05/17/1966 - City Council Regular MINU'lES OF A REGULAR MEETING OJ! nm BOt.PJ> Q\l' SUPERVISalS OF EAGAN TOONSHIP, DAKOTA CotIN'.ri, M1.1-.'NESOTA M~y 17. 1966 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Townshi!> was held at the town hall at 8:00 o'clock p. M. on May 17, 1966, with all members present. Chairman Rahn presided. Mr. William O'Neill, Mr. Boward Stacker, Mr. Rod Efress and i~. Pete parranto appeared on behalf of the application of William H. O'Neill to rezone part of Lot 3, Robert O'Neill Homestead from A, Agricultural to C-2 Heavy Commercial, and part of Lot 8, from A, Agricultural to a-I Residential. The Chairman announced that a public hearing had been scheduled at this time concerning the application and further noted that the Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval of the rezoning. Certain discussion ensued concerning the access street from the proposed golf course to Highway #49. Upon motion by Supervisor Klein seconded by Chairman Rahn it was RESOLVED that said application for re~oning be, and it hereby is, granted. The Chairman then announced that a public hearing was next scheduled to be held on the application of Theodore Wachter to rezone from A, Agricultural to C-l Light Commercial that part of the W 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 lying West of 1-35B as proposed and the B 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 10-27-23, Dakota County, and subject to an easement to Eagan Township for the road purposes over the Bast 30 feet of said Bast 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 to be rezoned. And further to rezone from A, Agricultural to R-6 Residential Multiple that part of the Bast 417.38 feet of the North 1077.38 feet of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 10-27-23 lying West of 1-358 a8 proposed. It was noted that the Advisory Planning COIIIllllttee recotlll1ended approval. Upon motion by Chairman Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Klein it was RESOLVED that said application for rezoning be. and it hereby 1s approved. - 1 - Upon motion duly made and seconded it qas RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting be, and they he@#Ö×Òare, approved 8S presented. The following bUildin~ permit applications were presented: Wenzel residence ~Y‹ 10 acre parcel on Blackhawk Road, $15,000.00. Marvin Joseph Gadient, Highway '55 in Section 12 onZÌâËÒEagan Town Line, re8idence with attached garage, $15,000.00. Upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz, seconded‘ sˆy Chairman RGhn it was RESOLVED that the foregoing buildihg permit applications be, and they hereby are,¤kéÞ€oved. The application of Dakota County Electric Co-op, Farmington, Minnesota for the construction of ‡d ˆstation in the W 181 feet of the S 241 feet of the SE t/4 of Section 30-27-23 containing one acre was neî% Þ€esented. It was noted that the Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval of the special use peÈ•c Ä Upon motion by Supervisor Klein, seconded by Chairman Rahn it was RESOLVED that the application for speèÂÒuse permir for the cOD8truction of the substation be, and it hereby ii, granted together with the req36|že building permit. The application of Northern Propane Gas Company for a building permit and a variancehcëÊ—r Ordinance #6 for a 10' x 48' addition on its office building and shop space in the N 1/2 of the ~W 1/4ÈVoY¹ection 19 near Highway #13 and Cedar Avenue, was next presented. It was noted that the Advisory Plann‰ÆŸŽ±ommittee recommended approval. Upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz aud scconded by Supervisor Klein it wasŒ&C*¥LVED that 8aid building permit application and variance be, and they hereby are, granted and the clerk ·ûÚ€ucted to issue the applicable permit. The application of Robert H. an~Joan P. Roplf, WutheringHeights Roq×sŒo~ ~ variance under the:hardship clause of Ordinance 16 to divide their property helng,l93.6 feet x 225 â6åÚÒin d~ension into two equal parcels. - 2 - It was noted that the Advisory Plannina Committee recommended approval on the basis that the division had:Lœ done by the original survey in 1959 prior to the enactment of the Eagan Zoning Ordinance. Upon motionºÀËì“ made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that said applicatioÂ!L€ variance to divide said property into two equal parts be, and it hereby is approved and the ordinance p„©Êé™ion be waived so long as all other requirements are ket prior to the granting of a building permit µ"J ‘luding the submission of a plat. Mr. Jerome Schweim, 6850 Portland Avenue, Richfield, Minnesota, appeaúލàon behalf of his application for a: building permit application for the construction of a concrete block b7âP›ng in the South 150 feet of the 275 feet of the N. E. 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 19-27-23. The Advisory RÔá„ning C01IIIlittee recommended approval of the application. Upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded êˆ$šairman Rann it was RESOLVED that .aid buil41ng pe~it application be, and it hereby is approved together wi^jµŠ‹pproval of a sign permit all subject to the understanding that the applicant grant a 17' easement to Dakot³òh‡nty for right of way on Cedar AVE'tlue. The application of Standard Oil Company, Cedar Avenue and Highway àto erect a sO' x l6' sign on its premises was next presented. