12/15/1964 - City Council Regular [ H1NlJ'1'BS or U(lJfAR NllTINQ or '1'HI .IQAIU) OF SUPBlVISOIS BAGAN .'1OWNSHlP. ~ COtICTY, M1HNISOTA December 15. 1964 A re..lar .ettna of the Board of Superviaors. Eaaan Township, Dakota County, was held on December IS, 1964 at 8100 o'clock P. M. at the Town Hall at which ~U "'ers were preaent. CbaiZ'llllln Rabn pr.si~.d. The readina of tn. alnut.. of the previous meettna was dispensed with by unanimoua coneent. The foUowlq bul1dtna permit applications were pruentedt Ceclar Grove COftIUuction Coq>>any, nine hou.e peradts. totaUna $135,000 for hamea located a. follow.: 2 - Rahn Road, ,3 - Shale Lane, j 2 - Carne11an Lane, and 2 - Blue.ton. Drive. Upon motion duly _de by Supewhor nein and seconded by ChaiZ'llllln Kahn, it wa. USOLVID that the foreaoina buUdlna permit applications L be, and the ..... hereby are, approved, and the Clerk directed to hsue ..id pftIalta therefol'e upon p6lym8nt of requtatte f.... 'lbe IlppUcaUon of C.clar Grov. Coutl'Uctton COIIIp&nY for r.r.on1na of part of Section >>2'.23 from A, AFlcultural to R-l. Bealclentlel and for prel tmlnary p 1& t approval in C.dar Grove #5 ... pr..ented. '!'be Advisory Plannina Coanltt.. l"8CQIIIII8nded approval subject to the deedlna of four additional Iota fol' park pul'po.... Ml'. Hal'l"Y Ray. attorney. appUl'ed on behalf of ttua Cedar Grove Athletic A.soclation In apposition to the applicatton. Mr. WUUam Busch, Attorney and Jack Calantbe!. appeared on behalf of C~dar Grove Construction Co1q>>any. 'lb. Cedar Gzove Athletic AaaoclaUon oppo..d the appUcatton on the around that C.dar . l Orove CoNltructton CoIIpafty bad not s.t aaleSe appropriate ~nda for pal'k puqx>... in otMr of Ita additiona, Ceclar Qcove Nos. 1 tbrouah 4 and that the prapoaecl park ana In Cedar Glrove No. 5 was inadequate for the t1Pe of atbletic proarat coateaplated by tbe As.oclatlon. Upon motion ., 1 .. >. d / [ L l duly _de by SupeJ:Vtsor sc....nz and seconded by SupeJ:Vlaor nei n, it.... RESOLVBD to table the appUcattone until the first .etina in January at which time the TOWQ Attomey would request Mr. Jandric to appear in re.rd to the application and the proposed park area. Tbe three appUcations of Gopber Smelt1na ~any for buUdlna pe~ta to construct a dust collector unit and building addition, building i>>ermlt to construct addition to ful't\&ce building and install additional reverbatory furnace, and special u.e permit to make tbe foreao1na alterations and additions was submitted. Mr. Vance B.. Grannis, attorney, and Joseph L. Barel, Attorney, appeared on behalf of Gopher. Smeltina CGq)any in support of the applications. Mr. Donald Chapdelaine and other reaidents.of the area In wbJch the Gopher Smeltlna plant is located, appeared in opposition to tba applications. Mr. J. II. Phelan appeared on behalf of Wheelabrator Corp('~t1on at the request of Gopher Smeltins ~any, who explained the type and operation of equlpment to be inataUed at the plant. Mr. Kaschka, Minnesota Department of Health, Diviaion of Bnvlronmental Sanitation, appeared in a no~partiaan capacity to explain the Departmeut's views on the proposed l~rovement. and alteratiot\8 to the. Gopher Smeltlna Plant. Mr. Rosene, Town Enalneer, presented his recommendations and .u....ttona to the Board. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor natn and .econded by Supervhor Schwanz, it was 1lI8OLVED to arant the buUdina permit for the. new dust coUector equipment and buUdina addition for this purpose; and FURTHER RISOLVID that a special use permit for this purpose be likewise aranted for this installation. CbatZ'lll&n Rabn then moved to arant the buUdina perndt for the other buUd1na addition to hou.e the reverbatory furnace and the tnataUation .- 2 - J I l of aatd furnace and a special use permit therefore. Tbere was no second to the motion and therefpre it we. defeated. No further action was taken by the Board r.prdlna thls appUcatton. The application of Charles W. Hanson for a bulldlna permit, special use permit and for rezonina for an asphalt auto race track to be located In the NWt of Section 27-27-23 was stricken for lack of appearance. The proposal for sewer and water facilities for Rtver HUla Addition In that portion of it located In aaaan Township was aubmltted by tbe Town Attorney. Upon motion duly _de by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was RBSOLVED that the proposal should be forwarded to the Burnaville Villa.. Council for their consideration and a future me.Una of the VUlaae and Bapn Township to discus. the matter further. Mrs. Hallin. and neiahbor1na residents appeared on behalf of their informal request for snow plow~ ~~ r-n a portion of their road In the Bicanz development. The Boud informally aareed to snow plow the portion of the road requested with the express understandina that the TownahJp was not takina over this particular road in this development by virtue of the fact the roads have. not been brouaht up to standards required by the platUna ordinance. the residents presslat acknowledaed tbat the Township was not assumina the responsibUity of upkeep and maintenance of said road. Tbe Town Attorney presented a form of Resolution re..rcliGa the Cliff Road to be taken over by Dakota County upon certain t~ and conditions stated therein. and said Resolution wes duly adopted In the form presented, a copy of whioh is attached to the minutes of this meetina. [ L · 3 - ___ _,J [ , Mr. Rahn presenteai;"i letter recently received from MIles Garaaes reaardina the violation of Edntna Ordinance VI at 2049 FUnt Lane in Cedar Grove. 'lbe Town Attorney was directed to request e $250.00 performance bond from Miles Garages to Insure the work be done next spring in line with the letter from Miles. Residents in the vicini ty of the Oehrlein residence anc$ non-confoftllna business appeared wlthCOGp1aints relative to the Oehrltln operations and violations of various ordinances. The Board directed the Town Attorney to further investisete the matter and prosecute In the event sufficient evidence was avaUable for tha t purpose, Upon uotion. all bUls as presented were ordered paid. Upon motion, the meet! na adjourned. Datedl Decembel' 15, 1964. L ~~ ~. Clerk l ,4- i' '"'^" """-' ..~ ......,j CERTIFICATION I, Alyce BoIke, Clerk of Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that the attached isa true and correct copy of the mhtutes of a reswlar meeting of the Eagan Township Board of . Sup~rvisors held on the 15th day of December , 196i,.. ~~~ Alyce B ke, Clerk TOWNSHIP OF EAGAN "