w‘0¢ÚtÜ3×EHÌNDíŒÿM"RúmhòǍè-.Ê°¼—ž€Ú¥­Í¸ù¹Z!Ý’JšQ±? p™H ™¬¹ƒŒ,åi¬I¥¶î³Ѝ²œÚсX:¢ËÛ^§²Þ xðl©ûl¿>éËŸŽ‹Ê§Ùh‡‡›š-i6[ÀôÔ“›c«FYŒŠž‘Ü{·ù˜ÔµSÛk–Í¢©Â­‚•®%³4ò+— £¿Ñæò§€¨‹åïôª'Ç¡Ö§š™ïüñɏö@.1¸ÿ‰ž›Øû±õ̽ÿÑõ»¾ «@5äޥו>ÇLšÈ>ÐÒ‘þ ‹’›rÃS_ø] u!=1u!º¥<¤}ö!:(u:»Šç‹VvÏÇÓÞ:V=(ß‹·:Ê ú3ùޗϳ“ßȚߊ˘ÑD¾µªÅß„HªÉ†h±«ú¯Ñ•V«èpY6ÆÏρ±ÂSkx1Y@Ù¨*-{l¦BT^¶|ÆÌéQ1x4Ü’šß½léuU^Ž`}ú¥,| …SY*hÇEÊÜ"ØЬ=€WMW¿RpŸÿÐÐcñÂ⪭{Å,j&‰ÁÖì5îÅK7ˆhZ¾Z¨4C •p½uÚW±eØÂy«äÌÆåERf”ò^Ñq_ÖL©h¥P0ñ0’A y¶Vnéæ¦Ý6ت¹3• 0èl*2üØnÈ©G§þ~f–¼ñÈ'äV0e+r©Ka`õJ˜Ÿ'ÀHöf{±+ʆU`=L÷q³®ü¢g„¢ =Wc•/S|) Þú•êìØn!q£nûº‚rÑæÇd—à¶â )óL°ªÊYÅ4„R… %EE‰Å]<›“¨Š1&mkÊãI">EVHÞ²¹ûöê±»ÍÉÊJ·Y&††ñV5ZTß’Øå ¨ý+ä4„™$’¨lA3`M Ŷj?¦Z*ÊŠA0`âÔÕ áJÉÀ{›"ªkUàaa¶Ù¨‘ù³q‚fíàwaxJ_^aH[…˜ñ1ÏGJ])„UÆ‹_ˆÂ!zó¾HbŽ!άi*id"¶Ðˆ•Κ„ðñJé-䓸ãú–R]ŽF·×žaÇßíªbÜšíîa"Õ{*gú?{#M„_¿%æ½;Üp˜÷²é]ó2›Ôz`züa'4¯8í%KW«eb|dØsdr‚3Çê·²ò—z²îç#±¢¤ÐC;ËA½n8¶#²½j›šD×ì"ä[Z³žÝpÇ)L†Kšôˆ‡ÁÊÏD¡¨×5ráñî„ÓuQV?3s¿€‹v-Ie;Øv'jÁ-eî˵EÎÓXéÖ–Sr//®M#taÝK{›ÑU¢¬lìÆÑlÞ$#!†$v%‘¯ú€6"ÌïÇdµ«Õö]DlÏ®À×z¤we%6|°†WqüÒ/ÄÅPA˜V#ÔR{÷¶*=Àdpî¥ aM36rjhcº:Þ%Kî‰nòT`níß "½îÁ@Á!^ѐzu±ðlt*FuOPÇÅkê´kz—£ËºpôÅÙÍt1ؾÂL } NWÝ‚üQª] ´vµ÷ÌH\öQ93tù¤×¥b ¥À¼;×ÆJVFú×giù”KöŸ7ð•Ô€–xóÇt@地ÕS ;·²ÍºcCì’Îß\˜,Ò:Ë&šV±… qåy*­¦§ßB³îÖã—/]iŠtbÒúMlO81Û UÎb÷íÄp¯…±ž†ltïÈϹɞÚb¹˜Ù4ãq )6»°¸™Ùªhj§ÔL!i0RGòÁ¼švM›³[ï îÀbØ…´–¸‰°–GªÈÉ ‚°LFN•v„)Ø÷Ò:û—,A Ÿ¸’êG‚@=jdíó-øA™Ý2ÆÐJqå~‘nx¤êH¤ùâ)ÛÔfJÞåUõ¸§ÉÑÂ{­RÊîöI©f́[÷t¢/8‡Lù:0OfB=[0›å îãa‘ÜXÚQ©£Œ²S'<XEƒœG¹½[¡{íŸA4W,Ú±Zݛ˷¶¸n•.Ò‡ ø>_D¸bƾ%"+¤¦ÈBÄYSZGb ¬8¡ÏÕZý<>ï_µæ©Åñ¹WKxáÜ\ã@ÜG'6fì"S´XS(¢²ã÷‚Ì4N+†jHjƒLµâtD:Éy|mS–‚ öÿ(BX:…Ÿm•ˆÃº=Ôëâ»ó<h˜M—v™DO8?ÎÇ€Üx6/¼À´ë®¨ZENˬùªÖ}àTS ç>ê6à=XÂÒÊZ!D½ÓÊ¢ó1¾‘ú­œ÷=7Å(AÚý-ÿÌwipgë!­“!ÓÝRq¹GJB¤Ud¤KÓ² (2ÇÈòŽ›£š˜y±\ìÛgç3±qÜì'àóPJ[¤ÄZ#Ã,AôÞ’ÇLΛ¬ïÕ!Kl¡a[šHÔIefOûÞK˜þìó-_Íÿ ðw(Ö;]˜@®’o#¬ÊqvIÛ°%<‹LjÔ#“e×bœRr[‡ ÔxȆ¥)ÅrêÔ}¨dIòeTæ»I]×Qؘ×ÐÒAZ(¤wÙy‡´!À’5U X¹ú’‘ å-²ÅúO#¡=¾¤ëjÆ››€®ç)ÃsÝXCž]xâ2ÿIšÍ™¤0ȸ;óæC·'ÚÂ/é;±™g,ÚÝüÌÏÀbÒß4zK+àK*â\PíýÒ=OGl5™Í ' óa:åÉñ½Ú+&u‹Öa0>Žy_8¾Û„7Oªtö]¡¤Xõ •Ào&çât€[‹cR¬]Ž )12l®”×ÒÀ÷±va r L L L ~),. Upon motion duly made and seconr.le J, it was RESOLVED that: the app Ucation of G. E. Johnston for abatement of his property taxe~ at 4230 Jasper ))rive be, and it hereby is, allowed on the be.:::ta of the ~nre and full value of $2,580.00. Mrs. Alyce 110 lke , Town Clerk, submitted a request for an increase in secretarial