04/19/1966 - City Council Regular MINUTBS or A REGULAR MEETtNIJ OF TIE BOAlU) OF SUPERVISORS EAGAN TOWNSHIP 1\ Dn~0'l'.\ CO:.'NTY., MINNBSSTA Apl:ll 1.9$ 1%6 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township was held on AprilS, 1966 at 8:00 P. M. at the town hall. In the absence of Chairman Rahn, Supervisor Klein presided. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as-read. The following building permit applications were presented: Don Christianson for Fred Reineke dwelling, 42' x 22' x 18', estimated cost $16,900 on a six acre parcel on old Dodd Road. William Schmid, dwelling, 42' x 24', estimated cost $17,000 with a 35' set back fr01l1 Lexington Avenue on five acres in Section 14, Lexington Avenue and Wescott Road. Upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz, seconded by Supervisor Klein it was RESOLVED that the forego1~g building permit applications be, and they hereby are, approved, and that the clerk be authorized to issue the applicable permits. Mr. George Mueller, Mr. Merlin Martenson, and Mr. Ken Rounds appeared concerning a request for the use af a five acre parcel North and East of Yankee Doodle Road for a horse riding area for a private club. It was explained tbat a 100' x 200' fence would be built around the erea and that it is intended as a family saddle club requiring $10.00 dues per family per year with 19 or 20 families as members at present. It was noted that the Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval of the request. After discussion and upon motion by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that a special use permit on a one year basi. be, and it hereby 1s, authorized to be issued VPOVlded that the permit may upon reasonable notice and after hearing be revoked during the one year periocl 1n tbe event that the Board in - 1 - its discretion finds th~i: '-he c :i.7':'~ ti"':; ~';\~' i;'!~~.l;.t a1.ned prcp!!'.( c.\ff street parking, or that.h()'tl';-::'~ h:~I.(Ir!;.d.:I~ :>~ ..''-':r:?~lD'?r.3 are b~!ug ridden on the higbr.,.<lYS and st,:eeCs or e:1 pl.~?;lrty balonging to other. property owners or ~or oth~r reaso~able cp.use. Mr. Ronald Pavlnk, Ranta #1, R(')~cmo1,J~I:, appeared concerning tbo Cliff Road area water problem. The town en1,!1neer explained that he, tog""ther with the Board members, has walked over the area and assessed th~ pos~~bility of trenching b1!t17een certain lakes, the cost thereof and the legal :,:,ight: of doiog this trenching. The possibility of raising and widenlng Cliff Road and the access roads in the vicinity was also discussed. As to t~Le Lakewood Hills road, t.he ~oard announced that there are four pos~ibilit.ie~ for sobJtion: (1) That the roads relllain as they are without impl'ovement; (2) That the property owners brlna the roads up to town specifications; (3) ~at the property ~~ers petition the town board to imp=ove the road with the cost assessed against the property owners; or, \~) that the town do limited snow plowing on the streets provided that the streets be brot;.eht u.p to minimum snow plowing specifications. Upon motion by Supervisor Klein, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED t~).".{; the town engineer be, and he' hereby is, authorized to make a preliminar.y study of the streets ln Lakewood Hills Addition and to report back to the Board within approximately one month with suggestions for minimum requirements for street improvements for snow plowing purposes. Mr. E. E. Parranto appeared on behalf of the application of Wm. R. O'Neill, 2660 Dodd Road for rezoning certain property in Lot 3, Rob~rt O'Neill Homestead lying East of State Highway 149 and the Sout.h 250; of Lot 8 thereof lying East of R1.ghway #49 con":aining about C.4 ecres from A, Agric1\ltural to C-2, Heavy Commercial and that rort~.on of !.i')~: B North of the above described property except the North 930' theL"enf t~ a-I, Residential. The Advisory Planning Committee recomm2ndpd approval. . 2 - Upon motion duly made by S'..!p~r"isor !n.d.n 3f('.)nded by S"1,?(;l"l:lsor Schwan:z; it was RESOl.VED that a public :,aar j 'lio ..:c.,.. ", ..G,J~I-:"',~ ~,:f the above llroperty be, and it hereby is, directed 1,;0 be held 0.' May 17, 1966, at 8~OO P. M~ at the town i1all; lt was further RESOLVED chat approval be C011ditioned upon the filir..g of a preliminary plat by the applicant c~ler1,t'lg n.e home- stead property of the applicant and further that evidence of a dedicati~n of easement covering the 80' proposed road to the to~mship for R~ces~ to the proposed golf course area be submitted by the time of theha~~inB Mr. ~Tean Parranto, Mr. Gary Lowe and Mr. Gerald Huston appeared concern:l.ng the application of Mr. Huston, 12933 Oakland Circle, DurnsvUle for a ~uilding permit to erect an A (tI W Drive in Restaurant at 3~g8 Siblp.;.' Memoriel Highway. It was noted that the Advisory Plannlng Committee recommended approval subject to the engineers