06/16/1964 - City Council Regular L ~UlIS OF ~~ ~~ QF~~ltOl ~~~ FAGI\N 'lOWHSHIPt COUNTY June 16, 1914 A regular meeUna of the Board of SUpeevi80n.,. Ia.ean. T~. Dakota County. was held on June 16. 1904 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. at the Town Hall at which all tnembers were p.e.ent. Cbaitmaa Rahn. ~.aiM4... n. attu&as of ttae pr.evlous..Una were unanimously approved aa read. The fol1owina bulldlna application. were 8ubMlttldt Charles Olaon, 3730 Blackhawk Road. pr.,. and kitchen aclcllt1on. 21' x 10' and 22' x 22' - uUat.ed coat $7,000. R()~ Otternea., lOS7 lCarmeth Street, addition to home .. J , .... . 1j5t:)c1J.(!}t:1. estimated 'Coat $U. f ~ .g..6. Tom it.anaanan., 304S ~a'JWOod Court, houae 63' x 34', saraae L 24' x 30' Timberline Addition - uti_ted coat $34,000. West &nd Fiahina and Hunttna ttub, bal'becue pit - .aU_ted coat $500. Ileal'1Or "...n. 4224 Noonatone Drtv., ..raae 16' x 22' - e.timated coat $800. UP9ft motion duly _de and aeconded, 1 t wa_ RBSOLVSD that the fore8oins permit applicatioNS be, and the aame hereby are, approved and the Clerk directed to iaaue the requiaite butldinl pe~t. upon payment of appropriate fee8 tb4refore. provided that the application of Eleanor Kasaea 18 aranted subject to a three foot yard setback and upon obtainina consent t~reto of the surrounding neighbors whoa. property Is conti~ to appllcantts property. Th. application of lMIt'ence Wenzel for tbe rezon1na from R-t, , L ",1..nt181 to t-2, IIM'vy C~c.lal of Lots 2, 3,and 4 Ceqr Grove No. 3 was aubld tted. It was noted that tbe Aclviaory Plannins Commltt.. reeo...nded appraql .ub1Mt to certain coadltlona. Upon motion eNly - 1 - L A L \ ! L .de by Cbal~ R6ftaad aeoo....d by ....180~ &laia. it.. UIOLVID that a pubUc'bear1na voul41 ... tield ft ~1, 7, 1914 at 8100 o'clock P. M. .\, purauant to Ordtnance No. VI, and the Clerk d.lrected to pubUah notlce according to leu. '!be application of Sken,. au CoaIpany ro.. a buildtl'll ,-=It for conatr\lction of . Hl'Ytce .tatiOIl at tbe .... of Hi....' Mo. 13 aRCS Beau de aue Dl'ive vaa aubldttad. Itw. notecS that the Adviaozoy PlaMina , f L Coamttt.. r~ecJ ~oval ...ltjeee to certain COftCIlttcma. Upon lIIOUOIl duly'" b)' Supen'law U.tn and MClCI'.' .., SupalVi.or ScbtMnz, it vu llSOLVID ,_t the appUcattoD be, ... till, _a..eby ia, approved 8ubject to the '1'owa ____ta ",&'~1 of. ,.. ... lIP<<1ftcationa, access, and aet M_ foZ' tM 1:"'.1'- rSlbc-of-.y Oft .. aouth Una for future --=tion U_ .... .1.... MUdl U.. of ".,toa 17. !he appU.-lcm of .....7 Di.,I_,. 1ac. f. & .tp .....t to erect abustnu8 .1. ,. the Vallet Ra''''1 ... Oft '-11., *'loMl .... propeZ'ty va_ IlUl:lllt.tted. fte AWleory p........ c-ttt.. "CO I R..d approval aubJect to the .tlft 'al.. plac.. Ol\ .... p~. Upon 1IIDtion duly _de by Cbat...n Ratan aDd aeeOGCl4tcl '.,. ~lVt801' Schllanz, it was USOLVlD that the penltbe IPDtedMject to the alp bet. placed on Valley National.... pZ'ope..ty. Application of Yen ..., ...... Ie. "Ift pendt to erect a b\aslnesa alan em the Bel_ 'latH pwaperty at 44SJ Cedar Aven.... w. aubllttted. the AclvtllCdy PlaItataa c:o..tt.. Z'.' T.... appa-oval. Upon motion chlly ..cte by Cbalnaa IOn .... ....... .. SupG'V'laol' Schwanz. It va. USOLVID that tM ."lJ..-Joa _. ._ it be..... tat ....ved for a atp pe..... tMl'efo.... L n. appUcaUon of nd'o aU'loft WPBC r-Ol' buildt", .....C for the conaUUctioft 0' radio .nt..... ... COftUOl ..... OIl thaiI' PntUtiJ .n- Cedar Ave..... a. CUff Roe' ..... tu'. Upon _tton chaly _de by ..2- \ .L SupuvleH lU.ta aDd HCOftCIed bJ' Chal~..... it we I.B)LVD thlt the application be, and tlte __ laenlty la, ."l'tJ~ aubJect to the fl..1 ~val by the TGIft\ Inalneer of thl ,laM a. apecUlcat.lolW. The TOIft\ Attorney reported rekttve to CGIIplainta _tGb have been received 1'........ die teapol'8ry repaiD by tbe People'. Natural au ~ t.n Countr, ~ llelabu. the".. - a....nnce by aftJ .GOIIplainant nor by the Co.paay. Cbatnan lahn directed' the Town "I.. to t--.tl.ce vlIether the fence OIl &be Jack _drew 'l'OpeJrty ~t__ .. the .treet rIFt-of- way In Harvey Kirchner 4cldttloo ..... aita Court ... ~ Road. The Town Attoney ..-.sttda. luun.e I"eport fl'OlD the Townahlp Inaurance Apnt "'.Ni. 'I've u_n't,. 'l1Ie Board directed tbe TOIfIn Attol:ft81 to check wbecw .. ~.R" ~ to tile flr_n and if not ~t the addl.ttqal .,... would be_ de>> ao. L The appU.... of che ~t, __.... Club. lac. 101" an on-aale .... 11c... _ ....U:ted.Upoft ..._ _17 .... aDd aecoa4M. the app Ucatlon I..... lac...... &ppaOlMcI. Lawrance ......1 aad otben 01\ ....If of.... Site, Inc. appeared OIl beiliU of their info_l ra....t for approval of an apar~t project to ... _ltuated upGft approxl_tely 6 acr.. near the NI corner of RAahn ao.ct am;! County Roed 130. Upon..u oa _ly _de by Chatnan Rahn and aeconded by S\aperviaor ScIIrM_. It _. IISOLVan ....t the p~po..l be infonally appl'09ec:1 aulttMt to au....lOft of avrvey plate, COIIIplete plana and epecUicatlona.."""aa p~ 1M a...r and ..tel' to the Adviaory Plannlna eo..&tt... , " Upoca mUon. aU laUle AI ,....tecl .... ordered paid. , L u,oa -~"n. .... ..U. acljounacl. Da~.th .haM 16, 1964. t~.~~iU ~ Clerk L -