07/07/1964 - City Council Regular I L ._ OP .,... ...... ._.. ..... .lllIl~..'" ~!t . ~.... .Atl)' 7. lM4 A NIM~r ..... of ... ..ct o. ..,a:WI"" .... '-'4ff1l... "ta 'County. .. bald _ July 7. 1964 at aaoo .'clock r.... at t._ "'_11 at .1Itdch all ....0..... prenat. ,ca.l~n .... ,..,act. f .... 1dmat. of tIIlI ,,,-Iowa _"at were :......... Na4I. De fol1011i.. tlUiNma .,pl~tona __ ..-.... ....rt 0.1...... "MN Wfta, ..... ....tt-. .. .q. ft. "ti_tett co.t $10.000. Iobeft _tURd. ....,1'1_30. . .'f. tot 't -aleelr:l, 'fltIberUM Melitlo. ....t~.. eo.t. '23.000. L Cedar cmw. eoru,eructiottCO..." II "'.11 _ $15,000 ..ell: 1 ... ...... CIlIa 6 - C.... ... II 1&' -...... .... , . ~ ..... ,. Upon _ttOft _1, .... ... ~t it.. .... that tbe ....t.. '.dldS", pemit appn_t'...... ... .. -....,. ~.... ."zov4icl aNt ,he Cl_k 'a ....., directed to I'" eM "'1a.. ....lb fo~ttll. Upon ."UcaUfaca a" .... .-toIl dirty... ....HOD..... it.. USOL91D ,_, a '-dicit.. pendt _.... ....nIt11.. ..... 10 .....t Adelmann of 4325 Caclar Avenue Sou" .. . .'x JOt ..... at .. _U_ted eo.e -of $1,100, provicleel that appll..- ..... .... .~ for a c:o.-..X'ctal .....tM... tJpen .,.11ca tloa and upo. .cs.. ..17.....' ....a.. d. 1 t ,... USOLftD dlat .,h:rt ......,. I0Il ..~ &... ... ... hi ...~ ta, \.:- - p'anted . _1141. .~ t to enot a 22 '. 2.' .~ at _ eatl.", eQat of $1,200 ..dlar tfl. . ... lot 1_....laMe 8iIIIlt to c.dal' Crove Putc of two feet. ..,. -I- ": I L L - ! I L , ',A I.. rI .~,:, It" of "l~ II; Supl ha1"61 prov16 Attorn. Boar4 t .. to all. aouta . bar.... thet po nu laaJGc appUea C~ft upon 110 Attorne the abc' Plonn!n Mr the. new Avenue by the the Ie .ew~r .ant to the ... ~l.. of 14'. tal to ('pt. ..." "'eoI7PlaNalll8 C ....ea .1)' .... ' .. ...... t"t l "1. _lcltmU&l pUoant ..... .1 th ~. of ...' titl. ow ..1.. ..... '-1' ...... ~...... ...... It .. .... that. .. .. .... III .... I .r. ..... Grl 1Iwe ......... ~ t to ... ~I_ry l 1& eroe A. .......: III .ec-~.~ 't._ 1.-- h. l"~""" I ,t!na" ."..... , i "I&tl..._ th .....~.r.t 0 AI tile tm. QI , ...loa. ... itl.. . .. c. .t..taa d1ac - t 1!IeU.l, 1n Cedar Qzoy. next pre.ent.4. .meSad .pronl ... and ..conded J be. ancttbey ~ciaJ,. : 1 or Power of iC~ftCIed ~ the , .....ncl relativ. 1I'1atn. lural .. _t nta1necl U8 t... ... I proll.w. aM itecl that .. :tee trIO ra.M _1__t1"" 8ftd : tlta -r.m c.hrleln 'CGtina :be Advtaory , .eptic tank for , 113 and C_r dt .. iuuad by the Joei'd that tte. Coapany tructtOfL. C~a~ r..... to pariatt the connectlon,th. ~l:ct, upOIl IIIOtlon _ c1u1~ _de by I i I I I l- '-, j a.tdlii" iahn aM HCOMed by S\JPervlaor 50....., usotVID that the T"co statiOIl be, and it hereby la, pumtttecl to inet.all a aeptlc tank ~ . . accordlna to the ScaM Oepartlaent of Health apecificatlona and further 11\ accOl'daace wltb the TOIIRlI1t81-.r'. approval. The appllcant was r~ted to _k. . final decemlnotlon of Cedar GraYe Conetruction ~n)"a poaltlO1l In t1ala.tter. The Cbal~t\ read.. letter f~ Hl;a. Marcella Burne requ..t1na acqeptance of c.ertaln atneta by tbe towNIhlp in Country Heme Heights adclltion. Upon .,tlcm "1y .de and .eeoNled. it was .RESoLVED tbat said request be refer.... to the Town lnalneer for study and report to tbe BOard at ita NNtt ~e..lar meetiq. The T'own Attorn., preaented a revised Menctota Fire Aareement Addendum L to the Board of ~tIora Io~ ....