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was REÉÆœ1·D that said sip pemit be, and it hereby is, granted. A proposed resolutoon recommending a Mendota BeightsN#Ìã‹tion for a proposed new Junior College was next presented. Upon motion by Supervisor Klten, seconded by SYŸº„isor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that said resolution placing the Eagan Board of Supervisors on record recomme+Êî it8 location in Mendota Heights be, and it hereby is, adopted and the Clerk be insturcted to forward theº¬lution to Mr. Phillip Helland, Secretary of Minnesota Junior College Board. - 3 - The Board next discussed the recommendgtion that Eagan Township officially recognize the July 4th celebrationa¡ ‡ally staged in Cedar Grove as an official town function. Upon motion by Supervisor Klein and seconded by £ÑÀé˜man RaM it was RESOLVED that the annual Independence Day celebration scheduled for July 4, 1966 be, and itnŽ¢—by is, recognized as an official Eagan function and further that the Clerk be ir~tructed to write the thrû‚ó‰hool districts represented within the town boundaries rewuesting that the marching band in each of the sch7 ’G–istricts participate in the parade. Residents adjacent to the proposed frontage road north of Highway #3õ[¼îar yankee Doodle Road and Highway #31 appeared concerning the location of the frontage road. There was no É涁ition to the location suggested by the Minnesota Highway Department and both the Board and residents felt (È÷é™ would be to their advantage. Upon motlon by Supervisor Klein and seconded: by Supervisor Schwanz, it was šzœ(¾VED that rhe Eagan BoBrd of Supervisors be. and it hereby is, on record apPl'ovingthe proposed new locatië¿¹ïŒ the frontage road on the East l/16th line intersecting Yankee Doodle Road, one quarter mile West of Highw“¯èVÁ1, and that a resolution favoring the location be forwarded to the Minnesota Highway Department. Upon mot‰ô ˆy Chairman Rahn seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that the followlng abatements be approved: ž¨¸‹a Armajani, Parcel 3748-A, allowed at Land - $300.00, Bulldlngs '~. '.,$?-,300.00 Arthur Le Tendre, parcl¢â¨µÙ-2, allowed at Land $785.00, Buildings , ; .$730.00 Mary Post, Parcel 3034-A, allowed at Land $3,507.00, â¾ –ings .. <$3,466.00 ." 4 .. The Town Engineer discussed the installation of storm sewers in Cedar Grove 15 statins that Mr. Jandric is installing a 24" storm sewer. According to his study, the engineer deems it advisable that a 66" storm sewer be installed in this area to serve all of the surrounding territory. He recommended that a 66" storm sewer be installed by Mr. Jandric in this area with the Town paying the difference between the 66" and 24" storm sewer cost. The Board requested that an investigation be made in regard to financing the project. The Town Engineer reported that a water main at one point on Rahn Road is believed to be covered by less than five feet whereas seven feet of cover ground 18 rec01llllended. He was instructed to notify Cedar Grove Construction Company to spot check the location of this water main and lower it if it is less than six feet deep. Upon motion by Chairman Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that the plans and specifications for sanitary sewer laterals in Cedar Grove 15 be and they hereby are, approved and the clerk be directed to advertise for bids to be opened June 7, 1966, at~. 8: 00 0' clock P. M. at the town hall. Upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz and i:leconded by Chairman Rahn it was RESOLVED to approve the plans and specifications for surfacing Rahn Road, seal-coating and curb repair in Valley View Plateau and repair of bituminous curb in Cedar Grove 11, 12, and 14 and advertise for bids to be opened June 7, 1966, at 8~00 o'clock P. M. at the town hall. Upon motion by Chairman Rabn, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it wa8 RESOLVED that the town attorney draw up a re8olutton making available top- ographic maps to developers at a cost of $5.00 per acre. - 5 - The town engineer was requested to check Beau de Rue Drive and make recommendations a8 to the repair of bad spots in the road. Upon motion by Chairmaa Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED to hire Martin Des Lauriers as full-time Police Chief starting September 1, 1966, at a salary of $650.00 per month and further that one full-ttme patrolman be appointed by the Board to be hired as of that date at a salary of $550.00 per month. It was FURTHER RBSOLVED that each shall receive 10 days paid vacation after one year's full time employment. The full-ttme patrolman shall further be authorized to attend the Minnesota State Crime Bureau Rooky School starting in September, 1966. The Board received the Auditors report for the year ending March 1, 1966, noting that cash balances were in order and decided to study further the recommendations for accounting procedures. On motion by Supervisor Klein, seconded by Chairman Rahn the bills as presented were ordered paid. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. Dated: May 17, 1966 tl4u ~ Clerk - 6 -