04/21/1964 - City Council Regular ( L L L MINUTES OF REr.m.A!t MmTlNG OF THF. ~Arj) OF S!Ji?ERVISORS EAGAN ~N::HIP) il\Y.U:::.;' COl>>.1'l'Y A?ri..t 11, 1964 A regular meetir.c3 of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township, Dakota County, was held on April 21, 1~ti4 at 8:00 o"clock P. ri. at the Town Hall at which all I1IelDbers were present. Chairman Bahn presided. The minutes of the preceding tOOeti.ng of tbe Board were approved as read with the following correctioHt-:: The following additional beer license applications were duly sub~itted and unanimously approved: "West End Buntins and FishinS Club and R. E. Lana for On-Sale Beer. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Cbeirman Bahn, ! t was RESOLVED that the Q). Catcher Aareement as between F..asan Township and Mrs. Laserstaclt be, and the same hereby is, continued for a period of six months upon tbe same terms and conditions as therein stated, .. The followina buUct1ft8 penlit applications were submitted: Larry G. Strobldrch. house $18,000, 26' x 50' witb basemE:nt prese on Lot I, Block 1, Strohldrch's Mdltion. w. H. SID1tb, front porch addition 30' x 9-; $700; Yankee l.Joodle Road and South Lexil\&tOtl. Upon motion duly _de and seconded, it wee JU!'SOLVED that the foreacing building permt t applications be, and the same hereby are, approved and the Clerk ordered to t.sue the pent ts therefore. The Final Plat of Sibley Terminal IncIuatrial Park t_S submitted.. Upon motion duly ~de by Supervlao~ Kle1n and seconded by Chairman. Rahn, it. ~~ra8 RISDLVID that the Final Plat be. and tbe same hereby 18. -hlly approved subject to the Town AttoX'fteyappnwtll$ the subali';ted road ens~~ deed as to correct le.1 description and the recording thereof by applicant along with the partial release of aortple covering the desc~ibed easement. r L L L 2 " Tne appUcation of L W. EcKea for a co-..merctcl buUdin,s permit for an addition to the existing building on Highway 155 was submitted. The T010m Attorney reported that no forma! application bad as yet bee:'" filed. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Sclr"anz, it was RESOLVED that tbe buildlq permit be iSsued e'lbjcc't to the a~proval of the Town Bnaineer as to plans and specifications and the submission to the Town Attorney of a fOZ'llllI application therefore. The application of Arthur carlson relative to operating an euctiorl barn on Hiahway 13 and for a buUdinS pend t to construct an add! tioll.al building was subD1t~ed. ~.-ot10Q duly made by Supervisor J!.lein and secondf.:G by Chairman Rahn, it we_ RISOi.\rED tba~ the application be, and the s~ hereby 1s, appt:'b~d aubj_ct to the appl'dval of the Town Enaj.neer of the plana ~t\d 8pedlfiCado~ t\\erefdn and tha~ Upon suob approval a building pemlt be iaaueci. The application of wHuaitt O'Nettl for the t..oning of Lot 8, kobert O'Neill Homestead from A, Aarlcultural toe-l, Light Coamercla1 was submitted. Upon mdltion duly _de by Chairman Ralm and seconded by Supervlsol' Klein, it was RBSOLVED that that portion of the premises described In the application south of the proposed highway right-of-way line as indicated upon the copy of plat map attached to tbe application be, and the same hereby is, rezoned from A, Agricultural to C-l. Liabt Conme:rctal; and it was FURTHER RESOLVED that in the event 88id hisnway right-of-way Une 1s moved northerly of tbe present proposed line and the hipay constructed on a lea.er port ton of the p~eaatses described in said application, then in such event any auch additional portions of ~o.id dee.cribed premises shall be deemed autoaatlcally rezoned to 0-1, l,igbt: Conmercial, but to no areater extent than the entire parcel described in said application. L L L .., .,;t"". Application of Charles J. r,ueger for rezonins part of Section 19 frcm A, Agricultural to C-2, Heavy CoaIner.cial was submitted. Chairman Ilahn t.ebled the matter for refeo"ol to tt'>r: Town Enaineer end Town lttt"orney to determine whether the property is presently zoned other than A, Agricultural, and the application was ordered p.l.aced on the sgendo for tbe May 5 Board meeting. The application of Larry G. Strobktrch for a building permit to construct a residence on an unplatted parcel of less tbsn th~ee aerea under the Hardship Clause, Ordinance VI.. submitted. The applicant presented a preliminary plat of said parcel in lieu of his appUd~tion requeut under the lIardahip Clause. ~ motion duly made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Supezvlsor Schwanz, it was Ri:SOLVJD> ~hat a building - permit he issued upon tile condition that applicant present to the Board within a reasonable time the ~inal plat for appzoval and record same. The appUca~lOll of on...