&l.. The Cbai"'ll revl...d letters frOll C9rtaln architects In the area concerntna the propoaed new Town Hall. A requeat was _de that any lntereated archl tects .y write to.. Board of Supervtaors concernina proposals for arch! tactural a.%Vtc.. for the pl'Oposed new Town Hall prior to tbe July 21. 1'....1.1' Board .eUna. The Town Attoruey preaent" a ...quest from Cedar Grove Construction Col'l1>>any for an extenaton of ita road &ar....nt for Cedar Grove Nos. 2 and 4 fr.oaa July 1. 1964 to July 1. 1961. After noUna the Town Engineer' e aclyice .nc1 upon mot ion duly .de .M aeconded. It wea USOLVED that said road aar_nta for Cedar arcwe Mo.. 2 and 4 be, ancl they hereby are. extended from July 1.: '964 to Octo"r 15, 1964. [ L Ibe Chal~ca r_d a letter from Mr. & Nra. Frank Pavlik, 990 Blue Gentian Road relative to their cOlll>>1aint conea-ntl'll l'Ubblsb burnina by Robert .1. JobMon, 1000 81ue Gentian Roa4. Upon motion duly made and .econ~t It -. lISOLYID tllat _tel .tter be turned over to the Town - 3- '.. L AttorM)' ..... .tlat he tJelnatnactAKt to ft._ toNr. .J0baII0n cotteernlna ..1d coaflalat Vith the request tbat the pert1_ atteq>t to resolve the aU.a.cltmteance pro~l.... After cllacuaslon aNi upon lIOtton duly .de and .econded~ 1 t waa IISOL~. that the Town Attorney be, and -he llereby 1a. directed to write to Mr.PaU Janddc 'of tbe cedar Gr~e CGMtNctloa ~rty requeatlna that: adequate claat coati", be applied to tlu$t portton of "hn Road directly north of HS""" 130 In. the area bordered by residential houslna lor purposea of cluat prevention. The Town Atto1'lleY presented .aU_teet coata for workmen's ~enectton insurance coverlna the firemen in the Ia&an Fire Department, which figures were presented by the TOOIIba llUIuraftCe Aaency of RoSeuDunt. The Board requested that the Town Attorney and aapn Plre Chief aa..,u L furtheX' data coneeml. workmen' s ~tlon insurance costs. Mr. Martin Deataurlers, Town PoUceaan, appeared. relative to . request for the lJJ'OP08ed addition of two patroDMm 1n lapn Townabip in addition to a patrol car. The Board too.k the _tter unar advisement. Upon motion duly _de by Supe"taor Schwanz anet aeconded by Chairman !ahn, 1t was RISOLVID tMt the -tOWMhip pay the dl ffuenee between the eost of a private telephone aDd a party 11ne telephone for Supervisor Klein's residence. Upon moti on cl:uly _de and seconded,., it .... RISOLVED that all bills submi-tted to the Board be, and they hereby are, ordered to be paid. Up-on motion, the meetina adjourned. Dated: July 7. 1964. L ()~u ~ Clerk