10/06/1964 - City Council Regular i I L L I L MINUTES or l\!ClJLAR MEET.tNG OF 8OI\RD OF SUPIR'lISORS f.AC:.bJII '1'O\~SHI!', OA.~TA CQijNTY October 6, 1964 A r.p1ar .eUna of the &>ard of Supervlaors, Baaan Townahlp, Dakota County, .... held at the Town Hall on October 6, 1964 at 8aOO o'clock P. M. at which all ..mbers were pres.nt. Cbal~n Ratm presided. The readina of the mtrutea of the previoua meetina wes Qnani~aly dispensed wi th. The fo1lowlna build1na permit application were presented: Joseph Krzlsnik, 1068 MelCee, 24' x 46' house, $15,000 with , attached &a:.-a. 21' x 22'. Ted Wachter, 3155 South Lexlft8ton, bouae actdition 8' x 15' estimated cost $1,000. Haxve)' Kircbener, 640 Rita Court, housG 48' x 24', Lot 5, Harve)' Addition #2., estimated coat $15,000. Upon motion duly _de by Chai~n Rahn and aecondecl .., Supenriaor Klein, it was RESOLVED tbat the forelPlna bui1dlna permit applications be, and they hereby are, approved and the Clerk directed to issue the requ~site pe~ta therefore. The application of Cedar Grove Construction Coapany for approval of the preliminary plat for Cedar Grove No. 5 was referred to the Advisory P1annina C~ttee for further consideration. The appUca~ton of Mrs. Alan Dcenckbllhn, 2811 .11ot Knob load t.o operat.e a beauty shop in her home was present.ed. Residents in the area appeared both In support of and in opposition to the application. Upon motion duly ftlcle by Supexvlaor Klein and seconded by Chairman Rahn. it was RBSOLVED that because of the nature of tbe prcpo..d activity no permit would be reClulred so lona as it is conducted aa a non-cOlllDarclal type bualneaa. .. 1 - L The T(.'IIWft Engineer t:eporte<:l lalaUve to the request of William I. RaM that Beecher Lane and Lenore Lane in CJ e4rview Addition be accepted by the Township. Upon motion duly made by S"''Pervisor Klein and seconded by Supexvisor Schwanz, it was RPSOLVED that said roads be, and they hereby are, accepted by the Township. The Town Attorney and Town Engineer ceported concernins the ,sani tary sewaae proposals for Hennepin and North Dakota County municipalities and townships. Upon motiorl. duly made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Supexvisor SChwanz, it was RESOLVED that the Township be, and it hereby 1_. authorized to make an e~endlture of not to exceed $500 to defray expert witness fees and attorneys fees in eppearina before the water pollution board at its hearina on October 19 in accordance with the joint proposal of Bloominaton and Minnetonka Village. A short eliscus.ion was bad concernina the extension of Burnsvi lie sewer and water services in the proposed River Hill. Addition located on t.he westerly boundary of Eagan Township and for junior hiah school purposes. The matter wa. referred to the Advisory Planning Committee for study and thereafter a joint meeting of the Board of Supervisors and Advisory P1anninc Committee to consider the matter In detail. Mr. Wally Potter appeared on behalf of residents residiftC on or near Kabn Road appeaUng to the Board for reaplrs for the road. The matter was referred to the Tawn Ensineer to examine the Rotad and report on what repairs would be required. Mr. D. W. Swanson, 3 River Ridae Circle, Timberline, appeared with reaard to the diversion of natural drains.. over his property. The mI!ltter was referred to the Town Inalneer to inveatipae and report back to the Board. Upon motion duly _de by Superv180rKlein and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the followina election Judae. and oounters L L - 2 - for th. General Election to be held on NovetTlb<!r 3, 1964 be, and they L hereby are, appointed as follows: Jud2es Counters Precinct I Luci Ue Atwood Louis Trapp Leota Schwanz Georgene Christenson - 4:00 - 8:00 P.M. Marjorie Shadduck Precinct I U!O Murphy Alvina LeTendre Dale LaRue Helen Molenca~ Precinct II Ruth Smi th Mary Harrison - 3:00 P.M. Agnes Po1dn Carol Enaebretson Nadine Maxfield - 4~OO - 8:00 P.M. Precinct I~ Mavis Westbrook Barbara Anderson i.nn Davidek Virginia Knight L Precinct III Jeanee Beaudette Lorraine Danielson leay Matso~ Helene King Etbel Groff - 3:00 - 8:00 PeM. Anna Lou Arneson - 3:00 - 8:00 P.M. Mary '~n Sinaewald - 3:00 - 8:00 P.M. Precinct-UI lrleo.a Boesel Mi ldred Ameeon Elclods Ohm Nancy Cannon Lois Kukuk Lee 'lanta Doris Christian Due to the election being held on the first Tuesday in November, Chairman Rahn deeianated that the Board meet.ing be held on Mondey, November 2, 1964. Mr. James Home appeared on behalf of his proposal for a wat<!r main extension in Kingswood Addition. Upon motion duly made by Chairmen Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Klein, it was RESOLVED that the layout of the water main extension as proposed be, and the same hereby is, approved subject to the approval of the Town lnaineer as to the location of fire hydrants. Upon motion duly made. and .~nded, it was RISOLVED t.hat all bills as presented were approved and ordered paid. L UpOft 8)Uon, the meetins adjourned. Deteck Gombar 6. "1964. ~ t-A- ~ Clerk - 3 -