11/02/1964 - City Council Regular ~ MINl11'BS OF UaJLAR MIm'ING or !HI IOA.ID OW suransoa . fA(.'J:.N 'l'OWNSRlP. o.u;nTA COUIft'Y November. 2, 1964 I L A re~laT. meeting of the Board of SUl'lfileoHI" ... 'townshiP. IJIalrota County, lm~ held at the Town Hall en Novetl6fta 2, 1964 at 8:00 o.cleelc. P.M. at which all ~rs were P::E:sP.l'lt... ChaiftlBn Rahn p1:ealdecl. The r~l... of the minute. of the prevtoua ..tins was unanimously waived. The foUWina buUcu'ns ,umit ap-pUcaUon was praenbtch Mr. Han')' Oaterk8llf. residential additiol'\ 8'. 9'. uti_'*' coat $SOO, a804 Le~d.-.;ton Avenue South. Upon motion duly _de and ..conded, it wes RESOLVIm that said buUding permit application be, ami a~.by il"l, appr.oved and the Clerk be dl~acted to i8..... the appltcable INtlc:U.ng permit. L MI.'. Gory Foley appeared r~questtna ..... concernina the location ", a hou.e U'eUer and iastallatlon of a e.....,. ~.n -ca. .... "',11ft property, Route 11, St. 'aul 11, 011 Nuuot& -..-Cillllllfftl~ . ~ parcel. '1be loud up1alMCl to MIr. Jto1.. .... no t1QUdlaa ,"t .. r.cpatred provided tbat it be fill a tm"....,. ..h. , The application of HIIdIHC ~__ IDr . ..-la1 _ .....t to ..tabU.h a eanitary land fill on the JoMiptl .....11 ....-41.. .. ....iOl\ 18 _. next pr...nted. It.. notecl that tbe appltcaac .... not ........ Upon _t.kI\ by Supervt80r SotMana. .econcliad by CIIai~ Ilahn, It_. USOWBD that said application 1>e. anti It ......, 1.. ..led aNt tllat . Clerk be clirected to ret\Rn U. ,..., t f.. to dIa ..."08llt~ r I L Th. dog catchlna oontrac~-"l~b NI'. &. GanIIe aacI tlae 6o. ....1 __act with *. Lloyd Zebn_ wee .....ftqd tow .....tl_ .. .. ...4 ... .., tM .....--1flel ,.cIa. ,. 1- f" I I 'lbe Town Attorney presertt~cl a fo~ of resolution for extenaton of 1 L the coupletion ck1te for offsi.tp. i,nprovements in Cedar Grove ff-4. Upon action duly made by Chair:non B.ahn and seconded by Superv1.aors Klein, it was RESOLVED that the cO!l~le::ion date of said offsite ilJ1)xcvements be, and it her.eby is, extcrd.;c un.til October 15, 1965, subject to all terms and conditions of the appr.opriate a~eement. Additlonal contracto for construction of the new town hall were presented to the Board of: Supe~'isors for execution. A fo~ of resol~tion was presented by the T~~ Attorney covering the issue and sale of ~10,OOO in town ball bonds, said bonds dated JR.e~t!'l.baJ~ 1, 1964., to be.~r interest payable December 1, 1965 and semi- annually thereafter on June 1 and December 1 in eacb year at the rate or rates clesignated by the Bucces.nl1 bidder, an1 to mature mAterially on December 1st in th~ years ~nd 8MOunts as follows: $2,000 1966-69, L $3,000 1970-73, all yeD~S inc1~alve, all without option for prior payment. I~ll bondll will be in the d(momina.tion of $1,000 each. Upon 1IIOti.on a.!ly mede by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisors Kleln, it was P~OLVED that said resolution to i8sue and sell $20,000 in town ball bonda whereby bids will be received on November 17, 1964 at 8:00 o 'clock P.M. at tbe Town Hall be, and it hereby Is, adopted and further that the Clerk be directed to issue a notice of the bond eale; further t~t a copy of said re801ution be nttached hereto and made a par~ hereof. The Town Attorney presented a propos" Ovdinance 18 adopting certain I L sections of the Minnesota Criminal Coc'e by reference into the Espn Ordlr.ancQs. Upon motion duly made by Supervls. lUeln and seconde. by Supervisor SChwanz, it was RESOLVED tha~ said Ordinance be, and it ~y is, adopted and that dbe Clerk be directed to publish Baid Ordinance accordlna to law 1 n the lepl n-.paper. _ 2 - Mrs. Or..vid Si.cek, 3011 ~7oodlark I.ene appeared on beb.+.lf of certain I I L reaidentz it". th."1t area reCllJest:i.tlg the insta.l1at~on of . st2e.et liaht at the intersection of Higrn~ay #13 and County Road #26. After an explanation of the legal trnplieations of the installation of a street li~...t, it w..s ' lnformlly decided tba.t 3npc.l.-visor IOein would contact Northern States Powp.r Co~;any concerning the placement of e street light at that location with the understanding that the cost of installation and operation be paid ~or by the surrounding residents. Mr.. J~ck ~nsnr, president, and certain members of the Cedar Athletic Associaticn appeared concerning tbe proposed park in Ce(hr Gr.OV(~ is. The Bo~rd advifed the Association members.present to attend the Advisory Pl~nning Comnittee tne/Stlng on November 9. .....r. A. J& Car.pbcll and ~. Jean Pcrranto appesred relative to the L application of Arrov' 7.,:~td( an;! FnS~;:~c~~~ring Co. for 1\ building p~rmi t for the erection of en indul'i..:cial bu"ldiug for fl\brication of truck tanks lnRobert O'Neill Homestead, Sect.ion 2 on Highway #55. It was noted that tha e.rea is zoned 1-1. Light Industrial. Upon motion duly tn3de by ChaiXTQ8n Rahn and seconde. laf Supervisor nein, 1 t was RESOLVED tlJ,at the p~ be, and it hereby is, approved subject however to approval by tbe town Engineer of the coapletlB plans and furtber by the approval of the Advisory Planning Committee. Th.~ Roard noted that it had received couplaillts concernina operation of the Alexender Construction. COtil>>any gravel pit and black-top mixing pV:mt on Hlgbwcy 149. The Town Engineer was requested to invest18"1(tCl and report beck 1;0 the next Board meeting. I I L Upon motion. all bills were ord~red paid~ Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Dated: November 2. 1964. ~lto/LI ~ Clerk .. ,..