-. Mohr for rezon!. of certain property in the NBf of the swt and part of the NWt of the SJIt Section 36-27-23 from A. Agricultural to C-2, Heavy COIIIIDerclal was submitted. It was determined that the applicant was not the ~ of the property and tberefore Chairman Rahn ordered the application stricken until such tiO'.e as an appropriete appUcation be fUed; and further ordered that tb~ Town Attorne7 prepare an appropriateaareement as between Eapn Township and the owner of said property, Ben Hall. covering the road l.rovements to tbe town road on the south line of the set of the swt, Section 36-27-23. The application of National Advertt.lna c...pany for CJwo sian permit. on the Thomas I<ennealy property aloO& Hi...)' Mo. 13 .. submitted. Cr~ir..n Rahn ordered tbe application tabled until the Uay 19, 1964 meetina of thl1 Board to enable tbe Board 'to further study the propo&p.d Sign Ordinance. ~ ;r L L L t.,. The application of Ma%'\"in Post for preUllir..ar,p plat: approval of the Harvin Post addition situated in the NEt of the SEt Section 3-27-23 was presented. Upon motion duly rr.'l!te by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Chairman Hahn, it -.va. RBSOLVED that the preliminsry plat as prGseuted be, and the 881De hereby is, duly approved subject to tbe inscrtioa tberein and the grantins ~ the townahip of a road easEIDl!nt for purposes vf {'. cui de sac to be located on part: of Lot 3, Block 2 of the proposed plat,l and upon submission of an appr:oprlate f0Z1D81 application; and FURTHER RESOLVED that Marvin Post be aranted upon request a building permit to construct 8 one family residence on Lot 6, Block I of said proposed plat. I'hp. application of Texaco, Inc. for a sign permit to be located on tbe proposed Texaco ass station site at the corner of Hi8hwaY #13 and Cedar Avenue was presented. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Klein, it was RESOLVED that the application be, and the same hu'eby is, appzoved and the sign pemi t ar8nted upon tbe condition that the stan be erected and installed in conformity with the proposed sian ordinance. The Town Attomey reported that r-.rd1na the jar tests in the area of the Gopher Slleltlna Coapany plant, Twin Ctty Testing Laboretoriea had recc~nded the jars be left out until June 13, 1964 whicb would ooaplete the full year of accumulation at which time they will be picked up and analyzed and a report subadtted to tbe township. The recoumendatlon by the Advisory P1ann1na CoaIui ttee that Eagan Township apply for membership in the LeaSUe of Minnesota MUnicipalities wes consldared. It was informally decided not to apply for I118111bership at the presEL'lt time but that it should be reconsidered at a later date when a new full yearf s IlelDbership could be acquired. ,r L L L 5. Mr. Vince Xer\tledy $.\ppee.n.ld informally with a propo.ed fON of plat for Ridge View Acres on Blackhawk Road. He also requested a building permit on behalf of Mr. WilHam :wgheX'ty to construct a one family residence on Lot 1, Block I of the proposed lUd8e View Acres. Upon motion duly I118de and seconded. it waa RESOLVED that a building permit be issued to Mr. Dou8hert7 ~ request upon the condition that Hr. F.ennedy proceed with preparetion of his preliminary plat for submission to the Advisory Plannlna ec-lttee at ita May 11, 1964 meetioa. Upon motion duly._ .. Cb81nen Hehn and seconded by Supervisor SChwaM, it was R&90LVIO that tile local Boy Scout Troop be, and it hereby Is, authorized to remove the old lop and debris from the town hall at 1 ts expense. 1be followina. tax abat8l8l!nta, upon motion duly _de and .econded, were sranted as follows: w. I. White. parcel No. 3249-82 true and full value $1,000 plus $6.415 equals $7,&15. A......d value reduced to $890 non-bameatead. Maynard A. n&nielaon, parcel a3073 true and full value $1.200 plus $16,800 equals $18,000. Au.Ned value reduced to $560 non-homestead and $1,000 boIDuteed. The Board directed the Town Attorney to obtain execution of various easement deeds for the CUff Road l..rovement project. Upon motion duly _de and seconded, ttwea llESOLVIm that the following election Judps be, and they hereby are. appointed to serve as such at the special town hall bond election to be held on May 18, 1964 durina the t1ale specified by the Notice of Election. LuciUe Atwood Ruth Slat tb Jeanne Beaudette "'.: Leota Schwanz Mary Hanison Frances Graff /' 6. L :.'~~.. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RISOLVID that aU biU. as presented and approved be pa id. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Dated: April 21, 1964. (U,u #3.,~~L Clerk L L , ~