03/15/1966 - City Council Regular MINUTE»Î!A REGULAR MEETIÞ@ OF THE BO@RD OF SUPERVISORS EAGAîíUCMNQB)Pv FAKOTA COUNT99?MINNEk'‚< HARCH 15, ¥²6 A regulaw meeting of the town board wat leld on March I,ƒü866 c j P8800 o'clock x|2M. atE* r¾own hall aINhich a,l memb‚;s were present. Chairman Uacn prebived. UpoÌílotimn@b# Qupervisor KD7{n, seÓª/fed by SupOisor Schwanz Dhe minutes of the previous mebtbng were approveÁí`s rga.W  There welelR{ buil—F"rºermit appl Xtions.M Fir,jChief Donald Van Engen appeauen conctr|ing tie„ˆ`gan"F r? Fepartment..%X He sÄÍ\fd that accorWg to Fire Und+rwriters Bureau standards the  department was†¿dquipe .o"have 3,000 öûst of öTHzse and thaºìHhe fir% dež*rtment currently had 2,000 fbe. Upo otion bÞíRupepv s5r"Klein, 8ecoþús~ ^ž7Htirman Rahnî¥H was R5SOLVEDd$hat the fire department be, fn it htrwby iÛá!autjoi ef to purchasQY9\" hoËÑ;Og the deparº¡Ynt in n amou# of less than $1,000. ChibfPVan Egwn also Û¨puesve .hct additionaXYgiabilù’lTI{surance Ä®Y purchsed gotthe firemen and the town atthrey wab `equesteÎíuo cjekzilto the m9¯yer in«|I{g cost of ÙÊ[ additonal p#2mium. Mr. Andrew Undis, a'rsidene }f LakewÄ¢e Hinl dfition, appe9©hd 0T}er with otÅÇL residnts of?#he area concerning the condisin of ehw strɨus il ,a1euood Hills a6¿-CliffœA(D; In additiÂÌ repreentati4s from the Jack Butwin Camp#appeacev in addĹhon vo@L5uks Wachtler,ÜÄ/membeæm>ahe CounÙÛBoard f Comm$sioners. The Jack Butwin repreqentatxvws stateËíuhat m .hg 30" water ŒÐbp on éS, êproperty had not be%n operª>ed to fill the lake adjoiniog thexr2propert×íriucg Q9l4, Mr. Wachtl™×/suggeÃcÒg that the LaÆÇIood Hills epresentatives appear before thd next Board of ò¢tnty"Cm7iqsioners meeting 'ÄWõ uest funds to fill he holtin the Lakewood Hills Road. In aduifion, thÕíuown"eg3nger was directed to inspect the area together with the count.y engineer and to report back to the Board at a later meeting. The town clerk was requested to check the minutes of the Eagan Board of Supervisors at the time the Lakewood Bills plat was filed in 1956 in order to determine whether the streets in the Lakewood Hills Addition had been accepted by the township for maintenance purposes. The chairman noted that a new American flag together with a stand had been donated to the towship by the Toombs Insurance Agency of Rosemount. Upon motion by Chairman Rahn. seconded by Supervisor Klein, it was RESOLVED that the town cle'tk be, and she hereby is, directed to write to the Toombs Agency thanking them for their donation. The chairman presented several documents including a letter to the Veterans Administration, Certification as to Assessments, Certification for plans for street and storm sewer, Resolution for the Federal Housing Authority, and surety bond from Cedar Grove Construction Company covering Cedar Grove No. 5 to be executed by the township. Upon motion by Chairman Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Klein, it was RESOLVED that said documents be and they hereby are approved subject to review by the town attorney and further subject to the drafting and execution of a road agreement between Cedar Grove Construction Company and the township; and it was further RESOLVED that the town officers be authorized to execute the documents. Mr. Jack Consour appeared on behalf of the Cedar Grove Athletic Association requesting assistance from the Board to get the park property in Cedar Grove No. 5 graded and prepared for ball fields. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESOLVED that the town engineer be, and he hereby is, directed to review the property and make recommendations concernin~ lay-out of the park. - 2 - Certain residents of Cedar Grove appeared concerning alleged statements by certain realtors concerning the purchase by the townahip of the Cedar.G~ove sewer and water system and the subsequent assessment against property owners. A pres~ release was read concerning certain rumors about the purchase of the system after which discussion ensued. The residents requested that a check be made with the V. A. and the F. H. A. concerning payment for sewer and water facili~ies in Cedar Grove No.5. the Board requested that the town attorney contact the F. H. A. and V. A. relative to this matter. In addition the Board suggested that the residents request by petition of the property owners in the Cedar Grove area that a study be made and a report prepared concerning the feasibility of the purchase of the Cedar Grove utilities. The Chairman explained that a request had been made by Mr. Elroy Stenevik in the LeMay Addition that a house trailer be placed on his property f~r~ccupancy by his parents. Upon motion by Chairman Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that said request be, and it hereby t. approved, provided, however, that the trailer be occupied only by the parents and further that written pe~ission of all adjacent property owners be acquired and submitted to the Board. Upon motion all bills were ordered paid. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. Dated: March 15, 1966. .(.~.....) ( -,,',-t.-:: '-'~ Clerk