approval and certification by a Minnesota architect. Upon motion by Supervisor Klein, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it waB RESOLVED that said buildlng pennit be, and it hereby is, authorized to be issued subject to a certificate by registe~3d architect or engineer and approval of the plans by the town engineer. The applicatlon of Theodore Wachter, 3115 South Lexington Road tv rezone part of the West 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of Section 10-27-23 and part of the S E 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 10-27-23 from A, Agricultural to C-l Light Commercla1 was next presented. It was noted that the AUvisory Planning Committee recommended approval subject to submission of a revised legal description prov1s1oo 'or a 301 !Tight: of way.dQdkation to the tamshlp~ Upon moflon by Supervisor Klein, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that a publiC hearing be, and it hereby is, sch~duled for May 17, 1966 at 8:15 at the town hall to consider the rezoni.I'.g of the property according to the revised legal descr1.ption ~':rr:scnte" by Mr. Wachter requesting Cl, Light Commercial zoning of a portio~ of th~ property; and R-6, ReSidential-Multiple on the remainder of the ~roperty. - 3 - Upon motion by Supervisor Kl~i~1 sccond~d by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that the propo~al hy Mat'!< :brd ...' <1ted March 31, 19€:, to prepare a topographical map of the portion of Eaga:'1 Township to be covered by the proposed sewage system covering 8,606 acres for a tetel cost of $23,925.00 be, and it hereby 18, accepted. Upon motion by Supervisor Klein, seco~ded by Supervisor S~~~an? it was RESOLVED that the ~08rd of Bagan Township be, and it hereby is, ~ record supporting the formation of a federation of municipalities in Dakota County. It was noted that the initial meeting will be held on May l8, 1966, at 8:00 P. M. at the Rosemount School. Upon motion by Supervisor Klein, seconded by Supervisor Sch't~a;u; it was RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township be, and it hereby ie, on record opposing the establishment of any earnings tax by any municipality in the Tw:l.l.l Cities metropolitan area. It was further directed that copies of said resolution be sent to the mayors of St. Paul and Minneapolis and to the news media in the area. Upon motion by Supervisor Klein, seconded by 'Supervisor Schwan~ it was RESOLVED that the following beer license applications be, ann they hereby are, approved and the clerk hereby directed to issue the applicable annual licenses: 1. Harold's Center, 4030 Beau de Rue Drive, off sale 2. The Los t Spur, Highway Il3, on sale 3. Hillside Inn, 3385 Sibley Memorial Highway, on saId and off sale 4. Airliner Motel, 2788 Highway #55, on sale and off sale 5. Brooks Superette, 4225 Cedar Avenue, off sale 6. Carriage HUl golf course, Yankee Doodle Road and South Lextn2tt'tl Avenue, on sale 7. West End Hunting and Fishing Club, Route 2, Rosemount, Ou sal~ 8. Mu!'phy House, 2600 Highway /113, on sale . 4 . The application of Dou8la~ R. and Mary Witt, Route 11, St. Paul, Minnesota 55111 on Cnappel 1.M::1e fo.;'; an Ahat'~mc:r';'; of their assessed valuation from $1,450.00 to $938.00 was upon motion by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz approved. Upon motion by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz lt was RESOLVED Chat the Board of Equallzatlon of Eagan Township, be and it hereby is, authorized to meet on Jane 28, 1966 from 1:30 to to 4:30 P. M. at the town hall. Upon motion by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that the clerk be, and she hereby is, authorized to issue cigarette licenses upon submission of the applications to the cleT:'k.. Upon motion made and seconded it was RESOLVED that the town engineer be, and he hereby is, directed together with the fiscal consultant and town attorney to answer the letter from Suburban Engineering Company dated April 14, 1966 inquiring concerning certain sewer assessments coverlng property in Cedar Grove #5 and that copies of the letter be sent to the Board. Certain residents of Harvey Addition appeared concerning the proposed up-grading and dedication of streets in that Addition, particularly Rita Court and Random Road. After discussion and upon motion by 'Supervls(';~ Klein, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that the town engineer be, and he hereby is, authorized to prepare a preliminary study and to report to the board concerning the proposed cost and methods of improving and dedication of said streets. The town engineer presented a preliminary lay-out for the park including a ball diamond in Cedar Grove #5 and stated that he will b~ getting detailed grades and will prepare to stake the park soon. Upon motion all bills wer ordered paid. Upon further motion the meeting adjourned. 11' /7 / ez1 t< 1J;)4l:.'(~./ __ I Clerk