07/21/1964 - City Council Regular i. ( L M11I:JTIi or RIQUWt. HIm.. Of 'DlI JIQAIU) or S."1101S aGM4 TCWNSHlP J D.UOTA COUIft'Y July ~lt 1964 A re..lar ....11\8 of the Ioel:" of SUpervi.or., ...... .,....hlp. Dakota County, was held on July ~l, 1964 at 8100 P.M. at the Town Hall at which all l'OIRIbers were preaent. Chai~n Balm presided. The minute. of the Pl'erioua 1DHtina were approved e. read. The fo1lov1aa bulldina permit appUcationa were aubadttada HaX'Vey Kirchner. residence, 48' x 24' Lot 4, Harvey Addition, 3325 Wren Lane, $15.000. Myl'On J. C..-ni., .rap. 4338 Onyx Dri"e, 24' X 24'. fl.100, J.ot 13, Block 1, Cedar Gt'O'ft 14, toaetber vithe three f~ aouth> lot 11ae variance at one potnt. variawace undar ()rcUnance VI for the coutructtOI\ oa . rulcs.ce Oft Lot 30, Block 4. Timberline AdcUtion. Upon _tlon duly'.de and ncond8ct., it was IlISOLYID tbat _td veri8ftCM oonatUutt... . .Ix foot .u..tance from the, lot Una be, ... it hereby i.. panted 8JJbJect. however, to applicant'. submi8sion of a letter of suarantee to the Town Clerk that the resi~ to be COl\8tructed on Lot 29 be no le88 than 30 feet from t1M "'d1.1nl on Lot 30. The .,plicaUen of Alphy t.May, 1300 LeMay ... 1oa4. St. Paul U. r I L for rezoMna fMe A, .J.cultural to &-1, a..icten&t-el of 42.6 acres in the swf of NWt Df Section 10 .. .-t prueat.e4. Several r..ldent8 in i I I' I. - 1- Grove Construction CQq)any, aplatftt... that if Cedl~ Grove continue. to run heavy _chinery on itaim Road, that they will then be r.....t.d to L dust coat the above deac::ribed portion ~f Iahn Road. Th.e Town Attorney next. reported ccmeemina tt. prapoeecl purOMe. of Workman's COQ1)ensatlon Inaurance covertna the -.bel'S of the Ba8lSn Volunteer Fire Department. It was noted that tbe TOOIIb8 Al8ftcy report.d tbat the premium for Workaen's COIIIl....tloa I.urenae would ..unt to $5.74 per 100 population in the ar. serviced by the '11'8" "er~. Upon motion duly made and secondecl, it _a RBSOLVED eMt eu 101m 11'18truct the Toombs Agency to take out a polley of Wol'kman'a C~eD88tion Insurance covering the Eapn Fire Depart1llent ..-De~ with the uncJerstandtna that the population of the area be fisured on . basta of approxi_te1y 1,500 which would be determined by the 1960 c....... The Town Attorft.y read a report !roII t'he Mtaneeota Department of r I I I l- Highways concernlna proposed .,.41 zenina Oft Hlah Vi.., Avenue and Blackhawk Road. Upon 1II)tion duly -de ancl aeconcled, it _s aBSOLVED that a warning sign and a stop alan be purchaaedfor Snatallatlon on Hiab View Avenue near High Bri<l&e Terrace and an additional warntna 81an be installed near the Rahn Trencbina COIlpSny on Blackhawk Road. Mr. Lawrence Wenzel appeared relative to the rezonina of Lots 1 througb 3 in Cedar Grove 13. The Board noted that these 10ta had been rezoned at the 80ard' 8 last reaular meetina on July 7 and that a letter had been received from John todd, the attorney for Cedar Grove Construction Company, relative to the reaoning and the effect upon the property owned by Cedar Grove Construction Conpany. 'l'ke Town Attorney was instructed ~. to write to Mr. Todd relative to the Mtter uplalntna that the 1'1q)r:j~ bed been rezoned with the requeat that Mr. Todd contact the TownAttorney if there are further QUe8tions or de9.~nte. -4- I I L I L I L the area appeared on their own behalf. It _. QlDtecl tM& t" ".lsol')' I Plann1na Coaaittee rec'*Dllndecl approval of the reaontftl- Afte.. dlacuMlon of the varloua iWlPUcattona of the rezonlna lnclucUq t" ....conformina use clause in Ordinance VI and the ani.l ordi.uce aftc1 upon mtlon duly made by Supervisor Klein and aeconcled by Superviaor SC_U. it was RESOLVED that said appUcation be, and it hereby is, approved and that the Town Attorney 1M instructed to contact Hartin Deslauriers to determine what if any ordinance violation may be occurin. on tlte Ben Oehrlein property located within the area to be rezoned. Mr. Albert Tufte appeared on behalf of his application for reaoniac of certain property conatitutina a part of Lot8 1 and 2. Auditor'. Subdivision No. 8 in Section '-2 from A, Aarlcultural to a-l, Residential and the approval of a p.reUminal')' plat in the propoaed Tufte Addition. It was notec1 that the APe r.c~nded approval of ,Micl rezontna sAd preliminary plat. Mr. Tuf~e indicated tbat be .Y wish to eatablish apartment buUcllft88 01\ the propoaed