12/01/1964 - City Council Regular / ! [ MINUTIS or ll!QJ1A.a ..-rDG OF '1'HI BQAIlD aI SUPIl'ISORS JW,J#aN '.t'CMNSRIR, Dt\1CO'1'A COUNTY, H1NN8SOTA Decellber 1, 1964 A reau1ar meatins of the Board of Supe"laora, Baaan Townab'., Dakota County WAf held on December I, 1964 at U. Town Hall at 8:00 o'clock p. M~ at which all membera ~. present. Chairman Bahn praided. The readlna of the 1Ilimatea of the previous meatina vas unanimua1y waived. the buUdina permi t appUcatlONt pruen.teel were as followal lUcbard XlaUna. realdence, Lot 11. lCtnpwood Acldition, 26' x 46' eatbDated coat $20,000. Welelrke Trenchina C~y, _cbtne abed. 26' x 60'. CUff Road and Old Dodd Road. ..t1ll1lted coat $2,500.... Richard C. Ol'lenblad, porch acSclition, 4370 Di88Hlcl Ikive. Lot L 16, Block 8, Cedar Grove 14, 13' 6" x 18', .ati1lllltecl coat $1.200. Upon motion duly _de an'; seconded, it was RESOLVED tbat the foreaoins buUdlna permi ta be, and they hereby are, approved and that the Clerk be ordered to 1aaU8 the appUcable pend ta. the Board next considered the reque"t of Bulk Transport, Inc. to - fill the Slater aravel pit on Hilhway #13 with a coal derivative anel alao for certain other potential c~ial activlt\lea. It waa noted that the Aclviaory Planniq Coaaittee l'e<'-oamended approval. '!'be Town \ , Attorney preaented . form of . consent approved by BUlk Transport, Inc. and datecl Novembu 30, 1964. Upon tIIOtlon duly _de and aeconded, it -a RESOWED that the Board of SupeIVlaol'a annt consent to Bulk Tranapolrt, Inc. to fill aald aravel pit uneleJ: the conditione provided in the consent form. L 1:he application of Gapbel' SmeltSna C"oq>>any for a pel'ldt to install a baa syet_ duat collectln device on its pr..b.. waa ..c conalclered. ".. 1 .. -.. -.,.-:;-.,....r-.-,-T"-~_.__.-....,..,'"'..-..-_..,~ ..--."....--- r The Town Engineer reported that his information from Gopher Smelting Company and the distributor of the proposed bag system was that no visible smoke would come from the system and that it would be more effective than the current wet system- in use at the plant. It was noted that the Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval of the application. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that said application be, and it hereby is tabled until the next Board meeting and that the Town Engineer be directed to contact Mr. Roschaa of the Minnesota Department of Health to discuss the merits of installing the bag system. After discussion and upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that the Township be, and it hereby is, on record directing the Town Attorney to prepare special legislation to be introduced to the 1965 Minnesota Legislature for the Incorporation of Eagan Township. The Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval. Upon further motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Supervisor Klein, it was RESOLVED that the Town Attorney be, and he hereby is, directed to prepare a proposed legislative bill for introduction at the 1965 Minnesota Legislature enabling Eagan Township to finance public improvements by assessing benefited properties without imposing the bonding obligation upon the entire Township. The Advisory Planning Committee recommended that this action be taken. A proposal for sewer and water facilities for the Eagan Township portion of River Hills Addition will be considered at the December Advisory Planning Committee meeting. Mr. William Grimme appeared on behalf of Alexander Construction Company concerning the operation of its blacktopping plant on Highway #49. -•- 2 - I , L the Town Ensineer reported that he bed lnapected the pzooperty and in addition had received a letter from Alexander Construction Company concerning proposed chanS" in ita operatlon includtns bituminous surfacins of the haul road and the area around the plant, use of natural gas in its operation, and piping equipment and fan for its operation. 'lbe Town Engineer l'ecoamended that Alexander Construction Coupany be permitted to install these new chanaea in ita operation, and Hr. Griume agreed that an . Inspection of the premises in operation after installation of the changes could be made by the Town Engineer after cotrmencement of operations in 1965. 'J.'be Town Attorney presented a ,;cposad AareeDIent for the transfer and operation of the DesLauriers aravel pit on Hipay #13 from Swanson Aaresate, Inc. to Alexandu.' Construction Coq>>any, Inc:. It was noted that the AaJ:eement conformed aubstantially with Ordinance VIII. Upon L motion duly made by Supervlaor lO.eln and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RISOLVED that said transfu and request for permit for the operation of the sravel pit be, and it hereby is sranted, and that the applicable township officers be authol'ized to execute the agreement, subject. however. to 8ubnission by applicant of a correct leg81 descl'ipUon covering the property in question. The Town Attorney pruented an ~ract of Minutes coveri na a resolution fixing the terms, form and tax levl88 for the $20,000 Town Hall bonds and authorization for their execution. Upon mot! on c:luly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that said resolution as preaented be, and it hereby is, approved and that the town officers be authorized to execute said resolution. f . L Mr. Ben Oehrlein appeued in respon8e to a request by the Town Board conceJ:nlna the sheltering of four animals on his proputy. Hr. Oehrlein - 3- / L explained that two colts had been born dulrina the .\mIIler of 1964 and that be intended to sell these antmals. He also stated that he has three horses on othu p~erty 4etached f1:'Olll his homeetud and that be intends to lDO'Cre theee hOrses. on to..h1s property 'from time to time. The Board took t\le matter under adv18ement. Mr. Vince Kennedy appeared on behalf of a reqOest for approval of a final plat for Ridaeview Acres. After discussion concernina potential drainage problems on Monterrey Lane, and upon motion duly made by Cha\rman Ral\n and seconded by Sy,tpervi8or Schwanz, it was IU:SOLVED that Baid plat be, and It hereby is, approved provided that no lots are sold or building permits applied for or iasued bordering on Monterrey Lane fl'om Blackhawk Road to Knoll Ridae until adequate drainsae has been agreed upon and installed by Mr. Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy aFeed to thlue conditions and further aareed to contact the Town anaineerprior to : Installina the draiMae system. It was FlIt.'11I1R RESOLVED that the Town L Attomey be, and he hereby fs, authorized to prepare a separate aareement incol'poratina the above pl'oviatona. Upon mot ion duly _de by Superv1sol' Schwanz and seconded by Chairman RaM. it was RESOXoVBD that Dallas Savaae,be, and he hereby la, appointed Town Assessol' for the yeal' 1965 at the same compensation as durina the pl'evious year. Upon motion duly _de by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that Harvin Wenzel, bbe Road OYeJ:aeer, be paid from Township funds for the difference in rat.. between a private telephone char.. and a party Une. The application of Raymond Jfl Mul'phy, Savale, for an on and off- sale beer Ucense at 2600 Sibley Memorial H11bway waa next presented. L Upon motion duly made by Chairman lahn and seconded by Supe1'Vlsor nei n, it was RESOLVED that said application be, and it hereby is, approved and that tbe Clerk be directed .to issue the applicable pemlt. -4- ( Upon motion, all billa as pre8ented were ordered paid. l Upon motion, the meetina adjoumed. Dated: December 1, 1964 t24 u (k~ Clerk L I r - .L - 5 -