03/08/1966 - City Council Regular AGENDA Annual Meeting, -•:ar. 8, 1966 1. Clerk call meeting to order A request nominations for Moderator. (Moderator duly elected A sworn in) 2. Moderator request a motion dispensing with reading the minutes of the 1965 Annual Town Meeting as copies of same were distributed. 3. .�oderator request a motion to aispense with reading the minutes of all the de gular hoard Meetings of the past year. 4. Moderator request Police Chief Lartin Des ..auriers to explain the following question which is to be voted on: Should the Town of Eagan abolish the office of Constable beginning with the date of the 1967 Annual Town 'Meeting' (Moderator requests a motion on the above A a vote) 5. Loderator requests Clerk to read Audit report. ( "oderator requests a motion accepting the Audit A a vote) 6. Eagan Township Park Commission's Annual deport. 7. : ending of the Proposed budget,—acceptance of same. 8. Approval of Three Posting Places for totices in the TuNnship. 9. Requests people's choice of place & time to hold next annual meeting and the hours of township election. 10. Any further business from the floor. 11. Adjourn meeting. MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETIBG EAGAN TOWNSHIP, DAKOTA COUN'lY, MINNESOTA March 8 J 1966 The Annual Town Meeting of Eagan Township, Dakota COUDty, Minnesota was held at the Town Hall, County Road 31, on March 8, 1966. The meeting was called to order by Clerk Alyce Boike, After the Election Judges were sworn in, proclaimation of opening of the polls was made at 10:00 o'clock A. M. to elect one Supervisor for a term of three years, one Clerk for a two-year term, one constable for a two-year term and two Justices of the Peace for two-year terms. Other polling places for this Annual Blection were Precinct II - Safari Club on Highway #55 and Precinct III - Fire Saation on Rahn Road. Polls were officially declared closed at 8:00 o'clock P. M. and the judges proceeded to canvass the votes and deliver the results to the Clerk. The results were as follows: John J. Klein - Supervisor - 3-year term William Sell - Supervisor - 3-year term Rolland Kirchner Supervisor - 3-year term J24 votes 138 votes 36 votes John J. Klein was declar~ elected. Alyce Boike - Clerk - 2-year term 481 votes 2 write-in Vernon LeTendre - Constable - 2 year term 459 votes Heha M. Kennedy - Justice - 2-year term Harry N. Ray - Justice - 2-year term 354 votes 333 votes 5 write-in Kenneth Brage - District Supervisor of Soil and W!ter - 5-year term 58 votes 2 write-in There being no contests in the above offices the above were declared duly elected. - I - Clerk Alyce Bolke called the business meeting to order at 9:00 o'clock P. M. Nominations were requested for a Moderator. Herbert Polzin nominated James Klingel to serve as Moderator, seconded by Donald Chapdelaine. There being no further nomination, Ted Wachter moved that the nominations be closed, seconded by Jan Marien and motion carried. Mr. Klingel was duly sworn in as Moderator and thereafter presided at the meeting. Robert Marien moved to dispense with the reading of the Annual Minutes of 1965, seconded by Milton Smith and motion carried. Stan Ketcham moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the Regular Board Meetings for the past year, motion seconded by Dick Seymour and motion carried. Police Chief Martin DesLauriers explained why the office of Constable is no longer necessary in the township. On motion by Neil Coates, seconded by Joe Wachtler and carried the following question was presented to the voters for a voice vote: "Should the Town of Eagan abolish the office of Constable beginning with the date of the 1967 Annual Town Meeting?" The ayes carried, therefore the Office of Constable was duly declared abolished beginning with the 1967 Annual Town Meeting. The Clerk read the Annual Audit Report. Richard Bonin moved to accept the Audit Report as read, seconded by Bob Harien and carried. Mr. Richard Thorpe, Chairman of the Park Board, gave a detailed report on the work of the Park Board since it was formed last year. He stated that they fell there is a need for neighborhood parks of 5 to 20 acres plus less developed and larger Community Parks of 20 to 60 acres. They also feel there is an urgent need to acquire several sites for park purposes. A copy of his report was placed on file with the Clerk. - 2 The Proposed Budge was read as follows: Proposed Budaet - March 1966 - 1967 REVENUE FUND: Professional Services General Revenue Park Maintenance Weed Inspector $12.000.00 7,500.00 1,300.00 200.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND: Maintenance Men General Road Maintenance New Roads $10,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 FIRE FUND: Fire Department Firemen's Relief Association $ 9,000.00 1,000.00 POLICE FUND: TOTAL $ 9.000.00 $65,000.00 Police Department PERA (Public Employees Retirement Ass'n) - one mill After considerable discussion Neil Coates moved to accept the budget as presented, motion seconded by Milton Smith and carried. Ted Wachter moved to post official notices at the Town Hall, Lone Oak Tree and at Applebaum's Food Market in addition to publishing same in the Dakota County Tribune, motion seconded by Dick Seymour and motion carried. Robert Marien moved that the Annual Meeting for 1967 be set at 10:00 o'clock A. M. for the opening of the polls and that the polls be closed at 8:00 o'clock P. ~, and the Annual Business Meeting be held at 9:00 o'clock P. M. at the Town Hall, seconded by Richard Thorpe and carried. - 3 - Robert Marien moved that should proper legislation be passed by the 1967 State Legislature to increase salaries of the Board of Supervisors, Clerk and Treasurer that the question be placed on the ballot for the subsequent Annual Town Meeting, motion seconded by Stan Ketcham and carried. Mrs. Lucille Atwood urged the Board to place additional funds in the Park Fund in order to purchase park land in the Northern part of the Town for use by the Little League. They are now using parks in Ibl!t Snell1ng and Mendota Heights. Mrs. Ruth Smith moved to request the Board to put additional funds in the Park Fund for acquisition of park laad, seconded by Mrs. Lucille Atwood and motion carried. Mrs. Ruth Smith moved as follows: Whereas real estate developers and Industrial and Commercial interests are now and will be flocking into Eagan Township with the advent of Highways #494 and 135E, be it RESOLVED that the Eagan Board of Supervisors hire~part-time professional planning help to sit in at Eagan Planning Commission meetings in an advisory capacity as seon as proper arrangements can be made, motion seconded by Bill Miller. After much discussion both for and against the above motion the vote was called and the motion defeated. Jerry Adams requested Eagan Township to recognize the lDdependence Day celebration on July 4th in Cedar Grove which is sponsored by the Eagan Civic Association, Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Eagan Volunteer Fire Department. No formal action was taken in this regard. Fire Chief Donald Van Engen requested that $2,400100 additional funds be available in order that the firemen be paid $2.00 per fire and meeting, and also that the Town match F1~ Department Funds in the purchase of a Fire Vehicle to be used for grass ftres in the approximate amount of $1,145.00. No formal action was taken in regard to this request. - 4 - Mr. Bill Miller stated that homes in the Cedar Grove area were selling for $1,200.00 less than market value due to the fact that assessments were be1agcontempleated for sewer and water in this area. He was told that the Town Board has not made these assessments and would investigate the matte~\ There being no further business, the meeting adjourned on motion. Dated: March 8, 1966. / -) ~~ M v:LJ--4,-,- Al ce Bolke - Clerk