05/05/1964 - City Council Regular r MDIU'IIS (;I IlIQJLU Mtl11C (11 IOIID ~ SUJI'IRV'lSc.S IACWf 'lOWMSHIP t DttICOTA eoutrrY Hay 5, 1964 L A reaular ...una of the Board of SupervillOr8, lapn. TGWnab1p. Dakota County, vas beld Oft May 5, 1964 at 8tOO o.clock P. M. at the Town llell at which aU -.bu. vere preaent except ~uvl80r Schwanz. Cbairaen Rabn praided. The minute. of the previous meat1Q& were unanimously approved as read. '!'here were no buildt... penatt appltcst.tou. 'the appUcation of Chari.. .....r for n~ftl... of certain property In Section 19 ... tabled unti 1 the May 19. 1964 Board mutina for lack of report fral tbe Towa &latneer .a to the IIOnlna status of the property In question. there vas DO appearance by the fPPllcant. L '!be followina appUcationa for on-sale beer 11 cenaes were preaented: w. H. SIIlth. Yank.. Doodle Road - SOlf club hou.... c.. J. a;t..-Illr. Hl.....~ 110. 13 - Yaller Houae Rutaurant. Upon eDtlon duly _de ., Supuvlsor Detft and MCOncIect by Ch.t~n Jahn, it. vas bSOLVID that t.he ~l8a appUcattONl be. and they hereby are, ewzuved and tbe eledc directed to i..ue the lie..... upotI ,.y.ent of the requi.ite fe.a therefore. '1'be Town Attomey nportecl t.Mt dte Mendota Villaae CouncU ",. bad tu~ cbft\ ....n.. requeaC to nduce tbs almUftt beina patd fOJ: fir. protection ....lc.. we. that Mendota WIlNld reduce the pmCect.loll ar_. UIPoa..nlOft du1, ... ~ 1up."I.or Klein and L .econded by ChalD*\ itaim" It .. II80LVaD t.1IIlt the ..... Ithould be nducecl a. aubldtted by .... ~. Vi1. Councll and that the pre8ent fire proucttOll contract be JU'" CO thl. effect. r 2.. [ Upon motion duly _de by Chairman Rahn and .econded by Supervisor ~l.ln, I twas RESOL\1ED that the Township purchase six 1<<) SHOOTING reaulation signa for the Township. '!be application of H. E. lAmpeUus for abatesaeq,t on his , I homes located at 1842 South Lexington, No. 3812, Lot 17, Block 2, Mckee Addition; true and full value of land $1.500; building $14,700 _ $16,200. "cUced to. Land Non-Homestead $344.00 and Building - Ho.Estead $1,000. Upon motion duly made by '.Supervisor Kleln and seconded by Cbalraan Rabn, it was RESOLVED that the abatement requested be, and the same hereby la, aranted. Upon motion duly _de by Cball"lll8n Rahn and seconded by Supervisor lClein. It vas RESOL'IBD that the Board of Equalization L for review of .....~t. convene on June 30, 1964 between the hours of 9:00 A. M. and 4:30 p. M. at the Town. Hall. Upon motion duly _de by CbalraBQ. Rahn and seconded by Supervisor nein, It waa RBSOLVBD that Dr. Eriek80ft of Bosemount be, and be bareby la, reappointed health officer for aaaan Township for a tena of one year_ Upon moUon _1y _de by Cbai~n Rabn and seconded by Supervisor Xleln, it vaa IU!SOLVED that Alphy LeMay be, and he hereby ia, reappointed weed Inspector to serve for a one year term. Upon motion duly _de by Supezviaor lClein and seconded by Chat~n Rehn, it vas RISOLVED that a new contract be entered into with Curtis Meyers far the ara.. cuttina season of 1964 J . L at the rate of $28.00 per cutttna in Cedar Grove Park, and the TO"'.lft Attorney ia hereby dlreeted to prepare and present a new contract ,llberefore. . 1- 3. I ( , L Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that Ted Wachter, Myron Kehne and Herbert Polzin be~ and they hereby are, reappointed to the Advisory Planning Cgmmittee each for a two year term as and from the date hereof. Upon motion made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Chairman Hahn, all bills were ordered paid. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Dated: May 5, 1964. d4 ~ tf')_ b-<- Clerk L , i L. l .bdm~ l"Ja_ 'Ii ....... ... if . , ,1": .-II