05/09/1966 - City Council Special }.irM1l'P.S CF A SPECIAl. ~TING C1 THE BOAlU) CF S7jpRP.-.-ISmS, EAGA~. TCMNSHIP Mo'1y 9. 1566 A special meeting of the Board of Superviccrs d~ 13gan 1 c-.ms hip , wes held at the town hall at 8:00 P. M. at ~,hich all memb~rs were present. The reading of t.he minutes of the p=evlous meeting was unanimou,sly wCiived. M-c. Raymotl..d Bowar requested a building permit for a garaea 22' x ?4' to be tr.o-,red onto his property on Wescott Road. Upon motion by Chainun Rahn a"ld seconded by Supervisor Klein it was RESOLVEt> that ca~d building permit be. ~nd it hereby 1s, issued. U~on m~ti~n by Chairman Rabn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLV!ID that Dallas Savage be, and he hereby is, authorized to cut the grass in Cedar Grove Park and at the town hall during the 1966 season at the rate of $30.00 per cutting in Cedar Grove Park and $5.00 for cutting at tbe town hall. Upon mot1on the ..et1ng adjourned. Dated: May 9, 1966. iJ.1'f uP ~k- Clerk