09/13/1964 - City Council Regular I L i I L , I L . ~ \ NlllUaor ~a .... . till lOW) ,. lAGAN 'l'fMISRIP Da\lCDTA .C01MII , - Sept"'r 15, 196ft . ~1er .auna of tb4a Boehl of"'l"91IOr.. .... ~""Ip. I i ~ Delio.. County. _. held at the TOIlIft Jfall. Iwpt..... IS, 1964 at ... otcl00tc It. Ie. at which the 1IIIIDbera pr....t were Rabn .ad Klein. CbltrMn Iahn prulclecl. tbe minute. of the prwlGua __I...... .,r;pvad a.a _d. The ........1.. ..,Ucatloaa for bu-Uftna permi U _n PreMIlt,,- ~m 'ropaaw", Co.. 48aO .c81alor Io\l__r', ea1-.. loadlnc cIDok. Cedaraa4 Hl"', 113,10' x 20'; 10' x 3". .,500. 80..- De 01__. Staata DIJalllq. Mock 9. LK '. ee.&ry ... .,..ta. 26' K J3t. $20.000. Lloyd Jobneoft. MSM8IIpOUa, ."'le "IU... IDt Is.. Mock 1. '1'....1'11.. 4ddltlClft. 24' x 48', .a,ooo. CtMkr ..... eo.,.tructlol\ ~. 10 .-J~. .~ $U," .- In Cedar Grove No8. 2 aacI 4. HiM at.._ r..11.lluI 1ft Cedar c... " at $15,ooo.e<u-h. Upon 1IIDtlon duly _de and .econcIed. it vaa USOWID tbat the .....tna wile'llnc penllt applicationa _a, and they "my are, .,rwecl aad e_ aluk " eUreeted to 1", .... 8ppUcable pen,J,,,. Mr. Iobert L,ona ....r_ r.....~lna Info..Uoft COMerAl... tba acqutsitlon of a 1t'l1Id1"l,....at to .... a -..1- bunplQlf Oft eM WUla.a _d property COIUIlat.... a 'hr.. ...no pereel. The Boarcl requeat'" tlaat Mr. L,ons coo.tact IfM. ._....hr. ... .a__ ...... tflve vaa , .., ottjeeUon to tlM ........ of INCh. penlt. .,,*11c "'rS....-m1na tM IppUctltto" ., '111. "ul,. 3. ...., Ht,- r." lor ~ ..r~ of G!wen-...t wu I. 6 ... 7 an. t. aou-....l TIt. Qullr. ., ...... "'2'1-23 we ..t...... .. Cleric rtd .... ....... ...... ... ....... 1" C" ...... tM~.,_"'. . 1 .. MUIr not:lna t:ha~ there "". no object:lon t:o the r8801llftl and. upoa .aloft clu.ty _de by Chairman If3hn and Hconded by SUl'cxvieor Klein, it.. I L RISOLVID that said application be. and it hereby is, approved and that the property described in the application be, and it hereby la, reaoned from I-I, Liabt Industrial to B-3, talltlple dwelUns. Mr. Nick Schlosser, 1061 Keefe Street, failed to appear concemin, h1s request for a bulldlna pemit to place a traUer houae SO' x 20' on said property. the matter was stricken for lack of eppearance. The epplication of Peaatom, Inc.., Hiatusy #13, Rural Route 12, Save.., for approval of a preliminary plat, rezonlna from~, Aadcultural to R-l, Residential ~d the extension of BurnevUle aewer and water facUiti.. cov.riraa property tn the Southweat Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of SecUon 30-27-23 contalatna opproxll1l8tely 38 acre. waa next presented. It was noted that the Ad91.lOry Plannlns CoaDi ttee recoanended approval L at 1 ta Septembe..- 14 _eU",. Upon tIIOtion duly made and seconded, it waa RESOLVED that.lel pre\~nary plat application be, and It hereby 1., approved and tbat the r..,ntna " ,ranted a. requested and further that rezoning frOWl A, Agrlculwral to a-l, Residential be granted and ln sddl tion that a study of the ......r and water extension from the Village of Burnavl1le be made In conjUQCtlon with Burnsville officials. '!be appU,,-Uon of C.cI8r OIrcwe Construction c:oq,any, 3216 South Grove 'Lane. SeNah St, Paul for approval of a preliminary plat for Ceder Grove #5 and rezonina fr~ A, Aaricultural to R-l, Residential of 81 acres in Section 26-21-23 was next