07/19/1966 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF A RECti'LAR MEETING OJ? mE BOARl) OF SUPERVISORS 07 EAGAN TOWNSHIP, DAKO';'j~ co\;:~;r", ~.i:'~:~~mSOT.A J~ll:i 19 ~ 1%6 A regular meeting of the Board of S-up3:r'v-isors of. Eagan Tmm.l3b:.tp '.YP,S beld on July Ut 1966, at 8:00 oCc:bc:k p.. Ua at the town hall at ~~hic:h :tV membGrs were present. Chairman Rahn presided. The minutes of thf: prev:l./):;;; J1.oeting were approved with the following exceptions: Upon motion d~i,i 'lIade by Chairman RaOO and seconded by Supervisor Klein it was RE~ourED th'::,,; an amended resolution relative to off-site improvements in Cedar Crov(' '!!j dated July 5, 1966, covering certain addit1on:ll aff-sif:~ imp:;:ov('!:ents 1",., and it hereby is, approved. On the Second page thereof concerning the moti0n by Sup~rvisor Klein relative to Yaa~ee Doodle Road the motion should read that only if the entire Board of Supel~isors of E?g~n u? irr\ited; In addition all bills were ordered paid. Mr. Marvin Kalash, 995 Shepard, St. Paul, Minn. appeared on behalf of a building permit and request for variance for the construction of a residence near 2183 Pilot Knob Road, on a parcel 84' by 358' apP'roximattn~ 30,000 square feet. It was noted that the 25' x 58' residence would be O~ a parcel be~~een two other houses that were built prior to the date of t.:!J Eagan ordinance. Upon motion by Supervisor Klein, seconded by Super.ris:",: Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that said building permit appl1catlo!1 and va!':i.anc~ be, and they hereby are, approved subject to the submission of a plot pla~ by the applicant. The application of William Bruestle, County Road #31 and the Town ROed in Section 16 for a building pe~it for the construction of a residenr.e war. defered upon motion by Chairman Rahn, and secC'nded by SupeI"'Tisor S~h":\Yan.z until the applicant rezones th\! property currently zoned A, Agric1.cltnrel and submits a plat for approval by the T0W11 Bos~d. - 1 - The application of O=d~ll O. Krebs, 2127 Jade Point for 121 x 20' addition to his residence, $3,500.00 was next prese~ted. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein seconrlcti by Chairman Rahn it was RESO:'-VED tMf: said building permit be, and it hereby is, granted. Mr. Russell Headley appeared on behalf of the application of U!):f:'a~, St. Paul, Minnesota for a building permit fo r the construction of 3"1 engineering office and laboratory building at 3333 Pilot Knob Road. It W~q noted that the Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval of the tluild- ing permit application. After discussion and upon motion by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED tbat said building permit application be, and it hereby is, approved subject to approval of plans and specifications by the Town Engineer. Mr. Russell Rau and Mr. Jean Parranto appeared on behalf of Shell Oil Company, 188 Otto Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota for a buidling permit to construct a service station at the Southwest corner of Cedar Avenue and County lOad #30. The Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval. Upon motion by Supervisor Schwanz, seconded by Chairman Rahn it was RESOLVED that said building permit application for a three bay service station at a cost of $25,000.00 be, and it hereby is, approved. Mr. James Sneberger appeared on behalf of the application of Spector Freight Systems, Inc., 205 Wcst Wacker D~ive, Chicago, Illinois, for a building permit for a commercial building on Highway #45 adjacent to property owned by the Gopher Smelting Company. It was noted that the Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval subject to the certain conditions. Mr. Sneberger submitted revised site and grading plans indicat~~g that thp. center line of the ex;.t onto Highway 1f.49 was p~rpendicular to said Higb\13Y 4;/~.?i and th~t the front tier of autnmobile parking would be 40 feGt f:~om the frGr-t - 2 - lot line. Upon t!Otion dt.ly' tMde by Chairman Rahn anti seconrled by Supervisor ,Sch~ll.nz it W<l3 RE.>Q',NED that the site plan and the grading plan of the above named applicant be, and it hereby is, appr~ved. 'nle Town Engineer presented a letter concerning his 1nve3tigation ()! sodding of boulevards in Cedar Grove Addition, which letter was datad July 19, 1966. It was noted that the Engineer suggested consideri!."l,g dy. requirement that cultured sod be installed in boulevards by develop\.:lrs in the future. The Board of Supervisors tabled the consideration of an add itio:la J. member to the sewer assessment committee. The town attorney presented certain proposed ncw and revised amendments to town ordinances which were considered and discussed by the Board. It was noted that the Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval. The engin-eer reported concerning the grading and filling of the proposed ball field in Cedar Grove No.5. Upon motion by Supervisor Klei~, seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED .tbat the Board of Supervisors directs the town engineer to explore all locations for the acquisition of additional earth for removal to the ball field site and to present an estimate of the cost thereof. Mr. Anselmo, Able Craft Fabrication, 3500 Dodd Road appeared concenlint~ an addition to his current building. It "laB noted that the proposed addit:.ton would be three feet from the property line. T'ne Board requested throt Hr. Anselmo present a formal application and plans to the Advisory Flanning Committee. Mr. Robert E. Daley, attorney from Burnsville appeared en behalf of Burnsville Investment Company relative to the acqu1sit;'t'f(\ of a bu:t:i.dil1~ permit for the construction of a Skelly station on the Stanley Sell prJpercy at the i"'.tersection of Interstate #1-91+ and County aoad 4131. ;:;r~, acti()"l ..;:,t." taken by the Board on the requ~st" - 3 - Upon motton by Super"i.~ot" Klein, seconded by Chait'll".an Rahn it ~7M RESOLVED that the Board of Sup3r..-isClrs cf Eagan T(J'I~'lship be, an1 ~.t hereby is , on record recommending th~t School District #197 give ~tr~ng con~irlsr~tio~ to the location of an elementary school on the 40 acre parcel owned by Martin Shields near the Southwest corner of Pilot Knob and Lone 03k R)&~. The tcnm attorney 't'1as requested to send a resolution to the schol'll di.&t},i..~.: informing them of the Board's recommendation. Upon motion by Chairman Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Klein it W~3 RESOLVED that a street name sign be, and it hereby shall be, erected Up~ll LeTendre Street. The Board discussed the inspection of certain alleged health and ordinance violations on the Clarkson property. Further investigation was requested by the Board. Mr. Carrol: and_Hr. Arthur Arenson appeared on behalf of the application of the Lutheran Evangelistic Movement, Inc. of Minneapolis, Minnesota to rezone 120 acres in the NW 1/4 of the hll 1/4 and the S 1/2 of the WN 1/4 of Section 35-27-23 from A, Agricultural to P, Public Facility. Certai~ neighboring property owners appeared relative to the public hearing concerning the rezoning. After discussion and upon motion by ChaiI'roBn Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Klein it was RESOLVED that S'lid public he?.:L':I.ng bet and it hereby is, rescheduled until the regnlar m".!~ting of the Board of Supervisors on September 6, 1966 at 8:00 P. M. Upon motion all bills were ordered paid. Dated: July 19, 1966. -~~ ~-L-/ ~ ___.__. C ICl'ir. .. 4 ,.