sala~ from $400 to $900 per year and an increaSfL .b.n hourly compenaat:ton as Comaissioner of Registration from $1~ per hour to $2.00 per hour. Upon QDtion duly _de and seconded, it was RESOLVED that said request for increase in salary and coapenaation for secretarial fees and Coamissioner of Ilegiatration be, and it hereby is, approved ~ubject, however, to the validity of each increase according to law. Marvin Wenzel, Road Overseer, submitted a request for an increase of salary for bis road duties. Upon motion 411y made and aeconded, it was RESOLVED that said request: t-y Mervin Wenzel for increase to $2.75 an hour for Road Overseer duties be, and it hereby is, approved. Hartin DesLauriers, Town Conatab1e and Police Officer, appear.ed relative to a Bureau of Criminal Apprehension Police School beginning April ~, 1964 and continuina for a two week period. Upon motion duly made and seconded, 1t was RISOLVID that Mr. DesLauriers be, and he hereby is, pennltted to attend said police school and that the town of Eagan compensatp. hi. for hia ti.. at the achool on the basis of his regular hourly fees as police officer. The followina beer license applications were submitted: Laurence Touaianant, 3385 Sibley Hemori41 Hipay for On and Off-Sale. Brooks Hauser, 4225 Cedar Avenue South, for Off-Sale. H. Harold HellBtnlck, 4030 Beau de Rue Road, On and Off-Sale. Ralph ~ria - Airliner HOtel, 2788 HlahwaY 155, Off Sale. R.E.~ _~~~~~~9~-~~ / 'Y- .~ ; (a. <3) /" l L r - I L 6. Upon motion duly made and seconde:J~ it WC-tS RESOLVED that sald beer application .permits be, and they hereby are, granted. Upon motion duly mede and seconded, it was RESOLVED that $2,OOO.CO be, and it hereby i8, ordered to be transferred from the General Reven.ue Fund of E8pn Township to the Town Hall Building Fund. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the; deoa!1~ deposits including all checking accounts at the Rosemount State Bank be, and they hereby are. directed to be transferred to the Valley National Bank on HishwBY #13. Upon motion, all billa were ordered paid. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Dated: April 7, 1964. ___ dLyu ~--J~ Clerk