aclclltion, and it waa noted tbat the surveylna requlr..nt. coyedna . pl'OpCNleCl rlpt of way had not beea c~ leted to date. Ufon motlem cluly ...de and seconded, 1 t was RISOLVID , tpat said .pUcatio~ be, ~ they here. are, tabled for further lnfo~tiOft with t he requeat that appUcanu submit the application at the next APe meetina in Auauat. The app lication of Ht"" Display, Inc., 721 Raymond A"erwe~ St. Paul. for a sign permi t to be ..tAbUshed next to the Internattoaal Harvester sign near Silver Bell load Oft the south stde of ,,'....y '13 was next presented. It waa noted that the Advisory PI...... eo..tttee reconmencled denial of said penalt ap,Ucatioa. Opon ~loa "lJ'" by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Supervisor Sclwana. It was U1IiouID tbat in U&ht ,- 2 - of the 600 foot p~ision of the Ea..a 'llft Otell_ace t"'t ..id application ( L be, and it hereby la, denied. The Town Enaineer pqaeate4 . report aubmUtH by '!\rin Ci ty Testina Company relative to. lead jar te.t. around the Gopher _ltina Coq>>any. After explaining the report. the Board requested that the Town Enalneer contact Twin City Testina ~ny to submit a more complete analysis of the testina results at die next Board of Supervisor. meetin. in AUllJst. The Town Enaineer reported coneernins the propoaed dedication of certain .treets in Country .... Helpta AdcIittGn. tho.. belna Illland Road. Bean Avenue' and Vilas Lane. the Board r....ted that the Town Er.glneer report at tu next Board .stina In August concerning the advisabiUty of ~~1IIt the above -.ntioned .treet8. The Board read and accepted five propoaal. from Twin Ci ty area architects reque.tina that they be conal_red for architectural service. r i I I L- coverlna the proposeel new town bell. Upon _Cion .1, _de and seconded, it was RISOLVID that the Town Clerk be. and .... hereby is, directed to contact each arbbitect re<pJestina that each aulD! t a cOIIf)lete proposal durin. the current week so that a decision can be made durin. the current week for enppment of an archi tact. The Board next dlacus.ed the propo.ed duet coaUna of that portion of Rahn Road adjacent to the 8 or 9 residential dvellinp near County Read 130. The Town Attorney explained that he had requested by letter that the Cedar Grove Construction C~any dust coat said street in light of the dust created by the movement of heavy machinery over lahn Road. Cedar Grove Construction C~ny bad conveyed the ..ssa. that beavy machinery would no lonaer, be usia. Rahn Road and that the dust from that I '! 'L " source should no 10naer continue to be a problem. Upon mUon duly node and seconded, it _. IESOLVED that the Town Attorney ..in write to Cedar 3 - - It ..... L Mrs. PavUk, 990 81ue GenClan load 4IPpeare4 on bel' 0Wft behalf relative to the bumina and odor probl... alonl th.lr lot 11ne wlth the owner of 1000 Blue Gentian .... the Board infor_lly au....t.d that Mrs. Pavlik contact Dr. ltrlckson of aoeemount, the ".1\ fubUc Health Officer,., r~estina that Dr. Erickeon inspect the premiaes. Upon 8)tlon duly _de and .eeonde4I, it wee RISOLVID that the Clerk , issue to the Ia.n Volunteer 'Ire D8partlBen. an off-sale beer Ucen&e. Upon motion duly _cIe ami seconded. it... lUIISOLVED that the application of Myron J. Curtis for recluc:t1on In the ...ea.. valuation of his property I described as Lot 13, Blook 4 from an 8....." ..luation of $1,836 to $1,224 be, and It hereby ta, approved. 'Ihe Clerk au_ttted the Mendota ~ Fire Department bill in the amount of .330 coverina the flre at tbe LlRasa Corporation on Hishway 113 on July 8, 1964. Upon 1101:101'1 duly _de and seconded, it was RESOLVED j L that the Town Attorney be, and he hereby ta, directed to wri te to Mr. Frank Hasse.a. Prealdeftc of the Lalla.. Corporation reque.tins that the corporation pay * bill to ... Menclota Het.ahts Fire Department. Upon motion drolly _de by Cbal~n Rabn and aeconded'by Supervisor Klein, it w. RISOLVDD that the Town be, and it hereby is, authoriaed to wi thdraw f~ ttle Special... tax rev.....e fund which la payable by Dakota County to the Town of Basen the sum of $S,OOO which sUlDaball be used to help cover the coat of construction of the Cliff Road improvements. Upon motion duly mDde and seconded, it was RISOLVED that all bills as presented be ordered pald. Upon motion the mesUna adjourned. Dated: July 21, 1964. L !2J-1 f u. ~ Clerk - 5 - -