08/18/1964 - City Council Regular I L ...... .~.l uti MlfttHQ 0'''' 01' '1If.__ . ..... ~, LAID. COUNJ.Y ......t la, 19M A ~ ........ oj ,... IIoel'd of ....r~liIiin. ...... 'lownah&P. Dillfaca County. _. -.w'0I\ ....t 18~ Ittt.a' 8.00 o'clock P.M. at the Towo HaU at...... aU .-Hr. were ,~_. Chah.i" IIIIan pl'ulW. '1M "au... of &be prwloua ...Una w.re tlpprOV'.d a. ~ 'the foU.... "'Hi.. p....<< appU..u.n .. '4...lItedt 4-"- Deftto,-lU. '1 ILl~" 2211 .1'...... St. Paul for the COMaucdoa tII a ..re_'l00k ... a,..l IIIslldlft8 SO' x 100'. ..'I_tact _t $",000 la aloclJ z., 1,K 1 511>>1., l1\cllaatrkl 'ark. f L 1Jpoft motion duly .de .. aac:onclld. It... UIOWD dIat ..1' ItuU41na perm! t app ltcattOft 1M. and it -nbr Sa, ...J:GMd .~t to .......,.1 by the 'Iowa lawineer. .. ..........1_ ... .. ."Ucaftt _4 ..,-_1 .f ....raeep1aalJ by tbe Toft .....1'. Appl'-Cien of MDrrl...,. ..........I"taa ~llqany, Inc.. 29].6 Hiawatha ___, MlnaeapoUa for 1'--.1. of two aol'tMl .....an Hlpe" #13 and Ieau cIe ... Itaed In Sactt_ 19 'l'OIa J,..l to W ..tabled for lack of .....rano.. Mr. Thoma. x.u.aJ... MI'. ... Yoaellaolll end Mr. Arthur Ameeon .peared on ....If of aft appllcattoe te r..-. part of Government Lot. 5. 6 and 1 In tba lauda...t ~r_1' of heUoo 11 frcq 1-1 to &-3 fol' ...dUpl. clr.felUna UH.. It..._...' the Aclv1eory Planning emmlitt.. L reCOlllDElncled approval of tile moll'", After cU.acuHloft and upon motion duly _de and aeooftfled. it we &aIOlMID tbat a pubUc Marina pursuant to Ordinance VI 1M, ... l.t be..... ta, "11_ .. ""-..ber 15, 1964 at 8:00 o'clock P.N. aU tha, the Clerla " cllMe..... to pultU8h notice of ..1d beartna. ",. , .. 1 . . ,,"",,,,r i I L '1'be appUcatiotl of Arttur Hal!hnel, 3245 JU...-,"S for a wrlance for ..rase aieSe ,.rd .., back under Ordinance VI .. next conaiclered. 'lbe Advisory PlaAnl. eo.t ttee recoaDemIM _tal' to tbf!! Board of Supervisors. Upon motton c:luly _de and seconclect. it was l\ESOtVED that said application be. encI It hereby Is. denied In U&ht of the fact that applicant bas decided to confOZ'lll to the Ordinance requirements The Town Bna1NNlr reponed that be had contacted Cedar Grove i Construction Ccal>>any relative to duat ,robl_ nMr Cedar Avenue and lUglr.-1ay #30 in Cedar Grove. It.. underatood tbat no hauli:\& would t>e done tly Cedar arov. COt\8truct1on~~ny for a two week p~riod and tMt when the bauUna of earth frail the area ._ to ....n. tlte t;edar Gl."Ove officials would contact die "..n TCIIWft ....neer at 1I1htch time the ~'10 parties \KlUld meet to deuralnehow the duat probl_ could best be aba ted. I i i l- rile Town Attorney presented . p~ed. _-"kt to Ordinance VIII relative to pit. and excavation of 1... thaB 3,000 ,arda ,er y~~r. The Advisory Planning eo..tttee reoOllllllmCled tlpproval. Upon motion duly made and seconded. it was IISOLVID that ..id _ndment to Ordir.ance VIII be, and it hereby is. appl"OYed and that publication ))e made for the requisite period. The Board. however, reootn1..d the d1ff1culty of Cl'.:fOL'C:lng the 3tooo yard limit and dicuaaed the possibility cf ~ubscque..l r:!vlf!\17 of the problem. The Town Engineer r8Porced that he bad received a published article in the .journal of Veterinarian ToxtcolollJ prepared by Dra. Paul Hf~m!l;'nd and Arthur Arenson of the University of Minnuota con:ernil\8 thf'!~r et1alYilis of the lead probl_ neilI' the Gopher Smelt!na Company.. ~;:'ht,! i L To~m ~~.neer explained that he expect" to .at with University r>f ~innesot.a officiala and 1I11tb Mr. Al Holler of Ttltn City Testing C~ - 2- priOl" to the S~t"'r 1.t Board ..Ubi to ctetermt.. what prop.ed action. if any, be taken. i I I L- The Town lnalneer rwl_ecl with the brcl of "'"1801'. the propo.ed town ....rap ay.... 8WcIy contract. '!be A4v!.., P1annina C01DDittee. it waa noted, r~d that a-.ecm'fr.