06/07/1966 - City Council Regular MINU'l'ES at A RlCULAll !tIBTING C'6 THE BOt\1U) at SUPERVISCltS or lAGAN TCIlNSHlP. DAKOTA COUN'l'Y. MINNBSOfA June 7>> 1966 A reaular~eting of the Board of Supervisors of Eal81l Townabip was held at the town hall at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on June 7, 1966, at which all members were present. Chairman Rabn presided. The readins of the minutes of the previous meeting was unanimously waived. Chairman Rahn then ordered the open1ng of the sealed bids received for the bituminous surfacing of Rabn Road by the Clerk and town engineer. The bids received were as follows: Bituminous Roadways, Inc. Total Bid $ 21,203.80 Bituminous Surface TreatiDS Co. 23,314.00 NcNamar a-Vivant 16,131.50 17 ,543.00 18,364.00 Northwest Bituminous Company Alexander Construction Company The town engwer was ordered to tabulate the bids. Upon IIlOtion duly ..de by Chairman Rabn, .econded by S. Klein, it was RBSOLVED that the bid be awarded to McNamara-Vivant for the SUll of $16,131.50 which includes a machine laid curbiDS. Chairman Rahn then ordered the openiDS of sealed bids for Cedar Grove '5 sewer system exten.loa by the clerk and town engineer. The bids received were as follows: - 1 - TOTAL BID $ 82,392.76 83,767.00 72,768.00 69,733.50 74,451.00 58,996.00 79,547.00 79,878.70 67,677.13 Binconi Company Ericks~ and Erickson, Inc. MOntgomery Construction Company Chaplll8n Construction Company C & L Contracting Company Austin Heller Company LeMay and Son McNulty, Inc. Randolph and Reed The town engineer was ordered to tabulate the bids. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Cbairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the bid for Cedar Grove '5 sewer system be awarded to Austin-Heller Co. for the total sum of $58,996.00 subject to defering a decision on the alternate deduction in the sum of $276.00. The clerk reported that there were no building permit applicatiODS. Mr. Douglas Dahlen appeared on bebalf of his application for a variance uncleI' zoning ordinance 16 in order to construct a gar8ge at 2096 Garnet Lane. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz, seconded by Supervisor Klein, it was RESOLVED that the application be, and it bereby is, granted provided that tbe garage extremity be no more than 6% feet frOlll the front lot line and in other respects conform to tbe ordinance. Fire Cbief Donald Van Insen appeared with other officials of the fire department requestins an amendment to Ordinance 114 to permit the payment to firemen of $2,400.00 per year for services rendered and c lasses attended each year. Upon 1IlOtion duly made by Supervisor Klein and secoaded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that the town attorney be, and he hereby is, directed to prepare an appropriate .. 2 .. amendment to the Ordinance #14; and FURTHER RESOLVED that Bernhard Ringberg be, and he hereby is, fuly appointed F~rst Assistant Fire Chief. Mr. Larry Wenzel and other officers of the Northern Dakota County Development Association appeared in support of.the construction of a town central water system in Bagan Township to coincide with the construction of the central sewer system. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahnt seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that a definite date for a public bearing on a proposed central water system be set at the next meeting of the board. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein aDd seconded by Chairman Rabn, it was RESOLVBI> to postpone the second aaeetins of the Board of Supervisors in June to tbe 28tb of June. Mr. Robert Mecay appeared on behalf of bis application for a special use permit to operate the Safari Club on Lexington Avenue and Highway #55. Upon motion duly made by Cbairman Rahn, seccmded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that the special use permit be granted upon the condition that applicants entering into the identical agreement previously in:force covering the operation of tbe club. 'J.'he matter of the acceptance of Yankee Doodle Road by Dakota couaty into the county highway system was discussed at length. Supervi.or Klein moved tbat tbe town attorney be directed to proceed with appropriate legal action against tbe Board of County Commissioners to support the terms of a previous agreement. The motion was defeated for lack of a secoad. Thereupon Supervisor Scbwanz movecl and Cbairman Rahn seconded. that a joint meeting be arranged witb tbe Dakota County Board of COIIIIDis8ionera for the purpose of discussing further the take-over of Yankee Doodle Road by the County.before deciding whetber or not to proceed with legal action. The motion carried witb Supervisor Klein abstaining. - 3 - Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Schwana the attached resolution requesting the Minnesota Water Pollution Control Commission to permit a variance fram tbe Minneeota River Classification Standards was unantmously adopted and tbe town attorney was directed to file certified copies thereof witb the Commission forthwith. ~. John Metcalf representing School District #191 appeared witb a request that the Board consider the installation of an amber light pole at tbe intersection of Cedar Avenue South and Highway 130 and the installation of two precautionary shhool crossing signs for north and soutb bound traffic on Cedar Avenue. Chairman Rahn directed the town engineer to report to the Board as to feasibility and cost at the June 28, 1966, meeting. the .pplication of Fairbanks Morse, Inc. for abatement of its assessment at 2760 Highway #55 was presented. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESOLVED to recommend tbat the full and true value be corrected 80 that tbe assessed value be in the sum of $2,869.00. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein, seconded by Supervisor Scbwanz, it was RESOLVED tbat the town attorney be directed to prepare an amendment to the building permit ordinance so as to require the paYJnllet of a $10.00 permit fee by all utility companies for installation of utility lines or appurtenant Equipment. Upon motion made and seconded, it was RESOLVED to approve and pay all bills as presented. {fpOlf. mot:l:c.f cItU:y ~:~3.. it was RESOLVED that the town e.1.1!Vk::be,.~lU11sJ:lE;..~~by is, directed to apply through the Toombs Insurance Agency of Rosemount for a Firemen's Accident Insurance Policy with limits '';; 1.... of $5,000.00 accidental death and $SO.~ a ~ lifetime diaability for the members of the Eagan Volunteer Fire Department. - 4 ... r Upon motion by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that the salary for secretarial services of Mrs. Bolke be, and it hereby is, increased $100.00 per Upon motion the meeting adjourned. Dated: June 7, 1966 dAjm A Clerk hi.