11/23/1964 - City Council Special ( [ L L '..;;1- MINUTIS or SPICIAL JOINT HBBT1NC OF ICARD OF SUPD'lISORS AND AlWISORY P1NIMD1G CDIfI'l'T1B - JU.GAN 'JDINSHIP. MmTA COONTY, MINNBSOTA November 23. 1964 A special join .eUna ofth. Board of Supen-18Ors and Adv180ry 'lamina CoaIDlttee of Eaaan Townahlp, Dakota County, was held on Nov8lllber 23,1964 at 8:00 0' clock P. M. at the Town Hall at which all ...-bel'S of the Board were preaent and the followlna 1DeIZers of the J.clvi8Ory .lannins COIIII1ttee were preaent: lUinael, Diffley, lC.ehne and 'ol&ln. Chairman Rahn presided. The rudina of the minutes of the previoua _etina of tbe Board and Advl~ Plannins CoaDlttee was unanimously waived. Hr. Valene, president of Gopher Smeltins eo.q,any anc:l Mr. '!be Ian , a conaultina ~lneer, appeared on behalf of Gopher Smeltina Coapany with respect to ita propoaal for a new baa fllterins system to be iaatalled at the plant and the construction of additional furnace capacity and bulletins unit to house.... 'nle appearance was illformal and no fOnlSl action wea taken by either the Board or the Advisory Plannins COtIlfftittee. A propoaal for public park area In Cedar ~ IS.WCJ discus.ed. Upon motion duly _de and seconded, it wes RESOLVED by the J.dvt.., .lannins C....ittee to r8COlllll8Rd to the Board of Supen-llOra that the Town Inpneer invest1." the. suitability of the Wenzel proputy loa' a future park area anc:l that thereafter the Town Attorney be directed to con~;.Mr. Jandrlc of Cedar Grove ConatZ'Uction CQq'any with napec.t to the possible alternative of alloeatins Lots 12, 13, 14 and IS, Block 1, Cedar Grove IS plus the present ball park area but not the ravine area for public pule purpo.e. In Ceda&' Crove IS 01" in U~ thereof a cash ",1- _ ___._-----.."~"...""'=."_=..._.O=_~,,,.....~==_=~_..,....,..,_=n -- "--,,,_'" "__,,,,:~,__,"'~_T"'______~_ ( L p.,.nt to the Townshtp for future park purposes elsewbere. Chai~n Klingel directed the Town Enatneer and Town I.ttorney to I' eport to the JAdvisory Plannins Coamlttee as aoon .. the forelOins bas been accoapUshed. The matter of incorporation of 2aaan Township by special lesislation was considered. Upon motion duly made and seconded, It was RESOLVED by the '..cJyi.o~ Plannins COIIIIlittee to reconaend to the Board of Supervisors that the Town i.ttorney prepare apecial leaislatiol'l for the lntorporation of Eagan Township, which leslslation would provide that the Board of Supervisors .could elect to call for an incorporation .lection which election would be determlnitive of whether the Township would be incorporated or not. The Town Board took the recommendetion under advisement and directed tbe Clerk to place the matter on the asanda for 1 ts next meetins in December. L Chairman Blingel discussed f~'ure financ1na of public improvements in the Township and the possibility of special legislation to enable the Township to install laprovements sueh as sewer and water to be as.essed apt net the benefited property. 'nle Board directed the matter be placed on the asenda for 1 ts first meett.. in December. Dlacusalonwas had as to the proposed sewer and water facUities in the River HUla Addition by PemtOlll. Upon motion duly made and seconded, It was It!SOLVID by the i-.c:lvlaory Plannlns CoaIIlittee to recoamend to the Board of Supervlaora that Eaaan enter into an appropriate aareement with the VUlaae of Burnavllle whereby Pemtona could proceed to lnatall L sewer and water for its River Hilla Addition wt&lch sewer and water systems would be maintained and a~nistered by the Villaae of Burnaville but whereby the Town of Eaaan would own said 8Y8tem and take same over at auch time 1~ the future .s it elected to do so. -2- '-~(,--~. ( l Upon 1DDtlon duly _de by Supenlaor 1Q.ein and aeccmded by Chairman Rabn, it wes lISOLVID that the foreao1na l'eCOllllEndation of the Jt.dyisory Plannina ComIDlttee be, and the same hereby la, adopted, and P'UlmlBR RESOLVED that the Town Attorney be, and he hereby la, dlrected to prepare a written proposal for pruentat10n to the ~d of Supervisors and to the council of tbe VilIasa of Burnsville relative thereto. Discussion was bad concerntna thetDfozmal application of Bulk Transport, Inc. to put fill in the Slater Gravel Pit located on ~labway 113 near Cedar Avenue. Variou8 aspecta of the cont~lated operation were discussed. Upon motion duly made by Supervlaor Klein and seconded by Supuvlaor Schwanz, it 'Was RESOLVED that the Town Attorney be, and he hereby is, directed to prepare a letter to Bulk Transport, Inc. detaiUng the method and menneI' in which it would have to proceedwlth L its proposed operation. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Dated: November 23, 1964. ;j4~ ~ Clerk L -3-