11/17/1964 - City Council Regular .~ 01' UGUl~ ",IM 0' ~ or lUIavtSOU .... 'lOWIIIIIlst. ..... COUItt. MltItaOtA 1tOv..-. 17 ~ 19M f I..- .A 1:.1ar ._u. of ~be IoRcI ~t Supuv l8oc'8. .... TClllf\Ubi,.. l7ekota County. Mtnnuota .a _lei on Movelllber 17 t 1964 at the TCM\ Rall at 81000'clock P.M. at whtch .U. -tua were ~Cll Chain8n Rahn pr..l.d. Tbe r..ell.... of ~ .nut.. of tbe 1*_1... ..atl"l ... u....,.ly diapenaed with. '1he followlq bull.1na ~na1t appU,,~.,," were pr....... :', ,!, CecIR Qnve eon&tructlon COI!paM. " ~. p,-ta totaU.. " :'_ . k tUO,.GOO to be .tttaet_ on Jatle f.lIM. Il~~,. tae. "'toae Dri"e ... ... lena. .Ireae...... l~.- '._.. for J. 'tll tence Dell_. eat"''' co-. $2....000 to .. aituatN 08 lbt 21 a. the "'t 20 feat of tot 20. L .lock 4. 0.1\..... TitllMrUae A4c1ttt..... SQ' x 30' plua la' . "t att.tcbecl .r_. MaUn Xi........ 3430 ......, '", ...... 26' x leG- tlua attac:hM ea.p I" x .12', ..tl.........1 coat $16,200. Upoa ..Uon .1'...'.... MCOndM. it... 8soWlDdIiM:..,........ buUd1na penslt appUauou be~ sad"" berea., ar., .....84 .. .... Clerk on.eel to 1.... the recplla1te peaBta -.on ..,..... of the ..,npriet. f... theralon. the bide for tM. pureh... of po,OIiO in 1'0IIll Hall .... .... .....t... ... .,eMCI, ......Una tbe foU_i. _~.l."", 4lU~..~CI Pl'.... Jet,..;.. ...... Uftion Stoft .... ... ..1.. .... ICalMn &C-lIJffr. '-. ~ s... ,... 3.10 1. L .. 1 - j L Upon uotiondu1y 1118. " SUp.,,1 eoI' lO.a' nand aeconMclby Cba iJ:'lMl\ Rahn,lt wa. USOLVED that dut hie be ~eferred to the toim Attorney and Mr. Jamea!. lCUnaelfo~ tabUlaUon; and ruaTHIR RBSOLVID that Allison-Willlams Company of Minneapolis. MinnesGta waa the 8ucces.ful bidder and the bonda be awarded and sold to such btdcler. The application of Ceclar Grove Conatructlon Coalpany for preliminary plat approval and reaon1na of certain property in Section 2-2"'2)'_s stricken. Cbal~n Rahn indicated the mattu 1110\11. be ellacu..ed at their special .eUI\& of the Board on Movellber 23, 1964. The .ppUca'lon of Earl Maro..ke for tile rezonlftl of '.7 acru in Section 36-27-23 fl'Oll At Ap-icul~ral to 1-1, Liaht Incluatrtal was preaanted. '!he AWiaGZ'J Pl8N\ina C~itt.e rec_nclecl approval aubject to aubmlaaion of PI'Ot- 1...1 clucriptlon.. It waa inclteatad that the lnl.la1 uae of ~be ,....., would ba for warelloU81na- Upon _tion dt.aly L made by Cbah-.n. Balm uel .econded by SUp.wiaor SolId.... it we IDOINBD that the app11cati.. .... aqf ,. ......reby ia. duly "'l'OvtHI ancl t.... land rezoned fJ:Olll A, .....UU)'.l. to 1-1, LiFt I*",trla1. '!'he appUcatlon of _tII.. SMltlftl CoIIpany for a bun4i.. ~t for an addition to Ita plant waa ,raentacl. 1be Advisory 'lanntna CoBsittee rec~nded approval. In vi_ of .ppltcant's lad.l.tlon that the addition wou14 likely bouaa acWltloaal furnaca and bum1na equlPD*'t. it waa aua88ated that the appllcaUon be r.