05/09/1966 - City Council Special (2) SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PLANNING COMMITTEE AND THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF EAGAN 'l'OWNSHIP, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA May 9, 1966 A special joint meeting of the Board of Supervisors and Advisory Planning Committee was held at 7:30 P. M. at the town hall at which all board members were present and in addition, Klingel, Wachter, Diffley, Polzin and Christenson from. the Advisory Planning COIIlIIlittee. Mr. McCubbrey and Mr. Kackelmyer from the Minnesota Highway Department and Mr. James BaBiou and Mr. Louis Wachtler of Dakota County were present. The purpose of the meeting was to permit the Minnesota Highway Department representatives explain the proposed interchanges and frontage roads along the proposed #351. The projected lay-out of the area in the vicinity of the interaection of Yankee Doodle Road and Highway 131 was discussed particularly in respect to the location of a frontage road to the north of 135E. The Highway Department representatives requested a resolution from the township concerning the proposed location of the frontage road. It was stated that a seven-ton road would be feasible for the frontage road. It was stated'by Super v~sdr Klein that it is the position of the township that Dakota County has agreed to take over Yankee Doodle Road for maintenance and reconstruction purposes. In addition the representative indicated that because of the projected heavy traffic at the intersection a full diamond interchange would appear to be necessary. The Advisory Planning Committee and the Board took the matter of the frontage road under advisement. However, the Board requested the town attorney to contact the property owners affected near the location namely: Edward Reed, William Reed, Walter Englert, and Donald Sandberg concerning the location of the proposed road on the East 1/16th line intersecting Yankee Doodle Road, one-quarter mile west of Highway 131. It was requested that the property owners be present at the next regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors to discuss the location. In addition the Highway Department representatives suggested that the town study the possible purchase of access up to 300 feet near the intersection of Highway #13 and Yankee Doodle Road and at other tmpartant access points. Other items of discussion included the suggestion that leg~slation be submitted at the next regular session of the Minnesota legislature covering the improvement of Cedar Avenue between Highway 113 and #35E. The Highway Department representatives further indicated that a full diamond would be installed at the intersection of #35E and 126 when jus~~fied by traffic flow in the area; that ramps going south at the intersection of #351 and #30 and in addition the intersection of #35E and Cliff Road would be programmed for the future when the traffic flows at those locations justify such installation; and further that the Highway Department will send lay-outs of these proposed intersections to the town engineer. The Highway Department representative indicated that acquisition of the right-of-way along the proposed $494 in Eagan Township is now being accomplished. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. ~ u ~'--<-- Secretary ... 2 -