08/04/1964 - City Council Regular L MtNUTIS or RIGUtAR MaTING O. IOAaD or SUPaRftscll8 IAGl\N '1'CJlMSH1P. D\KDTA COUNTY AuFst 4, 1964 4reaular meauna of tbe Board of SUpervisors, la88n 'lowrutfll,; nakota County, w.. held on Ausuet 4. 1964 at 8100 o'clock P.M. at the .... Hall atwl\tch 411 members were pr..ent except Supervisor SclllMna. Chal~l\ lahn praided. Upon 1IIOt.ion duly _de and seconded. it .' ~..:~:\ .. tIIOLVID tbat tM rMcllna of the mlnut.. of the previous ...tina be,: and it laereby Sa. walved. . The 'ollowtna buildina perndtappUcatlon8 were presented. r ", Hana C. Oleen, reeI det\Ce, 34' x 40' x 24', $17,000, a 3-acre lot on tbe Et'ikatrup farm. Frank 'r. Burne, awll1111lna pool. 16' x 36'. $45,000 at 2969 Burns ide Avenue. Upon motion duly made and ..conded. it was R!SOLVED that _iet' bullcUna permit .pplication be, and they bereby are. approved anti the L Clan be cftreo.... to teeue tbe appUcable peralta. Mr....rt Cooper appeared on hts own behalf for a permit to tie into a 12-lnch dr.tna.. tile adjacent to hi. property on Hiah View Avenue and for a buildina permit for ratdence purpo.... Upon aIOtion duly nadeand ..conded, it was RESOLVED that the permit to tie Into the l2-inch drainaae tile on Riah View Avenue owned by the TCWft ot la18ft' be, and it hereby ls, approved subject. however, to a detend~Uon by tbe Town Bnaineer as to its feasiblUty and that a buUdlnl permit be issued by the Clerk covering Lot 3. Block 4. Valley View Plateau. A letter was read from the Town lnaineer resardlna the 'l\rt. City Teetlt\1 Coapaay testa near the Gopher Smelting CCJq)any. Area rul4lnts r I L present stated that periodic coapiaints have been registered about~he 'operation of the Gopher Smelt1na Plant and requested that the Enaineer - 1- r I I I I I L instructed to contact an aaronomiat or other expert to au - analyst. of the tests presented by the Tvin City Tuttna CQDf)any. A report was read from the Town -Dllneer concerning the dedication of streets tn Country Hoaa Helahts AddltlOl\. Upon motion duly ..de and seconded, it we. RBSOLVED that the Town be, and it hereby 18, on reoprd acceptlna the dedication of t1llas Lane and ...n Avenue from Burnstde Avenue to County Road '26 but that Inland Avenue not be accepted until it is properly .radect accordlna to the Town Ena1neer'. approval. The Chairman announ<:ed that by the end of the current week tlM Board of Superv180ra expect. to have chosen an architect: fot' preparation of plans for the ~ town hall. L The Town Clerk preaented a stAte of pt.pp~.ect jad&es and ballot counters for tlwpr~ el.ecttClD I. a.c.n ~p on Sep.t....r 8. 1964. Upon 110 ti on cbly _d.... aecon4ecl, it was ~V8D that the follawina penons act as ju4aea and a. ballot counters at the Septeaaber 8, 1964 primary election: Jud-a Precinct 11 Iuctl1e Atwood, Clerk Leota Schwanz Louis Trapp PrechlC~ ~ Mary Harrison, Clerk Ruth Smith Aanes Polzin ~'ft~t '3 Jeanne Beaudette, Clerk Julia Slater Nancy Cannon Frances Groff 4:00- 8:00 P.M . Counters Precinct #1 Leo Murphy Ruth Shirley Alvina LeTendl:"e Precinct #2 Nadine Maxfield Mavis Westbrook Mrs. William Davidele ~inct #3 . rlene Boesel Eldoris Ohm Mr.~ Robert Arneson 'Hetene Kina L Upon motion duly made and seconded, 1 t was RBSOLVBD that the votina location in Precinct #2 be held at the Safari Club on Hilhway 155. - 2 - L Mr. MarUn DuLaurlara, the toIrft. poUc..n, .,,_red ,. ruponaa to a request by tba Town Boarctat.. h.,_t ra..1ar ..Una that "- inspect the Ben. Oehrlein property and furnish a report as to Ma findlnas concarnina the u.a of the property. .Mr. DesLauriers submitted a list 'of aquipment, anl_1s and _chinery on the property to the Town Board for its consideration. A peU tion was presenceclby property owners adjacent to Cedar Avenue and Hi""y 130 requeatlna that steps be take" to control the dust proW. created by re8tDY81 of ..nd and arawl from that portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 30 zoned C-2 and owned by the CedaJ;' Grove Construction Company. Upon motion duly 1IIII1de and .econcled, it was RESOLVED that the Town Jnaineer be, and he hereby I., IMtructed to contact the Enslne..r for the Cedar Grove Conatruction Conpany and furtber to determlne a po.sible solutiQn to the problem. Upon request by the Chief of the lapn Tovnahip Fire Depan.ent and upon moUo. duly _de by Supervisor Uetn and seconded by Supe::::viaor Rabn, 1. twas RESOLVIDtllat purauent to Ordinance 113. Section 7 as of Ausust 5, 1964 a ftre hazard exists tbroulhout the Townahlp and that no araS8, brush or field fires may be permitted within the Township without the .rant of a pelQit to do 80 aM that the Clerk be, and she hereby is, instructed to post accordins to law and to notify the local newspapers a. to tbe contents of ~hi. resolution_ Mr. Lawrence Elwell aM Mr. Burnell Nelaonappeared relattve to the existinl peat fire in Section 8 near the railroad track.. - It is uMera'tood that the fire has been burn1t\a for HYersl 1IOfttba but that the Town Board was not aotifled of tta existence until approximately July 31. Hr. Elwell aM Hr. Nelson inquired a. to what action the Town Board would be willlnl to take in conjunction with the prope~ty owners to abote tbe fire.. The Board explained that ita poalUon was that this -' L L $. - ).- '".I'.~ L r..p01\ll1bUt., laid upon the p:ropert,OIJifUra Includhaa tile Railroad Coapany and Northern State Power Coilp.lty, hut that it would cooperate in any we, other than direct financial aid to asstet the -pl'Operty CJW1\ers to abetethe fire. Upon motion duly made and .econded. it _s RBSOLVED that an off-sale beer license be, and it hereby Is, issued to the Veterana of Fore11J\ Ware. Upon aIOtion clul, _de and seconded, it was RISOLVED that all bills as presented be, and they hereby arfi, ordered paid. Upon motion, the meetina adjourned. Dated: August 4, 1964. !JJ~1 tA f>... LIu- Clerk L L -4- ~.._.