-ne anel preaenttHI apin to include the ulUmate actual ua CO which the buUcltna would be put. No forma 1 action va. taken. , L The application of Siain 4.la&ellm for . MIV a.JURlat buUdina 40' x 80' on the leutb 200 fMt of tot 1. l.o1'an Pl.ca ,.. presantecl.UThe Aclvlaory Plal\ntna C~lttee rac~4ad epproval. Upoa ~Uon duly _de It, S...laor Klain .nd aecoftCled by Chat..n Rabn, it waa RBSOLVID - 2 - { L tbat the.appUo.at.loa ba, .nd the.... be"" 1., dally .moved aubj.cc to au_iaat.OI\ of CGIIIP1at. plana and apeciflcationa 84 epprov.1 thereof by the 'l'own. ..near. Mr. Barl Hackl", appeared on bebalf of hlle Transport, lnc. info~lly ft.._Una aclvic. fRIB the Board ~l'4Itft& the pl:opoaecl ~lna of a coal by-procluct in the Sl.ter Cravel 'it on part of the Northea.t ~rt.r of Section 19-27-23 OIl Hi....' '13 "'1' CecIar Avenue. '!'he .Adlrtaol'y .lannlna C~tt.e r.cc.........d app,oval subject to tbe pr.....utSoft of a COJ:ftCt leaal tt. t1. to ttae pnperty and a180 . ccmHftt to .... fmll th.a owt\er thanof. Cbat_.... r.fened the _tter to tbe TOIft\ "IM.r for an invaaUpttoa of whetbaJ: aucm b)to-procluct coul4 ilksly caua. any violation of appllcabl. TCWft O.cltaancu 41l'acttnl the town Enaineer to report back to the Board prior to ita epee!.l meatine on { L November 23, 1964. the Town "lneer reported conc.rnt.... hla inapectloft of the Alaxanclw ConstNctlcm Co-.-. ".v.l pit operattona an Hl....y '49.t1poa tlK)Uon duly made by S~enr1801' Cein .nel .econded 0' Sup.rvi~r SClwana, it was RBSOLVED that the Town Attorney contact Alexander Consl:ructlon CoqJany and requeat itl ."earance befora the Board of S..rvleer. at ita fir8t Dec'" "'l'" to di.CUM the "at probl_ In the pit. Gorckm Be,..a 9P,.... Apna.nti.. e ..oUP frOllll Twin View Manor and requ..t.d t_ t....hlp .. ...... _lntenanca and control of pawl: of bick'.1ou1wen and o.l-- Lane In Twin Vi..., Manor. Upon mUon Q.aly _de by Cbaln.n ~ and a~ ., S~iaor 50....1\&. it.... RESOLVED that lapn TONUhl, forthwith accept tbllt portion of Delon, L Lane be1na .itua~" east of ....ick'. Boulevard and that portion or Erick'. louiwan 1teJna .ituated .0111:" of Delol'e. Lane. - 3 - \ L Tbe Town Attorney prqant.. . f.o_ of 40_ ....batton reaarc:lin. tha Soutblfe.t a..lon...... .ttuati~ now pamit", belon tha Minnesota Wat_ Pollution Cofttrol eo.ataslon. Upon 1'IIOtlon duly _de by Supawltor Klain and aeconcted by Supervisor Schwana, it waa RISOLVID that the Joint Resolution as presented for communlti.. .ituated In tba Southwest a..1on be, and the... hereby 18. duly Approved and adopted. Mr. Wayne JoMaea, 2045 FUnt Lane. CtMlar OrGYe appearael with the ~lalnt that a pr", betas coutructacl on an adjo1a1ftl proparty owned by L. L. Barber. 2049 '1 int LIme va. In violation of the setback rul.. of Orclinance VI. Upon 8>>t1on duly _de by Chal.-n labn and seconded I L by SupalVi.or Schwan.. it. was aISOLVBD that the Town Attorney notify MU.. Ca~aae.. the "'dleter, to .",e the aara.. 1:0 caaply with the setback provt.io~ of ~dlnance VI. Upon ~tion duly.. and secoaded, it was ordered t:het all bUla as pruented Nt and t., he",eby are, apPl'Oveel for paytQel\t. Upon _Uon, ,. .tUna adjourned. n.ted; Nov.....~'. "*. 4?~~~ ~ / Clerkl L -4-