considered. The Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval of sald application provided said preliminary plat recewad the Town Enaineerf. approval and that the r i j '-- further proposals for public parks be submitted prior to the acceptance Qf the final plat. Upon D>t1on duly made and ..conded., It wa. USOLVID that saiel application be, and it hereby is. tabled until more specific - 2 - ,.ctcllUonal street Ira.8 anct dr.1na.. plet\a tol8tber vtth pa?:'!t p~l. are presented to the Board of Sup(.r.vhors. It wos furtb.~r 1D)wd thet L said appl1caUon for rezonin.~ from A, Aarlcultural to Rr-l, ~8identlal be, and it hereby is, approved. Two applications of Highway Display, Inc~, 7~l Raymond ANenue, St. Paul were presented for sign permi ts advertisins Valley National Bank, one placed on Cedar Avenue 1.6 miles from the junction with Highway '13 aM the other 3.7 atles northeast of the junction of Hipey #36 on Hi......y #13. It was noted tbetthe Advisory Planning CoaInittee had recommended approval subject to certain contingencies specified in its minutes. Upon motion duly mde and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the said application for sian permits be, and they hereby are, approved, L provided however that each sian be located within 6 ~nchea backed up to the billboard currently exlstint and adjacent to each in a ~shape manner and further that each sian be nearly as close in shape and eize a. possible as the two exlstina siant; it was FURTHER RISOLVED that an exceptiot'!. to the .... foot provhion of the Sian Ordinance be, 2'l.d it hereby is, aranted for the above application. It was noted frOM the Advisory Planning Committee meetinsainutea of Septemher 14, 1964 that no action had beefl taken on the application of Herbert Adellll8nn for special use permit to ....blbb a sanitary land fill on tbe Joseph Kennealy property in Section 18, near Nicol's Station. TIle lipp Ucation of .rl Marotzke, Rosemount for rezoning 5e 7 ecru of Section 26.27-23 conai.tina of all land south C'f the Gun C1uh from A, Agricultural to 1-1, LtaJlt In'''trial waa also not acted upon by the Advisory lannina COBnittee. L Mr. La"renoe PoppleI' appeareel on behalf of his application for rezonina Il'01II A, Aarlcultural to ....1, Residential and approval of a preUalnary plat Oft foppler AdtIttion, Poppler Addition #2 and Poppler - 3 - ! ! I I L.....-..-- L Addition 13 - ClOUl.Una of the "at bilf of tbe .,......t quarter of s.ctton 3-%1-23. The AdvSlOry Plannlnaec-ittee ~.COPPellded approve1. Upoft motion duly _de and,8econded. It we. RISOI.11ID that tbe proposal for 'the prelllD1nal"y plat be,and it hereby la, approved and that the Town lnatuer revS. tbe proposal inclucltna the request by the County Bnalneer that a service road be estabUshed adjai:8nt to the County Roa~ and further that turnaround ea.emeat. on the .treets ending at the edaeof the plat b. aranted by the eppUcant. Mr. '..nd 1In. AMn Drenckhahn, 2811 Pilot Knob Boad, appeared on behalf of their 4ppUcation for the acquisition of a special U8e permit to aper8'te a beaut, abop at the above adclnas. '!'be iwlviaory Plannin, ec..t'tcee had re~ ..pravalof ea14 application. Upon IIDtlon duly.de and seconded. it.. RBSOLVID tbstNid appUcatton ..., aDd It heruy is, tabled until the Board meeUna on October 6 for purpoaea of