~"t~ Enatneer for 'l'eparatton of a aeweraea plan be -..cted. The lJoard requested that the Intineer _at wi th the town Board on Septelllber 10 to discuss the propou,l in ..eater .....1. _ A reso1qUoa. was .ubmitt:ed by Cedar Qf:eve Cofta.tructlon Coalpany requesttna an extension of offatte l..rov-*". in Cedar Gt'oYe '3 frotB July I, 1964 to November I, 1,..5. ~oa ..Uon duly __ and ..oem.', it was RESOLVED that dle fOl'e801q x:uolutlOft for exUftltlGn of .'f..1'. luprovemenU be, and it hereby ia, pnted. The &a81lU8sen Addition final p laC. located in SecUoa 28 ,.. pre..tecf L for the second time to the Board of lupenteore for appc'OYal aR4 aecut:toa. It was noted that the reuon for the __lsalon ... additional requl..-.a by the Reabter of Dleds of Dakota c:e..ty. Supervisor Klein pr....... a r.....t by the Safari Cl_, on Hipay #55 and Lexinaton Avenue to permit. non-profit pop concert: &rOUP to meet at the Club on Auauat 23 frOlD 8110 to 11:30. No objection was voiced by the Board. A request by WilUam I. Rahn that iifcber LaM aad Lenore LacMHIa Clearview Addition be accepted by t-, ToIrn of "'n was referre4 -tDA:.IIe Town Enaineer for a report at the S.,t....r let Board aaetiaa- Upon motion duly _de and ..COftde<l, it w. RISOLVED tbat tM Town . Enaineer be, and he hereby ia, 411'ectecl to cbeck tn'o chal_.. probl... L on Lots 3 and 4, JUock 3. Cedar Gr_ ... -.on the r.....t of Mr.. Neil E. Wriaht of 4386 Sand8tone. Upon motion duly... aft4 MCOItdacl. it... ~8D that the Town Attorney be, and he hereby la, cUl'e4te" to wI" to. .John Marxer 'Of -J- 3220 Random Road to the effect that a fence baa beeo e.tabUshec:l by I L him on the street in Harvey Addition abutUq upon the above ,roperty. It was noted by the Board that there have be. cwm ,.,ous instances in which the Minnesota HiahwaY Department and Dakota County Sheriff's . - Office Traffic Patrolmen have refused to refer traffic violations conmitted within the Town of Eapn to justices of the peace in Eagan Township. After discussion and upon motion dUly made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was USOLVID that the Town Attorney be, and h.e hereby is, directed to write to the Minnesota Higl1\ll.lY Dcpc:.:trl'lCl"'.t Traffic Division and the Dakota County Sheriff's Office refe~rin3 to th~ problems and indicatina that each justice of the peace of Eagan Township is p.i.'operly bonded and that the bonds have been filed with the Secretary of State and Clerk of District Court accordlna to law. L The Tmm Attol:ney e~latn.d that Mr. Elwell and Mr. Nelson, property owners in Section 18 where a peat fire is now burn1na, have lOet wi th Northern States Power and Nortbwe~tern Railroad officials at which time an agreement was reached to maintain Pl1q)S for purposes of pumpi"lg watet' into ditches to attempt to abate the peat fire. The Town Board req~ested that the Town Enslneer make ,eriodlc checks on the progress of the fire problem and to submit suaestions t,o the ,roperty owners and '1'O\m Board conc~rning the matter. Certain neighbors of Mr. Ben Oehrlein in Section 10 app~cred on their ~wn behalf requestina information concernina the estebl1shment of, a busineas, construction of buildings, etc. on residential p~~ope::'t.~. After discussion of the le..1 inplications, tbe Board request~d that the Tm.rn Attorney acquire 84uple noise ordinances and submit approprll3te I L suggestions to the Town Board relative to G proposed nuisance llnd noise ordinance for Ea~n Township. It was further requested that the neis&,bors -4- of the area, 8ubmit to the Town Attorney an outline of relevant information L for study and review 1ty tIae Board at its next _et1na- Mr. James' Horn of 3850 Coronation Roed aulMlitted a final plat for Ki.ngswood Addi tion in Section ~ for approval by the Tm."n Board. Upon motion duly ma4e by Supervisor Schwena and seconded by Cha! rman Rahn, it. \\7aS RESOLVED that said finel plat be. and it hereby is, accepted, s'.tbject however, to approval by the Dekota County Platting CO,QI"S5lCl~, and sU~~Dsion by ap,licant of an appropriate application to the T.o~m Board. U~cn motion, all billa a. pre.ented were ordered paid. Upon t!k)Uon. the meeUna adjourMCI.. Dated: August 18. 1964. ! ' L ~U-~ Cle..k ~-----, L ~'pI' F ...... J-