further atudy. The reque.t of William L Rabn for accepteR" by the Township of Bucher 1.Ilne and Lenors Lane in Cleal'Vlew i.cIcIitlon was tabled eo that *~tn Wen.cel could .termine wbPt weeel cutting and blading was nece...ry prior to accepta~ce of the .treet.. The Town "Iuer report" that be bad la.vutlaatecl the requeat of H>>-. Neil Wrtaht, 4386 Sandatone, covering dra1naae in IDta 3 aNl 4. Block 3 In Cedar Grove No.4. '1'be Bnttneer .tated that on the M.la of hiatindtnp he re~ thot the aaetter should be ruolved between the property owner and tbe developer. '!'he 'lowa i.ttorney was requeated to notify Hr. Wrilhc of thl. dete~natlon. 'Ehe Town Attorney ......ltt.d a propoaed NoIH Ordinance for EaS'n Towubip. UfKm ..tion dilly _cle ~ Supervisor Xlein and ..conded by a.i~n Iabn, tt-wa. RISOLVID that _id M18. ordinance be, and It hereby is adopted .ad that the, TOWR Clerk be ordered to pubUsaa the ordinan~e in the Dakota Count, 'rrt.... l L -4- ~ 'lbe 'tCMi IftalftHr .ublalt~ed . CIOn'ract betv.. tile lJlal....r and I L the TOWNIhlp for preparation by the lnai."..r of a repor~ coyert._ ___re.. .tudy in Eaaan TownalKlI. \1po1\ tDtton duly acle and .econded, 11; va. RISOLVID that the applicable officials execute .id contract In tile amcn.mt of $6,250. Upon motion duly made and seconded, It was RISO~ID that the Town Clerk be, and .he hereby is, directed to advertise forbid. for s..l- coatina certain streett in IalBn township accordina to the specification. drawn up and pre.ented by the Town lna1neer. '1'be Town Bnalneer reported on hi. meetinl with Hr. A1 Holler of '1Win City TesUna eo..any and Dr. RalllllOnd of th.ePlantPatbolol)' Department of the Universl ty of Minnesota and explained that Dr.. Haaaond expect" to ,resent a report to the Board of Supervi.or. within approximately two weeks concemina results of tests coverina re.idual lead on vesetation r L in the Gopher Smelting Company area. Upon mo,tion _ly made and seconded, it was RBSOLVID that the aapn Township Board of Supervl.or'. Chairman and town. Clerk execute the propo.ed architect's contract with KlIstq'te and Vo.ejpka Which contract was presented to the Boa.-d. Upon motion duly made and .econded. It was RlSOLVII> that the application of Ida Weaael for reduction in u....ed valuation of four acres coul.tina of all north and west of the road of the north 1.673 ft. of the Ve.at half of the Soutbeaat Quarter, Section 20-27-23 to $1,557 be. and it hereby la, approved. L Upon motion duly made and seconded, 1 twa. RISOLVD the t the Township bet and it hereby ~.. autborlaed to repair Donald Avenue In the LeTendre Add! tiOft and the TOWft Treasurer be autltorlaed to expend fund. for this purpose. - 5- ( L the Town AttorneJ,:reaented a tetter from the Bur..u of the Census explalnlna that on the Mats of "pn'. requeat, a special census will i L be held beaint\laa approxi_tely March 1, 1ge In .pntowna\\ip and that facUttlea for a ceMue Bureau worker be provided. Upon mUon duly _de and aeconded, it was RESOLVe that tbe Clerk be, and sbe hereby Is, directed to forward $100 to the cenaus Bureau as part payment toward the special census fee of approximately $1,545. Upon motion duly made and seconded, all bills 8' pre..nte4 were ordered paid. Upon motion, the aeeting adjourned. Detedt Sept8lllber IS, 1964. 41ft 4J ~_ Clerk L , - 6 ..